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Moira Brown picked up the dartgun that Bobby and Buffy Bobbins had modified. She smiled at them and aimed the gun at a target in the amazing altered cave chamber that was her combination workshop, inventionary, testing range, library, study and other things.


Benji the dog was licking himself in a very immodest fashion and threatened to fall over in a clumsy fashion as he often did. Benji was one of those pets that would never survive out in the true Wastelands. Moira adored him and was convinced that she could train him to be a wondrous survival hound; she was the only person who thought it possible.


“Accuracy is improved and the weapon can now carry more darts.” She turned and smiled at them, she being slimly voluptuous in a tight white Tshirt and blue jeans, the later being patched in three places. “Professor Brown wants to meet all three of you.”


The threat to Mayor Elaine Harrington had not emerged as expected. The group from CentraliaCity had set out back home, having achieved less than nothing. The envoys had complained that Megaton, like so many settlements that were not CentraliaCity, had no real understanding of how the United Settlements of Centralia should be run. No, only the United Settlements of Centralia Government knew how to do that.


The division between CentraliaCity and other USC Settlements continued to grow slowly but steadily wider.


Bobby spoke then. “Benny is with the Harrington Children being fussed over and playing wonderful games. The railspike rifle, or RSR, is a wondrous invention. How is it that you have managed to do so much amazing stuff? You are a special kind of genius!


Moira giggled and blushed. “Oh you, you lovely thing you. Ideas come to me in my dreams. Professor Brown says that they show how special I am. He comes down here sometimes and spends time with me. We play chess. We sleep together in the same big bed.”


Buffy sighed. “I hear whispers.”


Moira huffed. “Oh, not like that, you silly. No, nothing naughty. I put on my Mickey Mouse nightshirt and he puts on his pyjamas and we talk. Sometimes he tells me wondrous tales of his travels and adventures.”


Bobby smiled at Moira. “Would you like us to help you with your Wasteland Survival Guide Project?”


Moira smiled richly. “Excellent. Firstly, I need one or more volunteers to check out the SuperDuperMart close down by the Peace River. It is part of my section of scavenging for food. SuperDuperMarts must still have plenty of good resources. Anyway, maybe you can check out those strange stories that I have been hearing of odd little creatures living there.”


Buffy smiled and nodded. “We can send a special friend to do the job for us. Would that be okay? No reward is necessary.”


Moira snorted and thrust out her chest, stretching her Tshirt some what. Men and older boys came to her Special Goods Emporium just to see her do such things. “I insist on giving you two improved dartguns, a supply of darts, two stimpaks and two cans of SPAM. It’s real SPAM, not that other stuff called CRAM.”


Bobby nodded. “Very well, then, we accept.”


They bought a few small items and then departed with a promise of meeting Moira again soon.


They stopped outside on a metal balcony that was over top of the Brown Family’s shop called Craterside Supplies. They looked out over the crazy almost chaos that was Megaton inside its great big crater, the walls beyond and the aircraft sections raised above.


Buffy sighed. “I doubt that she knows she is an android. Experimental replicant or even more, a super-replicant. I wonder if Professor Brown created her.”

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Professor Brown smiled as he walked up to them. “No, but I rescued her, reprogrammed her after repairing her as much as I could. Yes, she is a super-replicant but when the RDVault she was in was partly destroyed and then totally abandoned, she was left behind to rot. What ever attacked RDVault-A10Z had left a real mess. As she had been attacked by that same dark force, she was part of the mess. Who or what ever else survived the attack must have fled.”


“I did not go deep into that VaultTekVault because it was just too dangerous. Something very nasty was there. I took up the android and some other stuff, then retreated very smartly. She thinks that she was born in Canterbury Commons and then moved here with me. Indeed we staid there for a while before we came here and I made this my base of operations. OummuO came to me once and told me that you would be coming here but not much more than that. Are you part of the Unity Thirteen that OummuO is also part of?”


Buffy responded. “Yes! Are you part of the Guardian Thirteen?”


Professor Brown nodded. “A good guess, if that is what it is. The Guardian Thirteen took on a series of project of almost impossible odds and we have had great difficulty in even trying to carry them out. OummuO has given us some valuable assistance but also what it called ‘clues’, over time.”


“Older clues given are OummuO of Unity Thirteen, the Nine of Unity Thirteen, Orderhood of Steel, Guardian Thirteen of Centralia, Centralia is not just Centralia but is more than Centralia, from SkyIslands looking down, Centralia above, in the middle and below; assume nothing, not even your own existence; focus Doomsday focus and count them all, list them all and network them all.”


“Newer clues given are Old Patriot Thirteen, the New Patriot Thirteen, the New Patriot Republic, what Nathan really knows, the Unity Thirteen, the human rot in Centralia City, the Retirowa as Samsu, what Elder Owyn Lyons knows, Datafile 768-0987-098-RAN-980-098 in the Smithsonian University Museum, SVR Normalville in TekVault0101 and the rise of UnityFree.”


The two triplets looked interested.


In the distance Sheriff Lucas Simms was having a go at some newcomer for p****** in public, especially as there were the public mens rooms available. The fool was fined lightly for his troubles and warned about the consequences of future infringements.


OummuO came out of mid air and communicated as it hovered there but only the professor and the Bobbins could see or hear it. “More clues. Focus at CNR, the quest of the Survival Guide of Moira Brown, hidden darkness in the Clansdom, badness and hope below Sugartown, Centralia as central to the world, Project Purity purifies good or bad, enemies come and go but the real enemy is always here and clues relate to one another.”


Then OummuO was gone as quickly as it had come. It was frustrating but all three were used to it.


Also in the distance some children were playing with a pet dog that sometimes worked as a tracker. The dog was chasing a thrown stick and taking it back to a boy with an eye patch. The boy and the dog seemed protective of a skinny little girl.


Buffy then spoke. “We are being spied upon by the strange Mr Smith.”


Mr Smith wore a slightly stained and wrinkled business suit plus eight of the quasiFifties style. He was a sneaky, soft spoken man with dark sunglasses that he wore even at night or indoors. He always had a large pistol tucked away in a shoulder holster beneath his suit coat and a black briefcase that was chained to his left wrist. There was something dark, cold and inhuman about Mr Smith, something dangerous.


Sheriff Lucas Simms was not the only one who was very wary of him. Even Colin Moriarty did not like that Mr Smith spent so much time at the Moriarty Saloon though normally he was happy to welcome any customer with money to spend. Mr Smith always had money to spend and bought a slow but steady flow of drinks. Mr Smith showed no interest in the dancing girls or barmaids or waitresses at the saloon.


So they parted ways, even Buffy and Bobby going in different directions.

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A tremble went through Centralia that was felt from shoreline to shoreline. In other parts of the world this might not have surprised people, being taken as just another experienced earth tremor but this was new to Centralia, very new. Animals, people and other entities were very surprised. As it was not repeated, most did forget it soon enough and go back to their old lives. Yet there were plenty who did not ignore it, who were concerned and who responded to it in many active ways.




The Orderhood of Compassion and the Orderhood of Protection were fused into one as the Orderhood of the Way. They became the Orders of Compassion and of Protection beneath the umbrella of the Orderhood. Then formed and joining were the Order of Healers, the Order of Bards, the Order of Construction, the Order of Pathfinding, the Order of Guardianship, the Order of Sagedom, the Order of Research and the Order of Metaphysics.


It was publically revealed that the real origin of the Orderhood of the Way was the Clansdom who served and supported it though the Orders served across much of Centralia that was outside of the Clansdom. There came the official statement that the Orderhood were not spies; the Clansdom did have its spies, of course, but they were not linked to the Orderhood.




The irony of Wastelands dangers was that a defenceless person could walk from one end of Centralia to the other and have a fair chance of getting into no danger as long as he had basic equipment and supplies. Why? Because of the spread out nature of wildlife, flora and fauna, that could be of any threat. The more threatening creatures were, the less common they were, the less threatening they were, the more common. Molerats would run away rather than attack except a few rogue males or those guarding a nest. Deathclaws and other big predators were spread thin over wide territories so as to get enough to eat and anyway, they were wary of attacking humans because they were smart enough to know about guns. Bandits, slavers and other such threats were to be found mainly in certain areas because they did not go where they could not find victims. Rogue robots were only found in relatively few areas. Such as radscorpions were fairly lazy and only went after humans if they came relatively close.


Yet, having said this, making such a journey was not advised.




The surviving, fairly common exotic tech resources, often called exoticatech, are seen as dangerous or chancy to use wonders. The purple towers of teleportation, the ever refilling vending machines, the grey preservation cylinders, duplicators, replicators, the Skytowers linked to the SkyIslands, the rejuvenators, the regenerators, the healervators, the red rocket towers of atomic energization and more. To a people normally in shortage of at some important resources there was always a strong urge to risk using such devices, whether or not they did so. The results could be anything from very good to very bad.




The irony of having large, organised military forces with at least moderately good soldiers, training, equipment and supplies was that nobody could really afford to take each other on in large scale warfare. This kept even relatively powerful factions from warring against each other for a long time lest they become so weakened they became victims of yet other forces or simply could not find the resources to regain their old strength again. The gains of victory seemed rarely to out weigh the losses of actual warfare.

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As the Ashworth Triplets had begun to project Aphant, the Jackson Triplets began to project Jack’O’Man, the tall, broad shouldered fighting man with a kind of cowboy gunslinger, Wasterlander survivorlist and hero mixture to him.


Jack’O’Man first appeared in the Jackson household, startling their mother out of her wits. Then Jack’O’Man sat quietly as a large cat rubbed herself against him and purred; the working pet didn’t normally go for strangers but she liked him as she did the triplets.


They were in the commonroom of the nicely furnished house which was fairly basic, neat and clean. A sowing machine, a refrigerator and other items showed the family was not poor but neither did they have the toys or other signs of the rich such as the Sugartown Guildlord Families were.


Jack’O’Man came with one outfit and some equipment but they all had special qualities to them. Billy Jackson came home and was soon chatting with him as if they were old friends; he did not realise that Jack’O’Man was in many ways a copy of his own better personality traits. Amalda knew this and gave Jacky and Jessy an odd smile.


Jack’O’Man spoke. “We got to find out what the Guildlords are hiding down below their part of Sugartown. Billy and Amalda, have you got something more to reveal than that you are Clansfolk?”


Amalda nodded. “We have been followers of the Orderhood of Seekers, being in our case the Order of Seekers of Secrets. You could say that we are spies of sorts but we emphasize seeking secrets of special kinds. You triplets have always been linked with OummuO and because of that we were to learn more about you. Yet we became your parents that and became more of a central role than any other. The Elders of our Orderhood and Order have not been too pleased with us in general. In ranking I am surperior to your dad.”


Billy added. “We wanted you come come to the Clansdom because we want you to meet our people, who are now your people also, but also because we fear the danger that is arising here in the USC of raiders, a civil war and other threats. Only now we have learned that tensions are also rising back in the Clansdom that might cause there some kind of civil war. It is only too clear that some kind of powerful, subtle, cunning forces are manipulating those and other troubles.”


Jack’O’Man spoke then. “The unknown is most frightening and is most likely to cause panic. No actual threat has arisen except for such as the raiders, both the old kind and the newer kind that has been showing up. Clansfolk think they come from the SkyIslands.”


Amalda poured some cool muttfruit juice into some clay mugs. “Yes, but is that their origin or is that just some kind of staging post. A few Clansfolk now suspect the raiders might come from what we are now thinking of as NeoCentralia, a great creation that neither Unity or the Patriot Thirteen actually created. Now we must further confess. The Clansfolk have sent small expeditions, led by Sister Pathfinders, through the transdimensions to what you did call UnityEarth. They were there only a short time, did not learn a great deal but enough to convince them that both Unity and Patriotoza, what most people know as the Patriot Thirteen, did not create such a vast realm, could not have done so. Unity and Patriotoza were both tricked into joining in, into giving energies to its creation.”


“So many have had many small pieces to a great big puzzle and now they are sharing, or at least starting to really share, those pieces.” Jessy took up a small clay mug and passed it to the neobaby who was sitting on the table with a small, fluffy kitten curled up against her. The neobaby gripped the mug and took a gulp of muttfruit juice.


“Much much is yet to be learned.” Jacky spoke. “So, how do we get down there and find out what the Sugartown Guilds have been up to?”


Plans were made but they including contacting Sheriff Harry Callihan and getting him to assist them as a Secret Regulator Detective. Then there was Jack’O’Man and his special tricks.

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OummuO as Stella made her way towards Old Olney and then parked her battlebuggy carefully where it was well hidden. Leaving Tover the dog and the MrGutsy to guard the battlebuggy, she found high ground and hidden she spied upon the odd ruined structures of Old Olney. From the first she picked up the sounds of shooting and the sight of what could only be a large barricaded up building. Then she closed her eyes, focused her mindeye and had a visioning of multiple impressions.


A number of ghouls, in a range of obvious ghoulification, were fighting desperately to defend their one and only big, occupied building from a very savage attack. Deathclaws, huge and powerful, were smashing against the barricaded windows. Deathclaws had great, powerful bodies with amazing speed, strength, endurance, agility, thick flexible armoured skin, retractable claws, fangs, venom stabbing tails and spinedarters, twin spinedart shooting weapons often hidden to view. Deathclaws were partly the result of wild mutations but also of human experimentation.


The radioactive fallout from the dirty thermonuclear weapons that had destroyed a few major cities and military bases in World War Three, had led to extreme wild mutations even before Doomsday had taken place. Before that there had been the atomic bombs dropped on Japan, some nuclear disasters at fission nuclear power stations and the mysterious event at the Australian Heart. The first, smaller clawbeasts had been found in the Australian Outback where Australian native people had learned to hunt and kill them safely. Those had been far less deadly than deathclaws.


OummuO as Stella then saw something far more disturbing, in its own way, than deathclaws. The tall figure of a man in strange deathclaw like power armour stood with other humans also in power armour but also deathclaw like humanoids with body-armour and guns of various kinds. The tall man was somehow controlling the deathclaws with his mind.


OummuO had sensed disturbing energies and activities of various sorts in Old Olney but something had stopped OummuO from getting close to the structure. OummuO as Stella did not seem to be having the same problem. It lent strength to OummuO’s theory that itself was under a powerful form of alien attack that did it no harm but limited its actions in some ways. Indeed OummuO was fighting a war against another very exotic alien on terms that were very difficult to understand by human terms.


OummuO as Stella called for Tover and then the two of them slipped down a rocky laneway like gully of sorts, a almost natural path bordered and overhung from one side from big slabs of metallic stone thrust into the air at a sharp angle.


Something deadly and terrible shot overhead, a wingclaw, that did not detect the woman or her companion. The flying version of a deathclaw was followed by two more and OummuO as Stella sensed that these creatures were under control. Yet she began to understand that the control was only partly done through any form of domination. It was partly done through a strong, reliable promise of friendship and support in many ways but also of strong leadership.


OummuO as Stella was human-alien hybrid in nature and this allowed her a finer understanding of such an alien alliance. This was not slavery. Even as she got closer, the woman saw killclaws, about a third as large as deathclaws, moving in larger packs than those of the deathclaws.


The one called the ClawLord, he was in truth human clawbeast hybrid, was a so called humanclaw. Around him were other humanclaws including aides, lesser ranking officers, bodyguards and three wives. Only the wives were female but they were not meek and they were armoured, had weapons and seemed more menacing than the males in some way though they were obviously smaller. Smaller still met tall and broad of shoulders.


It came to OummuO as Stella that the ghouls were being used as part of fantastic war games. The firing continued and it seemed that the ghouls had a fairly good stock of weapons and ammo. Something told her that this was no accident, that it was no good having an enemy force in the war games that would be defeated too easily.

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She found the utility-hole hatch and Tover shapeshifted from being a dog to being a chimpanzee. The two of them went down into crooked and fragmented tunnels, carefully closing the hatch behind them. They were soon approaching Old Olney as quickly as they could along a fairly difficult route that often forced them to crawl.


They dropped into a utility tunnel that was under good condition and now they were in Old Olney proper, down amongst a maze of experimental complexes, specialised manufactories, specialised workshops and many other facilities. Refined engineering projects had taken place at Old Olney under the official control of a government and corporate coalition including the United World Government, the United Nations which had become a kind of senate linked to the UWG, the United States of Greater America and other forces.


But the official story, as was the case with so much when it came to Centralia, was not quite consistant with the truth; at least not with the whole truth. The upper Old Olney was indeed what it was supposed to be but beneath that was a second, more secret area.


Along a typical utility tunnel, with off shoots and intersections, the two of them ran, Tover shapeshifting once more into a dog. They turned a corner and facing them was a monstrous creature, a deathclaw. It turned and then twisted to charge at them with a roar of rage. It moved with amazing speed, agility, grace and power for its size.


Tover shapeshifted and became another deathclaw but bigger, faster and stronger than the other. The real deathclaw was taken by surprise, was hurled backwards to crash into a wall. It slid semiconscious to the floor of the utility tunnel and then Tover stung it with his tail. The other deathclaw was not dead, far from it, but it would be down for a long time.


Tover spoke in an odd growly voice. “Deathclaw attacked us out of fear. Something was scaring her. Not easy to scare a deathclaw.”


OummuO as Stella knelt and touched the deathclaw’s head even as Tover shapeshifted back into a dog shapeform.


OummuO as Stella then spoke. “ClawLord SeGrezzin is but one of nine ClawLords who serve the ClawKing with his three ClawQueens. In truth the ClawQueens often act as direct commanders, each of three of the ClawLords. The number ‘thirteen’ arises again in the destiny of Centralia. SeGrezzin is not linked to the darkness hidden here in Old Olney, at least not directly. What that really means, is not clear because I am picking up largely empathic impressions from a deathclaw mind. This deathclaw came with two others to surprise attack the ghouls but something attacked them and destroyed two of the deathclaws. The things came in a swarm and the deathclaws destroyed very many of them in a mighty fight.”


Something scuttled along the tunnel towards them, something metallic and glistening, something about a third of the size of a deathclaw, something with a strange banana shaped head ending in terrible metallic glistening jaws with in jaws that telescoped out. Black arms ended in terrible claws as did its two legs and it had a long whip like tail. It hissed and dripped toxic acid that melted small holes in the floor before the acid became neutral.


Then it ran towards OummuO as Stella and Tover. OummuO as Stella slipped out a revolver-pistol and fired it with splendid speed and aim but what shot from the barrel was a bolt of energy. The hunterbug vapourised dramatically and none of its lightly acidic, highly toxic blood escaped.


Other hunterbugs charged at the pair and Tover shapeshifted into a metallic dog like creature with a metallic weapon turret rising from his back. The barrels began to spin and shoot out a mixture of flamepulses, pulsebeams and blasterpulses. More of more of the terrible metallic black creatures came and they died.


Then they were all gone except for some burn marks and small holes, an awful left over smell metallic and sharp and some burned, blasted bits of hivaca bug. Tover returned to his dog shapeform and OummuO as Stella carefully burned away the remains of the hivaca, the toxins of which were still dangeros to some extent.


The deathclaw woke up and yet did not attack. A psychic message was relayed through this creature to OummuO as Stella from the ClawLord.

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OummuO as Stella, Tover and the deathclaw moved through the maze of utility tunnels until they went down a ramp tunnel into what turned out to be sewer tunnels. Of course the sewerage no longer flowed, along with waters, and the floor of the tunnels was exposed as well as the raised metal walkways.


Then they came to a large chamber, a circular intersection, where raised walkways met at a raised disk platform. Like the walkways it had safety fencing. A metallic column of armour metal and machinery rose straight up through the centre of the platform, a great shiny cylinder.


ClawLord SeGrezzin stood there tall and monstrous in deathclaw stylized power armour. With him was one of wife and a bodyguard. Like the ClawLord they were tall and menacing in power armour and carried large guns but these were aimed at the metal decking of the platform.


The ClawLord spoke. “I gave you my title and name through telepathy. You speak of being one Agent Stella Alpha who serves one OummuO. I have heard strange whispers of this OummuO, an alien entity that is ever elusive but ever interfering in the affairs of others. I am a ClawLord in service to the ClawKing himself and also the ClawQueen, the ClawDuke and the ClawDuchess. Nine ClawLords there are but not all nine lead armies, far from it. Who would run the administration, make our machinery work and make sure that the ClanHigh Four stay safe? Humanclaws we are, hybrid oddities born right here in Old Olney, or at least deep beneath it in a RDVault down there.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “I am Agent Stella Alpha and this is my dog, Tover.”


The ClawLord laughed, a strange sound. “Tover is your companion but he is no mere dog. No, the psychic and other energy signatures are all wrong for that to be true. I have a problem. The ClawKing himself sent me here, with my army, to play wargames, to conquer Old Olney. Only, to my surprise, some force has given the ghouls extra equipment and supplies. Some of them have power armour and miniguns. They have been given battle-turrets and sentrybots. You were spying on me. I sensed you though not your actual location. You saw my deathclaws and other fine forces attack the ghouls’ fortified building. Then you were no longer observing and you missed the killing of many of my fine followers. It was a trap made to seem much easier to breach than it actually was.”


The ClawLord growled softly in rage. “If that is not bad enough, I pull back my wounded and dead, only to find that the forces I sent underneath through the utility and sewerage tunnel networks have been attacked by a previously unknown menace. At least we did not know they were here. Hivaca are nasty, very nasty. Hive minded, secondary shared mind, they came with this great big floating continent when it came splashing down into the Atlantic Ocean.”


The ClawLord hissed. “Now we have to clear them out. Destroy them all, especially the damned egg laying queen and subqueens. Then we can teach those ghouls not to be so damned clever.”


OummuO as Stella spoke then. “Let me go ahead and investigate the situation. There is a force hidden here that may be beyond you and yours. I suppose you serve the Patriot Thirteen.”


The ClawLord hissed. “Once, perhaps, we did so but now we are independent. Other clawkind serve various masters, some willingly, some not so willingly. Others exist out in the wilderness struggling to survive like primitives. Clawbeasts they call us but we are intelligent, even the lowliest sneakclaws.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “And the cuteclaws.”


Somehow ClawLord SeGrezzin managed to radiate some embarrassment through even his armour. “We do not speak of those. You want something from me in exchange for scouting ahead for intelligence?”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “The ghouls, I suspect, were tricked into coming here and set up for death. I will try to save them and have them leave peacefully. Then you can focus on dealing with the hivaca infestation in Old Olney.”


“Yes, for the sake of dealing with the greater threat, I will accept though I would truly love to kill those ghouls with great cruelty.” The ClawLord hissed. “You go and I will hopefully see you here soon. The ClawKing is not known for his great patience.”


“Since you are the ClawLord, I suppose that you would know.” OummuO as Stella responded. “Nice story but I know you have only the one army and that you badly need a new home after something drove you and your followers out of your last one.”


The ClawLord snorted steam in annoyance through his armoured helmet. It was a neat trick. “There are three ClanQueens, my beloveds, nine ClanLords of various titles and areas of responsibility. All are fairly close to this place. In truth I also have the title of ClawLord so I can speak truth when I call myself such, making psychic truth sensing harder to get past my barriers. Yet you did this.”


OummuO as Stella spoke. “I used reasonig, not psychic ability, to discover your true identity. I go now but we will speak soon enough about Unity and the need for useful alliances of mutual protection and support. Dark times are coming beyond anything of the past experiences.”


Then she turned and vanished with amazing speed, as did Tover with her.

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