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Shaduzi had not truly awoken from a long time but had not been truly asleep as it swirled ever in dark unsleep inside the great ShadowTrans. ShadowTrans was close to the very DeepCore of the Centrolis. ShadowTrans was, from the outside, a great swirling globe of black and grey effects with some splashes of lunar twilight.


Shaduzi as Mentasadu hungered with addiction for life energies. Long ago it had existed in another Multiversal reality opposed to this one, a place mirrored of life and death as undeath and unlifen. Shaduzi as Mentasadu reflected forces of the unlifen that had become afixed, caught up, by the sudden explosive appearance of the Centrolis where it should not have been.


Shaduzi had other aspects on-in the Centrolis that was now Centralia. Many of those lesser aspects had recently fed upon many victims in the place of much life collectivity known as CentraliaCity. But not enough victims, never enough victims. Also the more the craving was fed, the greater the craving became.


Shaduzi now drifted like a great clump of grey fog with a great splash of pale morgue light in its centre. It did so in a vast chamber over a hundred kilometres wide and high, a great globe in which vast biomechanical forms grew slowly and distorted in green glowing formations of amazing shape and texture, flowing patterns and great whirling reef like tentacles.


Amongst the shapeforms moved an incredible variety of weird robots with each one being individualistic as each snowflake was in a snow storm. There were legs, gripping wheels, tentacles, turrets, heads, double jointed arms, globe bodies, telescoping cylinders, radomes, claws, jaws, eyes of many kinds, attenae, buttons, great dials, chutes, vents and much, much else. They range from very small to very massive.


Shaduzi as Mentasadu fed a little on the biomechanisms, that is what they were there for, to help ease its hunger. The robots were there to keep the biomechanisms healthy and growing but also for Shaduzi to feed on a few of them now and then to absorb their materials and utilise them in other ways.


Shaduzi fed and the robots attacked Shaduzi as Mentasadu with great energy weapons, missiles and other weaponry but Shaduzi was little effected. Great beams of energy stabbed out at it and great smart missiles shot through the air three times the speed of sound. Pulses of destructive energy rained against it as did bullets of amazing explosive force.


Shaduzi failed even to notice that the biomechanisms had taken over the robots and that in some odd way they had become truly loyal to the biomechanisms. The loyalty was returned in full.


Shaduzi as Mentasadu departed from the biomechanisms that had trapped within themselves the bizarre, fractured copy of Centralia that was NeoCentralia. Shaduzi had designed it to happen that way, had tricked the Unity, the Patriotoza, even OummuO into assisting it to create and then trap the false Centralia so.


Why? Because the false copy of the Centrolis was its anchor to that reality that stopped it being dragged back to the dimensional planes where it should be, where there waited powerful forces of its version of justice that would punish it severely for its crimes. The painful irony was that Shaduzi could not feed on the captive life inside NeoCentralia for that would destroy the anchor and doom it.


Shaduzi as Mentasadu fed lightly on both robots and biomechanisms, was unsatisfied with the taste of them, and then departed in a flurry of spiritual morgue lit fog.



Edited by Maharg67
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The fighting in the Clansfolk capital city was dying down. Loyal forces were winning, were sweeping up the last pockets of traitors and invaders trapped in JuLarero. Others had escaped into the vast, deeper underground ways of Centralia where most folks dared not go for good reasons.


The Clansdom was splintered now most obviously between the culture of the Subwayers and the Clansway of the surface. Decisions were being made that would have been thought impossible not so long before. The Clansdom of the surface was splitting away from the Subway Unionate and both were planning to join the United Settlements of Centralia.


Except that the USC was crumbling and in its place was rising the Free Federation, the FreeFed. With the new name came new hope and in the same spirit CentraliaCity was renamed FreedomCity.


Few were deluded about the true state of affairs of the new rising power. There were many problems including shortages of resources, a number of external and internal threats plus some dark mysteries to be resolved.


But everything was about to change.

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“People do not always know that Edenneva is the same world that is also known as Mundus or Nirn where is found the super-continents of Tamriel and Leirmat. The Ancients and the Clansdom were of Leirmat where there was the faiths of the Thirteen Goddesses of Cycles, Thirteen Holies, the Self Illuminated Path to Enlightenment and others. Tamriel and Leirmat are divided not just by great oceans but by metaphysical forces of both subtle and obvious form. One thing they have in common is knowledge of the daedra though the worship of them is not carried out on Leirmat as it is on Tamriel.”

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The young man sat on a lump of flat topped rock close to the main gate of Canterbury Commons and watched as another big trade convoy of atomic motorised vehicles departed. The Canterbury Commons Corporation was sending out yet another profit making expedition not to other parts of the USC but to the mysterious new nation of settlements known as the Contractual Confederation.


The first four merchant-traders had departed from Canterbury Commons to start living in and work out from the settlement of Betaburg. Many in Canterbury Commons saw this as a strong sign that the settlement was changed fundamentally and that not all of the changes were good.


Four large and powerful families were starting to gulp up all of the major mercentile and trading resources in the settlement, were creating a greedy monopoly between them. Through a mixture of cunning and brilliance they had recently taken over the Canterbury Commons Corporation itself. They were the Liams, the McDannes, the Nezzmins and the Handus; they were driven by the need to maximise profit at almost any cost including the cheating of customers.


Uncle Roe, the man who had helped found the settlement and who had been its mayor since, was now facing the threat of losing his position. The Four Families had decided that his old fashioned views were getting in the way of their desires and that he had go be removed as did others. They wanted the charity funds of the town council to be converted to commercial support funds to assist their ventures; in other words they wanted public funds, mostly gathered from others, to boost their profits.


Understandably enough it was not a popular idea amongst most Canterbury Commons folk and it was a common belief that Uncle Roe and his people would easily win the coming town election. So why did the Four Families seem so unconcerned about this?


Uncle Roe was a fine mayor in many ways, being strong willed, fair minded and practical but he was not able to deal with the cunning of the Four Families and their secret backers. At least not with out some assistance.


Graham Maharg knew what the Four Families were going to do. They were going to bring trouble to Canterbury Commons in the form of two exotic threats that would do battle against each other and cause harm to the settlement. Uncle Roe and the people who guarded the town would soon be overwhelmed by the new troubles. Then the Canterbury Commons Corporation would step in with a whole new rescue force of Talons Mercenaries to deal with both threats.


The first threat was the AntAgonizer, the strange young woman created by the dark force behind the Four Families. She not only controlled giant ants but she could alter them as well in some troublesome but effective fashion.


The second threat was the Mechanist, the troubled young man who had on better with androids and robots than he did with people. He would rise at the head of an army of robots, and fewer androids, to take on the AntAgonizer.

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Graham Maharg watched Mayor Uncle Roe striding along in the distance, along the raised walkway in front of a row of shops. He had been to Porter’s Café, the oldest business establishment still surviving in the town. There one could buy a meal, a hot drink or a cold drink including a cheap beer. He did not seem very happy.


As for Graham Maharg himself, nobody seemed to notice his being there. Graham Maharg flickered and then, suddenly he was walking beside the mayor, being just as tall but slimmer in his Wastelander gear.


He spoke to the mayor. “The Scar Boys did the robbery but the Four Families paid them off.” He passed to the surprised mayor a few rolled up paper documents. “Some proof and some information where you will find the stuff that the Scar Boys stole from the Canterbury Commons Town Council. You are being set up.”


The mayor studied Graham Maharg with sharp eyes. “Why are you helping? What do you get out of this?”


Graham gave a mild grin. “I do what I am instructed to do and in this case that is to protect you, the traditional forces of Canterbury Commons and the USC. The Contractual Confederation, or ConCon, is a dark threat to not just the USC but to all of the free peoples of Centralia. It is linked to the DomniCommonwealth, the New Patriot Republic and Paradise Falls.”


Uncle Roe frowned. “All have bad reptuations. Too bad you have not been here to help us in the past.”


Graham Maharg snorted. “Did you really think that all that glorious loot you found in the Green Bunker beneath Canterbury Commons was there by accident. My people put it there and provided you with ways to both find it and unlock the securities that protected it.”


Uncle Roe frowned, ran a hand through his hair and then nodded. “Something tells me to believe you. Then I have to say that you pretty much saved Canterbury Commons from ending even before it was properly born. Now I know where I have seen your face before. You looked the same back then but I was much younger. You were dressed up as some scavenger and you used the name of S. Cabber. You sold us the map that led us to the Green Bunker and which had the clues on it that led us to breaking the security codes.”


Graham Maharg nodded. “I was S. Cabber. Still am sometimes, if I need to be. Right now I am going to Porter’s Café for a meal and a mug of coffee.”


The mayor nodded. “Tell the Porter Family to put anything you buy, with in reason of course, on the town tab. Maybe you have something to do with the Regulators hanging around there.”


Graham Maharg smiled. “I will see you soon, mayor.” Then he turned and left with out answering about the Regulators.


The mayor frowned but just kept on going to his office. In truth he had the strong sense that the strange young man had a powerful long term link with the Regulators. What he did not know was that Graham Maharg had created the Regulators in the first place, including the Secret Regulators and the even more secretive Ghost Regulators.


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Recently Graham Maharg had been off world, had gone to Leirmat itself, the super-continent on the world that was called Edenneva but also Nirn or Mundus. He had gone there, as requested to do so by OummuO, to learn more about the origins of the Centrolis and other questions.


What he had learned was not pleasing.


The Clansdoms were at war on Leirmat but not just against each other. Of the Waypath Clansdom, two had turned traitor apart from large minorities who had remained loyal. Of the Waydi, two were loyal and one treacherous. There was the treacherous Modedi but surprisingly enough a large minority of them had switched sides.


Daedric invaders had come to Leirmat to join sides with the traitors but in turn other non Clansfolk forces had rallied against them such as the Wildfolk and Citystaters of Leirmat. The war was savage but so far contained in a large area of harsh resisting wilderness where the flora and fauna did more than just survive but fought back well.


The Cyrodilin Empire and Tamriel Alliance, led by Emperor Uriel Septim XII, had sent a expedition of skyships to Leirmat, guided there by Waypath navigators of the transdimensions, and they had joined in the war. An Imperial Princess herself had been in charge of the expedition.


What was the war actually about? Nobody seemed to know except that the Traitors’ Axis had risen at the orders of ancient, mysterious forces that had provided them with equipment, supplies and more exotic items of war including the horrors of undeath magic related to but not of the necromancers.


Graham Maharg had met with the Imperial Princess Savana Septum, a tough amazon commander but one with the graceful teachings of the Imperial Court to call upon if she had to do so. They had exchanged information, discussed much and had come to the same conclusion. Some dark force of undeath was attempting to find life energies on Leirmat under the cover of the war and to feed on those victims. The name of the ancient evil of Shaduzi came up more than once but then so did that of UzammazU who was not the friend of Shaduzi. No, UzammazU was the name of one of the Daedric Princesses known better by another name but what was that name?


Then other mediate and lesser daedra had come to Leirmat but these came to join forces with the Loyalists and to fight the first lot of lesser and mediate daedra, whom they were different to. All that these other daedra would say was that UzammazU had sent them.

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