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MMM Causes CTD's

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I've tried FCOM a couple times, and MMM on its own a couple times too. Inevitably, I'm foiled by something. I don't know why, but MMM always causes CTD's. I've even tried making it the only active mod. But, I'll get to various places where I get the "Loading Area" message, and the game crashes. I'm sure it's MMM, but I don't know why it refuses to work, even when it's the only mod. It's certainly not my computer. I can run over 200 mods, including Qarl's, on Ultra High quality, with barely a hiccup in framerate. It seems to just dislike that particular mod.
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Try disabling some of the modules in MMM. I've found that some modules, particularly Extra Wounding, always cause CTDs on my setup. But as soon as I disable the one or two offending mods it's perfectly smooth.
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Presumably you used BOSS to sort your load order?


"Presumably" is the right word, haha. Any time I run BOSS, it seems to mostly work, but I get some error message. I'm not sure if has to do with 7 and administrative privileges or what, 'cause my computer doesn't really seem to believe I'm an administrator.

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Try disabling some of the modules in MMM. I've found that some modules, particularly Extra Wounding, always cause CTDs on my setup. But as soon as I disable the one or two offending mods it's perfectly smooth.


Yeah, Extra Wounding seemed to make all my enemies turn green.... Something about the blood spatter, I think. I wanna say I disable all modules except the ones FCOM required, though.

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Presumably you used BOSS to sort your load order?


"Presumably" is the right word, haha. Any time I run BOSS, it seems to mostly work, but I get some error message. I'm not sure if has to do with 7 and administrative privileges or what, 'cause my computer doesn't really seem to believe I'm an administrator.


Win 7 and Vista have issues when certain programs and games are installed in the Program Files folder structure. Try uninstalling and reinstall outside of Program Files, such as C:\Games\Oblivion\ .

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Enemies turning green probably means that the mmm.bsa is not registered. You can do this manually by editing the Oblivion.ini file located in your Oblivion Saved Games folder.


Put it at the end of the line that starts with "SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa," add a comma to the end, then add mmm.bsa


So, it would look like this: SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, <a whole bunch of files>.bsa, mmm.bsa


But, I doubt whether this will help with the crashing, but you never know. Oblivion is just plain unstable. I crash all the time, and I don't care if MMM causes it, MMM (as part of FCOM) is worth it.

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