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Everything posted by Boombro

  1. I like the idea, a bare bone frostfall is what I may want all long instead of ff. The other stuff is pretty nice too! But really? We have to pay for that? No that not a good idea at all beth. IF you want to charge us mods, they have to be huge well made gear/magic packs or dlcs sized stuff. Not this s#*!.
  2. I thought this project would mean helping modders with large dlc sized mods, gear packs, weapons pack and more complex gameplay mods. I hope this a s#*! example, I will happily pay for a big well made mod np. This? Never. WTf beth.
  3. It can right be stable yes, but it very up to your mods. You can have the mod limit but they are small tweaks, or have only 10 and they are huge, buggy overhauls that makes your game crash. Also frauds? Oldrim is not stable and everyone knows, why you think there is many guides, post and mods about fixing skyrim? It all a dream?
  4. Have you tired the mod holds? There is also a lot of mods that adds more npcs. >My computer is going to waste with this dinky 2011 console crap. Play ark then lol.
  5. SSE is not unplayable, while there is not much mods. I only having a blast. For you SKSE based mods, I say lower your mod list, remove enb, lower your grass and play on a limited mod order to play said mod.
  6. Will, one can always ask them, who knows? They like modding and the modders as one can easily see.
  7. I want to do more passive, npcs like RPs and builds and I was wondering if anyone knows quest mods that one can play without any need for fighting whatsoever? Quests that are mainly story or exploring I mean.
  8. I dont think this is the only problem, there is still the modders will to port mods also. And idk about making something like SKSE buyable. The point is being free for everyone to use.
  9. Wait for sales and oldrim then is very cheap. Each dlc is like 5 bucks. SSE runs better (machines may vary. but most gained fps and less loading times.) The only clear difference is the modding pool. SSE still has a very nice mod pool with more to come. I think it better for those who did not play skyrim to get SSE since it cheaper, runs better, has come cool add ons and pretty much all of the mods are up to date.
  10. They said they want to make new games, best of luck to them. I would really love a new beth ip.
  11. Maybe the modders of said club will make SKSE patches if needed for free on the nexus, steam and other mod sites if they wishes. Nothing says why not.
  12. Long answer, how do you mod your game? If you want that heavily scripted gameplay run, normal skyrim is better thanks to the mcm and some bigger mods. You want the most immersion and real like mod list, old skyrim is better from what I have seen. If you say, want just a simple few mods and/or simply a prettier game that runs better, new skyrim is better for you. Personally I have both for different mod setups, but let me tell you, my old skyrim doesn't have as much textures mod as newer skyrim. Just mostly gameplay stuff and core texture packs like full hd and that it.
  13. I honestly prefer it to, kind of sucks, but hey. At lest it would not be that dated like fallout 4.
  14. I think maybe there should be a small place for smaller mod that gain downloads and views fast?
  15. I think it mainly for the games to last longer since the player and few of the devs can make dlcs sized mods. Since the modders will get paid for the work hours, this encourages them to do said dlc mods. I don't mind buying for a large mod that very well done myself. And if the modders was getting paid fairly while the mod itself hard to pirate, then I don't mind the system. Steam work was a shitty idea, this may last.
  16. Woah is that true? Source? That is false, look at the ps3 and xbox 360 skyrim fan base, they played skyrim for 5 years without mods. And there is a good number who plays skyrim without many mods. Same applies to all other beth games. One can easily play morrowind from the box for 200-500 hours and have fun. I have clocked oblivion a 1000 hours before adding anything and I had fun. Like how custom is your beth game, you don't play any base quest, use any base item you, trade with a base npc? Beth games mods are fun, but not to the point beth games are trash without them (unless if you hate the ugly ofc)
  17. I prefer that each npc has a live of their own like what normal in a beth game, but it doesn't hurt to add some lesser clutter npcs in some places. For example, let say we want to show that a city has a poverty problem. Leading beth example, there would be about 3-5 beggers and maybe 2 poor families, they will have few lines and talk with each, but they are very few it just looks odd. The witcher 1, would have about 20-50 people, they will share lines however and they would be a bore and maybe have the same faces, but the city will look the part. I say add to beth example, with those few people add about 20 other characters that are not in the way to add to the background that act as props and make a city feel big. Quantity can be a quality. Clutter npcs add to the atmosphere of the game and will make it immersive if it was fitting. To be fair it not the same and making a world complex, they are not hard to make and don't take long.
  18. Did you try stalker games? They are brilliant at hardcore gameplay.
  19. I'm female and I did play one, but it not really my taste by the end of the day. I like the game to be made hardcore from the start like stalker or Metro. Not beth games. Plus I prefer my hardcore games to be stable. So I just made weaposn do more damage. Not in a Beth game, but other games yes. Monster hunter, longest dark, darkest and DS. Nothing really hard about beth games at all. I'm a jumpy, coward person but that is for personal reasons and has nothing to do with being female. If a game is hard it is hard. If It scary it is scary. Maybe it more common for men to not be spooked because they show off thanks to social stigma? But that is a whole another topic. To answer op question on a whole, women play in many of ways just like men. The only real difference is what sexy mods they use and I use slotty male vault suit.
  20. I can see a a bit of a difference, but not worth the huge size. This is just bad, why it huge? Why it needs so much power? I may get it for some of a textures forgotten by mods till someone improves the texture pack.
  21. Idk about ui and beth and if they were ever make a good one for pc since they don't want the game versions to be different.
  22. Fallout 4 still has a good fellowship. I do a run every two months and still have fun myself. There has been some really great mods in fact.
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