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Vampire lord bats power in human form?


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Is there any way to get the bats power you get when you change to the vampire lord form to work in the human form?

I already have the bat travel mod that lets me fly as a cloud of bats and fast travel. But I'd like to have to the small teleport power that's already present in the base version of Dawnguard.

I tried looking its ID from the powers list and spells but didn't find it. Also tried to look for mods but no luck yet. Creation Kit crashes when I try to load DG.


So anyone know the ID or a mod for this?

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I'm sure there is a mod somewhere that gives you the powers and spells of a VL in your normal form. I don't personally know it but if you do some digging I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for or something similar.


There is, and the bats power is basically the shout that lets you teleport ahead with a bat animation.


I don't find it very lore-friendly that you can use the OP spells as a human, but to each their own.

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