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Alphana had the OrbisOrb stored away somehow even as she, Sarah and the other power armoured soldiers made their way through the suburbs of the capital city of the USC. They passed huddled crowds of exhausted, half starved, rag wearing and frightened people. Over the last year, somehow hidden from the rest of the USC from which it had become isolated from in many ways, the city had become an oppressive prison for many of those who lived there.


Alphana made items appear that in truth were generated by OrbOrbis from a limited list of such items. She gave out survival blankets of comfortable quality, ration-packs of food that could be safely digested by malnourished people, healing serums, nutrition supplement serums, sets of basic comfortable survival clothes, tents and some others. She seemed to take the items out of a lightly armoured backpack but she took out of it far more than could fit in a normal backpack.


They left any of the refugees behind and passed into a combat zone where rebels were fighting a desperate fight against outnumbered but far better equipped enemies. United Settlements Guardsmen in body-armour and fatigues had M161A3 autorifles with built in grenade-shell launchers. But for every Guardsman there were at least two other rebels who did not even have that equipment.


The enemies were the elite soldiers of the CentraliaCity Guard, the CCG, created about a year ago and expanded-enhanced since then. The CCG troopers came in assault power armour, in battle power armour and they had battlebots, sentrybots and mechas assisting them.


Sarah crouched behind part of a broken civic statue aiming her triplegun at an enemy mecha power armoured soldier, a massive three metre tall monster stomping along as it fired off 30mm autoguns and 5.5mm miniguns. She fired off a minimissile and one leg of the mecha exploded, dropping the whole armoured monstrosity onto its front.


Unity had risen in the city when UnityFree had learned that a great treacherous crime was being planned. After an elite number had escaped from the big, important USC metropolis, it was to be nuked, the nuclear explosion made more destructive by the dome that covered the city.


Sarah wondered how it was that Unity had risen with such sudden strength in the city so as to challenge the dark elites. In the distance, across the courtyard, Alphana was taking small robots out of her backpack and unleashing them on the enemy. They were eyebots with improved speed, cunning, armour and triple-laserguns.


Other enemy soldiers came charging into the courtyard. Bullets and shells, pulsebeams and other destructive forces were unleashed. A 30mm grenade-shell exploded and threw an enemy in assault power armour dramatically through the air. He struck the ground and lay still for a moment. Then the body shuddered as a jet of black mist shot out of it before the armoured corpse lay still again.


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The USG soldiers came in assault power armour into the city and they came with M60Z battletanks of varied kinds, some having 100mm caseless shell firing cannons, others big pulselaser cannons or pulseblasters or multiple purpose missile gattling-launchers or even 40mm quadguns or 60mm duoguns. The Guardsmen had been influenced by Unity in general, by UnityFree in particular, to take over a hidden armoury full of the battletanks.


Small two crew vertibirds came darting through the air, sleek and pointed with a pilot forward and gunner behind operating pulselasers, 20mm autoguns and hardpoint placed rocket-pods.


Alphana observed them through her mindeye and then reverted to using her eyes to look around herself at the big central government buildings. The Governance Plaza was splashed with blood and dotted with burning machinery and bodies. Rebels had used stolen and altered big laser tools to cut through the armoured doors of the Senate House.


A Soldier of Steel aimed his minigun and unleashed a volley of 10mm caseless bullets at a defendor robot scurrying spider like down the grand stairs in front of Senate House. Then the robot exploded.


Which was when the tall, angular dark humanoid came out of the doors and stood there in its dull dark grey skin and metallic robes and boots of the same colour. It had a hood that largely hid the face and black goggles that did much the same. Metallic spiked gloves covered the hands. In its right hand it held a long, slim grey metallic staff and in the other a round, curve front grey metallic shield.


Which was when all the fighting stopped as if something powerful and subtle, or more than one something, influenced this to happen.


Alphana stood and strode into the open and then she spoke. “The darkness that dwells deep within Centrolis that is also called Centralia, you are part of it.”


The tall figure turned and snarled but it was more demonic than animal in nature. “OummuO is with you, is linked to you. UzammazU speaks to OummuO through you, you who are nothing. UzammazU speaks of ancient times long ago when OummuO tried to destroy UzammazU in far off dimensions alien to you but nature to both OummuO and UzammazU. UzammazU was greatly harmed. UzammazU was greatly angered. UzammazU fled through time-space.”


Alphana smiled coolly. “I am the child of OummuO. OummuO speaks through me at times but I can speak also for OummuO. I know of you UzammazU but you are but part of this great evil that came with the Centrolis from where ever it had travelled to.”


UzammazU nodded. “The children of UzammazU are the Patriotoza, also known as the Patriot Thirteen, but they are a disappointment to me. Thankfully I have other children who would not be so determined to see themselves as having any importance beyond being my children. My good children assume that they are expendable to my needs and desires.”


Sarah wondered what the pair were talking about. She was tempted to try to shoot at the tall figure about what that something subtle but powerful stopped her from doing so. She did not know it but it was Alphana who was stopping her and thus was saving her life.


Alphana frowned. “Why are you here in CentraliaCity?”


UzammazU looked around. “A primitive name for a primitive concept. I am not here because this is CentraliaCity. I am here because here is where I must be. UzammazU must be here. You are trying to find out what happened to the Ancients, the false immortal humans who created the Centrolis and launched into time-space, through a transdimensional warp. What you do not know, what OummuO does not know, is that UzammazU assisted the false immortal Ancients to gain their false immortality and to create the Centrolis that meaningless mortals now call Centralia. Yes, I am here because ZammaZ is here and ZammaZ is the collective evil projection of the Ancients that you speak of.”


UzammazU frowned. “ZammaZ brought the Centrolis to this world against the desire of UzammazU. ZammaZ stopped UzammazU from killing the false immortal Ancients who are hidden deep inside Centrolis somewhere even I can not find them. ZammaZ and UzammazU fought hard and both ZammaZ and UzammazU were damaged. UzammazU is leaving for ZammaZ is gone from here.”


Then the tall, grey, angular figure vanished with a sparkling shimmer.

Edited by Maharg67
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Alphana looked out over Democracy Square from Represenate House. Around her the last of the corrupted, conspirital VIPs and others were being rounded up by law officers, Guardsmen and armed civilian rebels. The muffled sound of shooting came to them where last enemy pockets were being dealt with but the city was once more under the control of the legitimate USC.


The true darkness that had infected the city had seemingly fled with out a fight but it had done terrible damage to both CentraliaCity and to the USC before it had gone. The USC had devoted many valuable and scarce resources to its grand capital city and much of it was now stolen or destroyed. The destruction was wantonly malicious in nature or so it seemed.


Envoys from other USC settlements, from the newly arising USC government, were coming to find out the bad news as were journalists, scholars and others. Medical and other emergency service people were coming and many of those were from the Clansdom, which was something that the USC would remember and be grateful for.


Alphana turned to find herself confronting no less than Assistant President Sharlane Petason of the newly forming USC Democratic Government, the USCDG. Except she knew that the other woman was there when Sharlane had entered the large chamber that was full of people.


The Assistant President, a special political ranking used for trouble shooters and envoys, was visibly pale at the horrors she had seen. “I was not exactly told to come and see you but something had me come here anyway. You are Alphana as linked to the Unity Thirteen and to OummuO, the powerful alien entity of much puzzling nature.”


Aplhana nodded. “Over a hundred thousand people vanished, taken into an underground prison supposedly but that prison has found not to exist. Instead dark tunnels led down into what can only be described as a slaughterhouse for humans and ghouls for something drained them of life energies but also partly devoured them. The ghouls were brought secretly to the city by slavers and sold to black robed figures with hidden faces. Most of the city’s urban farms were stripped of livestock, many pets vanished as did other animals. The zoo was stripped clean except for some creatures rescued by zoo keepers. Thousands of other people died of starvation, disease and exposure to the elements. Many died of causes yet to be identified.”


She went on talking. “Nearly all the armouries and other stockpiles are stripped bare. The hospitals, the factories, the workshop complexes, the computer centres and much else have been stripped. Much else has been destroyed. Water supplies have been poisoned. Why did the USC forces not choose to come to save the city earlier?”


Sharlane winced. “We decided to build up our forces, to isolate the city and we had no idea it was this bad.”


“Do not lie to me!” Alphana snapped. “I have evidence that your agents in the city knew conditions here had become very bad but you chose to do nothing. Why, because you were frightened, because you decided to sacrifice these people to further your own cause, because you were duped by the false advice of cunning fools who most likely were manipulated in turn by secret forces. You and your comrades messed up and you messed up very badly and the news of this is going across the USC even as we speak. Your government will not be the one to take power.”


Sharlane frowned hard. “You can not stop us for we are the only ones with the resources and organisation to become the next USC Government. Unless you mean the joke that is the USC Regional Government. We were the true rebel government in hiding.”


Alphana nodded. “The question is, who were you really serving, who do you really serve now? You see somebody messed up and we found a whole lot of datafiles and dossiers that we should not have done for they should have been destroyed.”


Sharlane surrendered and was soon taken away.


Alphana doubted that the woman, or anybody like her, would be able to clear up the real mystery behind what had happened in CentraliaCity. She was determined to see that it did not happen to any other settlement in Centralia.


But Betena was already taking care of that with another settlement.

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Edited by Maharg67
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The vaultdroids, androids of the vault, alerted the triplets that trouble had begun in the subvault of TekVault0101 for many people. Their father, Professor Ashworth, had vanished and had taken a good deal of valuable data and some special devices with him along with some followers, equipment and supplies.


Japhant came to them and informed the triplets that it had found access to another subvault that was basically empty of people but which had useful resources. It had no dangerous nanobots or other threats. Japhant had already hacked the security codes for the triplets. Except there now was a better place to take folks.


So the triplets gathered up friends that they knew would be targetted by security because they had no real protection. Amata had her father’s position to call upon and she did belong to an elite family. DJgirl, the Quad Triplets and some others were grabbed up. The families wanted their children taken to safety so the Ashworth Triplets took the families also. They went to OrbisTrans along with the belongings and other resources that the triplets had gathered up.


Not the Ashworth Triplets. They met Amata in a secondary utility chamber close to the newly discovered subvault. Amata looked worried. It seemed even the elites were troubled by recent developments in the subvault and did not feel safe. Five vaultdroids came to the chamber, carrying stuff and being protective of the triplets. One had been hidden in the triplets’ bedroom in their apartment.


The crowding, the shortages, the increasing divisions between have and have nots, the growing understandable anger of the cyborgs and neuters, the increasing poverty of the Rimzone and other problems were starting to cause cracks to show in the local Vaultgov.


So the Ashworth Triplets stood there, pondering possibilities. Japhant was hidden to Amata and the androids.


Amata spoke as she held a sleepy Jiffy neobaby to herself. “You need to go to that other subvault and hide there.”


Jasmine shook her head just a little. “We have a better idea. With the assistance of both androids and young people, along with others that we will not speak of, we will open up and reveal the ways between this subvault and the other. People will go there and hopefully will use the new resources. Firstly, we will go there but only to make sure that the place is safe. We also wish to do some other tasks.”


Amata was grim. “Well, if the people can spread out and take advantage of the new subvault and its resources, well that would be good. Vaultgov is getting crazy and the elite families, well the word eccentric is the kindest term I can come up with. The people need to become entrenched in the new subvault before either Vaultgov or the elites can do anything about it but accept the new situation.”


Japhant became visible and Amata turned to look at the entity with some surprise. “So, you are the reason the triplets can get to know so much, especially clever Jiffy.” She kissed the neobaby to show how clever the small one was.


Japhant spoke. “Something draws me to explore further, a change in energy patterns as if the very true nature of TekVault0101 is revealing itself for once. It is good to talk to you, Amata. We will talk again.”


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Matters did not work out as planned and the other subvault was suddenly opened up to the people of the original subvault. Rimzoners, cyborgs and neuters were the first to rush through to colonise parts of it and who could blame them? Vaultgov made some futile attempts to retain control even as it continued to fracture, to crumble.


Jadekin, Jiffy and Jasmine found themselves working with Unity influenced volunteers, some of them being UnityFree aware, sorting out and allocating newly found resources. At the same time Japhant instigated a number of clever moves by locking up and other wise securing vaious resources before the corrupt elites or other criminal elements could gain control of them.


A new improved Vaultgov began to rise out of the ashes and Amata’s father became the new High Overseer because of his experience and his knowledge of the duties of such a position. In a matter of hours the elites were no more. Yet it was the end game of a process that had been taking place for many years.


The Overseers, even the new High Overseer, found themselves to be under the set limitations of a new constitution that was partly copied on that of the pre World War Three USA. There was a Bill of Rights, the right to create amendments and so forth. There was an Underseer who was there to make sure people’s rights were protected. There was the small Parliament of Senate, Represenate and Parlimentary Committees. There was now the Civil, Security and Military Police but also the Guard, the Caretakers, the Carekeepers, the Exterminators and others.


Exterminators? Soon after the new subvault was colonised, a problem emerged there as radroaches began to appear in slowly but steadily rising numbers. The Ashworth Triplets realised that this was no accident, that this subvault was yet another piece of experimental madness, and that the sudden opening of the doors was no accident. Japhant confirmed this by finding a secret network-system that even it had failed to previously find. It was a good lesson for Japhant and the Ashworth Triplets about the insane cunning of those who had created TekVault0101.


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High Overseer Alphonse Almodovar was not overly pleased by being part of a new constitutional regime with a parliament and yet he was not greatly negative towards the changes either.


He sat behind the big curved desk in his office and faced the Ashworth Triplets and his daughter with a frown. On a series of 3Dwallscreens showed views of both the old subvault and the newly opened one that kept changing in a carefully chosen sequence. The situation was calming despite some persistent tensions between neuters, cyborgs and norms. The Rimzoners were on their way to becoming former Rimzoners but were utilising special skills gained in the Rimzone.


High Overseer Alphonse Almodovar sat forward and fiddled with a laser-pen designed to work with a computer tablet. He spoke as if choosing his words with care. “Everything you have learned, officially, about TekVault0101 is a lie except for some fundamental basics. There is no High Overseer and his people based in some other subvault. Other described subvaults are also fictional in nature. Each inhabited subvault was designed, in truth, to be self ruling and self servicing. Even the subvault titles were falsified as has been much we gained through roboremote patrolling of other subvaults. This is TekVault0101 Subvault0A01 and the subvault that you opened up is Subvault0A02. Other subvaults around us are falsely named.”


Jasmine spoke as she looked away from a 3Dwallscreen showing people lining up for new clothes to replace their old stuff, the old stuff being set to be recycled in various ways. She smiled at Amata’s father. “What of the subvault full of dead people sent insane by fanatical worship of the High Overseer as created by deadly nanobots?”


Alphonse steepled his hands in front of him, elbows on the desk. “I do not know how you found out about Subvault0A04. Way back my father, Amata’s grandfather, sent a team of three into that subvault in armoured hazmat suits. The suits were supposed to make them invulnerable but the nanobots got through the armour quite quickly. The three reported even as they died. There are nine subvaults that I know of that are formed in a three by three formation. From the top left hand corner they number from left to right going in turn downwards in numbers of three. Southwards is the nanobot infected Subvault0A04 that is full of valuable resources we can not get to. Eastwards is the newly settled Subvault0A02 with the now invoked radroach infestation experiment, which is why we never went there before. Still, we had come to a point where we had little choice so I am pleased that we are now colonising that other subvault.”


He continued. “What has stopped proper explorations is that our roboremoting has been interfered with and we feared sending anybody into areas we do not know. In the past I have favoured isolation, sometimes to a fanatical degree driven by fear, but now I see the only way forward to survival and to true thriving, is to expand out and to conquer the whole of TekVault0101 while overcoming any threats.”


Jadekin nodded. “Some came into Subvault0A1 from the surface, some went to the surface and some of those returned. Professor Ashworth brought us triplets and was accepted into the subvault. Scouts went up to the Jagged Crater and Megaton. Not all returned.”


High Overseer Alphonse Almodovar frowned harder. “I am not pleased that you know so much. Clearly you managed to get into data that was supposed to be too secure for such hacking. Beneath my desk, here, is the entrance to a hallway tunnel that joins with three others from three other hidden entrances. The fourth tunnel that goes from the intersection leads to an armoured vault door, a big rolling disk one. Beyond that is an armoured elevator and a big spiral rampway along with a staircase and a safety ladder-tube as back ups. They go way up to a hidden vault like bunker. From there another big armoured disk door, well disguised from outside, goes into a cave system that is less natural than it seems. This maze of a cave system can lead one to over a dozen exits into the Jagged Crater. That is all that I know though I suspect there are details that have been hidden from me.”


Amata spoke then. “Anne Palmer led the scouting group up to the Jagged Crater many years ago. They reached Megaton. There was also Trevor Lewis, Agnus Taylor, Ben Banes and Shae Silvers. Anne Palmer’s fate is unknown. Trevor Lewis’ fate is unknown. Angus Taylor ended back up in TekVault0101 as did Ben Banes. The fate of Shae Silvers is also unknown. What happened?”


High Overseer Alphonse Almodovar shook his head. “We do not know. One day Ben Banes and Angus Taylor showed up semiconscious inside the security airlock outside the main outside vault door to this subvault. Their memories of what happened after they began to negotiate with the Megaton leadership, were somehow scrubbed. Why they were brought back and nobody else, is also unknown. One of the mysteries is that particular direction leads to a hallway tunnel that is collapsed so how did the two get to be brought there?”


High Overseer Alphonse Almodovar changed subjects. “My father let Professor Ashworth and you children into the vault along with one other child, a young woman called Adelane. Adelane has vanished along with Professor Ashworth. My father left few notes and many were destroyed by unknown culprits.”




The Ashworth Triplets knew of no Adelane except one that they had met briefly. She worked with father as a scientist and his assistant with his various experimental projects. She looked more like James than they did but in truth they had never thought about that for she was not so like James that she could be automatically taken as his daughter.


What else did they not know about their adoptive father?

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Edited by Maharg67
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The underground city of JuLarero was well protected with no less than three large garrisons of Clansguards stationed at various points of its boundaries, with Orders of Urban Warriors and the elite ClanhighGuard that protected parliament, the monarchy and other important elements of the Clansdom Central Government. It also had elaborate defence security network-systems and a small army of robots, roboremotes and even androids. Which meant the citizens of the city were convinced that their was no menace that could truly threaten them.


But they only took into consideration known outside threats such as raiders, bandits, gangers, slavers and perhaps barbarian tribals. They forgot internal threats and they forgot the unknown.


The Subway Train from JuDixie to the JuLarero Eastern Main Gateway Station was twelve minutes late when it came to a halt with a loud screech. The local official running the station was more concerned about telling off the monotrain crew than in learning what might have delayed them. He stormed along the platform, past pallets loaded with bricks, past some mildly alert Clansguards in assault power armour, and clutched his clipboard.


Then he noticed something odd. The closer he got to the front of the monotrain, the more disturbing the sight became. Then he stopped and, with much courage, carried out the last act of his life. He pushed a hand to his belt and pushed a red alarm button for bolted to the nose of the repaired, upgraded monotrain was the dead body of its driver. Even as he pushed the button, bullets exploded into his chest and killed him.


Raiders came charging out of the monotrain being a mixture of metamutants, beautiful raiders who were also known as oradimans, and also bigger lumbering supermutants of various sizes. The fate of the crew, guards and passengers of the monotrain were unknown then but could be guessed as not good.


The Clansguards reacted with good speed and training. They went to cover and opened up with their weapons against the attackers even as turrets popped into view and also began shooting. But the turrets were shooting blanks, were doing no damage except for one.


Then the Clansguards died as that one turret turned and shot them in the back, powerful 20mm shells exploding through their assault power armour with no difficulty at all.


Civilians ran and were killed or wounded but just as often they were ignored as the invaders rushed past them to get into the city as quickly as possible.


Betena showed up at that moment with a force of warriors, soldiers, robots and androids. They swung into battle, advancing in well trained fashion and formations, blasting away with their weapons and driving off the raiders.


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