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Thank you, SilverDNA, but how and where do I find it?


Thank you, Rheyne for your wonderful feedback.



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Buffy found the other triplets waiting for him at the place of the big old Captain Cosmos billboard, the strange purple tilted tower and the Gingerbread Inn. The last was one of a chain of fancy motels designed to look like gingerbread houses. It must have looked tastelessly awful when it was in use and now it was half buried in rubble but it was made of self repairing smart-materials and was in surprisingly good condition though thankfully it was now largely hidden.


The purple tower? It was one of those exotic technologies that had appeared in the Age of TechnoMadness, as the mass media called it. The gracefully ugly towers dotted the whole of the floating continent above, in the middle and below. Above? Yes, the SkyIslands floating impossibly above could still be seen at times though more than one had come crashing down on Doomsday. There were supposed to be purple towers even up there.


Purple towers were telewaytowers as built and maintained by TelewayCo that was just another TekCorp with out the obvious ‘Tek’ in the name.. Telewaytowers still functioned but not quite in the fashion that they did before Doomsday and one had to be foolish or desperate to use their services.


He ignored the purple tower, its fancy holographic displays trying to entice people to pay official electronic or solid currency for its special services. Instead he made his way around to its back where the triplets had a cleverly hidden entrance to their lair that was in the basement levels of the Gingerbread Inn.


Buffy was as close to looking Bobby as she could be while being a teen-woman. She wore similar gear as she sat waiting for him next to the entrance with a 5mm special calibre bullet firing submachinegun in her hand. Benny the neobaby, the third important part of the triplets, was snoozing in a pouch on her front. In one hand he clutched a half devoured lolly-ball on a stick which he had licked down to its middle layers with much gusto.


Benny had made the final decision on where their lair should be as he had been drawn to the Captain Cosmos billboard with its cheap 3D holographic special effects.


Bobby did not bother to tell Buffy about the raiders because she knew of them already, the triplets being linked in a special fashion. Yet he showed her the pump-action shotgun with pride. “One thing about raiders is for all their madness, they are professional fighters who keep their guns well maintained.”


She smiled. “Which adds to the mystery of them. Professionally trained crazy raiders coming apparently from nowhere and then suddenly going back there. Did you learn anything more?”


Bobby sighed. “Only that the raiders now seem to be hunting for us and they seem to know what I look like, at least. Which indicates an alliance, a conspiracy, of some sorts is going on. The raiders may have spies amongst the Wastelanders, or may be paying off informers, as the bandits, slavers, gangers, cannibals, druggers, weaponers and sultry other scum do in this lovely new homeland of ours.”


The triplets, Benny in his own way, earned a service-support allowance, bounties and bonuses for doing various special services such as bounty-hunting, intelligence gathering, intelligence analyse and a few others. What made them special was they were both amazing good at what they did and they often went after difficult, dangerous targets. They were paid normally by the semisecretive, reclusive, in some ways eccentric Orderhood of New Hope. Yet they also did work at times for the fragmented USC Government, the elitist Regulators and sometimes others that met their approval.


Buffy sighed. “Come on, a hot meal and coffee are awaiting your attention and Benny needs a nice, soapy, hot bath with rubber ducky, squeaky mouse and soapy banana.”


Benny woke at the word ‘bath’ and upon seeing Bobby he offered his ‘big little brother’ a lick of his lolly. Dutifully Bobby took a lick and then kissed his ‘little big brother’ on his head.

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The disappearance of the strange dagger that Benjamin Jackson had used to try to kill Jacky Jackson, was causing some trouble for Jacky. Sheriff Harry Callahan. Also called ‘Dirty Harry’, Callahan was known to be tough and to use his famed Magnum pistols to deal out justice. Despite his reputation, the truth was Sheriff Callahan was canny, very intelligent and liked to play with those who made foolish assumptions about him.


Jacky did not make foolish assumptions about the sheriff and was just as canny while being even more intelligent. They were alone in the sheriff’s cramped office that showed that while the Leadership Council and Guilds of Sugartown appreciated Dirty Harry’s services, they wanted to pay as little as possible for those services.


Jacky sat in front of the desk on an old but sturdy wooden chair made PostDD in some workshoptory somewhere. A workshoptory was a moderate sized workshop combined with a small factory and a shop. Or at least most of them were.


The sheriff spoke. “Are you going to tell me where the dagger went?”


Jacky shook his head. “This is way over your head, Sheriff Callahan. Could well be way over my head as well. The knife was not a normal weapon. It was of exotic technologies. I am not sure why I am telling you this. Jenny would give me a good slap if she heard me saying this. It is an important fact you need to know is that if that dagger had fallen into the wrong hands, a lot of death and destruction could have been caused. I sent it to a safe place.”


Callahan studied Jacky hard as a big blowfly hummed through the air and landed on a wanted poster, one of many, on a wall. “You, your sister, your special little sister, you appeared out of nowhere when you were six years old. Came strolling up to the main gate out of nowhere, just like that. I remember seeing you on that day. Even then, as a young adult, I knew there was something very special, very dangerous, about you but not dangerous to just anybody. So, despite that I should know better, I believe you. So, I am going to tell you something special in return. I am a Secret Regulator. My Regulator rank is Detective. Regulators, as you know, go after special targets but I am starting to think we Regulators are in way over our heads. I want to recruit the three of you, even the neobaby because I know she has some tricky tricks, as she calls them.”


Dirty Harry lent forward. “I am taking a big risk here and I am only doing so because I fear that some Regulators have turned bad including some up on the Regulator Council itself. I am going to suggest that you be recruited as a Secret Regulator, partly because your training as an electrician, and that you remain here for now to look around, to see what you can learn of what is really going on in this place. It is going to be dangerous and thankless work. I will be able to give you an allowance of sorts but don’t expect to get rich from it.”


Then the sheriff grinned. “Or I could officially investigate how the dagger vanished so amazingly.”


Jacky got the not so subtle hint, of course. “You have a deal. Can you give me any real idea of who or what we are supposed to be looking out for?”


Dirty Harry scowled. “No and that is what is driving me crazy. Something is going on, something big but well hidden, something that is breaking up the United Settlements of Centralia, something that is making it harder to deal with a whole lot of dangerous groups in the Wastelands, something that is linked, or may be linked, to a whole lot of odd incidents, many of them disturbing.”


The Secret Regulator Detective made no effort to hide the fact that he was deeply worried about what he suspected was going on. Jacky sensed only that the man was telling the truth, as unlikely as that might seem.


NOTE: PostDD means Post Doomsday or after Doomsday.

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I admire your solid style. As constant as a river flows. I can read that on and on and on........


SEE Wikki  Now the second season is running officially on SciFi.  To a writer this could be inspiring cause they merged/separated things from some legendary interesting movie and series into one main plot and for every episode. So have your fun. 



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I will have to get the show on DVD, rent or buy, because it is on pay TV here in Australia and I don't have access to pay TV. The show looks like a good one to see in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.



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