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Shivering Isles wont start


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Like the title says Shivering Isles will not start for me ! I just bought a new laptop and about 2 weeks ago I finished the SI main quest fine without any bugs.I made a new character a week ago and tried to get SI to start but it just wont. I started a new character a few days ago and still it wont work.I know I have installed everything to the right place I have owned Oblivion and Si for years and up until a few weeks ago it all worked fine.I have disabled all mods , even OMODs and everything tried it out and nothing.I have reinstalled both SI and Oblivion aboput 7 times now. Reinstalled in different places but nothing


Also when I load the mod in the CS none of the Si stuff shows like quests or items or worldspaces . I have gone ingame and tried to use the console to start the quests and nothing .I have a legal copy FYI and this is the first time these problems have ever happened. I have it installed away from the program files and I run vista.Oblivion still seems to run fine though.And I have never edited SI in the cs


Any help would be appreciated.I really want to play Daedric Wargames mod !

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For the Shivering Isles (Strange door in Niben Bay) quest to begin, you must have completed the tutorial quests, and at least one day after leaving the sewers must have passed.


But, if you say that none of the quests and items (all beginning SExxx) show up in the construction set, then that suggests that something is wrong with your DLCShiveringIsles.esp file. Have you tried reinstalling into a CLEAN folder, where Oblvion has not been installed before, ie. no cluttered Data folder exists?

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Open up your Start / Run menu and type in:



Do you have a DLCList.txt file in there, and does it have DLCShiveringIsles.esp listed?


You should also have a plugins.txt file in there, and it should be listed there, too.

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For the Shivering Isles (Strange door in Niben Bay) quest to begin, you must have completed the tutorial quests, and at least one day after leaving the sewers must have passed.


But, if you say that none of the quests and items (all beginning SExxx) show up in the construction set, then that suggests that something is wrong with your DLCShiveringIsles.esp file. Have you tried reinstalling into a CLEAN folder, where Oblvion has not been installed before, ie. no cluttered Data folder exists?


Nothing's wrong with DLCShiveringIsles.esp. That's dummy plugin for loading SI resources. What you have to look into is Oblivion.esm, which is 'modified' during SI installation(SI integrates all records into Oblivion.esm while installing).

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For the Shivering Isles (Strange door in Niben Bay) quest to begin, you must have completed the tutorial quests, and at least one day after leaving the sewers must have passed.


But, if you say that none of the quests and items (all beginning SExxx) show up in the construction set, then that suggests that something is wrong with your DLCShiveringIsles.esp file. Have you tried reinstalling into a CLEAN folder, where Oblvion has not been installed before, ie. no cluttered Data folder exists?


Nothing's wrong with DLCShiveringIsles.esp. That's dummy plugin for loading SI resources. What you have to look into is Oblivion.esm, which is 'modified' during SI installation(SI integrates all records into Oblivion.esm while installing).


Edit: My apologies, you are correct.

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For the Shivering Isles (Strange door in Niben Bay) quest to begin, you must have completed the tutorial quests, and at least one day after leaving the sewers must have passed.


But, if you say that none of the quests and items (all beginning SExxx) show up in the construction set, then that suggests that something is wrong with your DLCShiveringIsles.esp file. Have you tried reinstalling into a CLEAN folder, where Oblvion has not been installed before, ie. no cluttered Data folder exists?


Nothing's wrong with DLCShiveringIsles.esp. That's dummy plugin for loading SI resources. What you have to look into is Oblivion.esm, which is 'modified' during SI installation(SI integrates all records into Oblivion.esm while installing).


Edit: My apologies, you are correct.

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Yes i have also loaded main esm and where all the SI stuff should be its not there like under npc's there is no darkseducer or gs or under weapons i dont have the regular darkweapons or goldenweapons


Have you checked you DLCList?

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