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OummuO as Stella became aware of the approach of the other, as subtle as it was, darting quickly along tunnels and through chambers with amazing speed. Then it was suddenly in the same space as herself and Tover, was a softly glowing sphere of white energies with a centre of glowing yellow.


A solar elemental as opposed to the black and red centred shadow elementals that had been witnessed briefly, in some place, scattered across the Wastelands. So they had begun to arrive, attracted by their elemental polar opposites.


The solar elemental spoke. “We are here. We exist here now.”


OummuO as Stella was aware that communicating with elementals could be difficult even though she was a hybrid avatar of a very alien entity. She spoke then. “You know what the shadow elementals are doing here?”


The solar elemental responded. “We know that all is not straight forward. Shadow elementals are being trapped and enslaved, used and abused by dark, powerful forces. They grow more wary and better at avoiding such traps, enslavement, use and abuse. Shadow elementals speak of dark acts taking place in five places, great dark acts. One was in CentraliaCity, as flesh creatures tend to call it who can do so. Shadow elementals complain people automatically attack them as the enemy even as they free themselves to escape.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “Shadow elementals should know that OummuO has become aware of their foolishness in allowing themselves to be seduced by an unknown force of much evil.”


The solar elemental glowed brighter for just a moment. “Shadow elementals complain that they became allied to the ZammaZ, the projection of those who were the Ancients from the world of Evenneva. They broke that alliance some time ago when the ZammaZ tried to betray them and were in turn betrayed by a far more ancient, more powerful and evil force that they know is called Shaduzi but not its true nature. It is Shaduzi that tricked, trapped and enslaved the shadow elementals.”


“There is also the involvement of UzammazU that is one of the Sixteen DaedraGods, also known as the Daedric Princesses, but by other names as well. Except such knowledge tends to be flawed, to be misundertstood, misinterpreted by those who are not of the greater daedra. Even lesser and mediate daedra can fall to these errors.”


“People do not always know that Edenneva is the same world that is also known as Mundus or Nirn where is found the super-continents of Tamriel and Leirmat. The Ancients and the Clansdom were of Leirmat where there was the faiths of the Thirteen Goddesses of Cycles, Thirteen Holies, the Self Illuminated Path to Enlightenment and others. Tamriel and Leirmat are divided not just by great oceans but by metaphysical forces of both subtle and obvious form. One thing they have in common is knowledge of the daedra though the worship of them is not carried out on Leirmat as it is on Tamriel.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “Or that that world of Edenneva-Mundus exist one transdimensional step away from the solar system in which this Earth (Terra) exists as do other Alternate Earths. OummuO is well aware of such factors and, in my lesser fashion, so am I. Which of the DaedraGods do you, they, speak of? That is, what is their daedric name?”


The solar-elemental flickered in an odd fashion. “The shadow-elementals will not say. They are cautious. The sun calls for me to bask in her rays. We must dance in her energies.”


Then the solar-elemental was gone.


OummuO as Stella paused to consider what she had learned.

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The ‘beautiful raiders’ struck with savage efficiency at the fairly isolated large UCS settlement of Anglo Brish. As ready as the local soldiers ever were, they were taken by surprise. The enemy came in battlebuggies racing over the ground, in small battlecopters that darted through the air and in groups on foot.


With them came groups of brutal, beserker metamutant raiders in fleximetallic armour and carrying a wide range of weapons. These came in foot but like the beautiful raiders on foot, they came from transport drops that had taken place somewhere.


A local scavenger, under the influence of the rising UnityFree, observed large robotic vertibirds dropping off the raiders that bore the symbol of Earthnet. The same scavenger witnessed the destruction of the settlement of Anglo Brish.


The locals fought hard, shooting as they withdrew back to the fortified central part of their settlement. A battlecopter exploded dramatically and two more were forced to land, thin trails of smoke drifting from their bodies. Battlebuggies could only go so far and raiders came on foot, along with big raiderdogs.


Then, fatefully, the survivors of the settlement, being most of them, were trapped in their own bunker as traitors amongst their population turned against the others. The scavenger cursed and wished that she could do more. Than she laughed, even as she huddled behind boulders and partly behind a cylinder of metal jutting out of the ground.


For the mostly underground central bunker vanished with a sparkling shimmer. With it went many of the stored and other most valuable resources, along with most of the people, of the settlement. Only a relatively few had been taken as prisoners but then they were killed quickly and efficiently by the beautiful raiders.


The attractive looking, wild clad raiders who often wore garish and even sexually provocotive outfits, sent a chill down the spine of the scavenger. In some way they even made the metamutants uncomfortable who obviously preferred to stay in their own groups.


The settlement of Anglo Brish was gone and soon the raiders were grabbing and using what resources they could find. It soon became clear to the scavenger, one Mabel Lean, that the raiders were turning the settlement into a base of some sorts. What sort, exactly, or how permanent, was not evident.


The old, lean, muscular woman turned and vanished into the Wastelands as she headed to where her nephews and the dogs were waiting, including a dogcart pulled by a big hound. Actually it was a wastehound but was rather peaceful and sleepy for one unless he and-or Mabel Lean were threatened..


Edited by Maharg67
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OummuO as Stella and Tover began to move deeper into the sewer tunnels and as they went lower they came to those partly flooded by rain water that some times came to that part of Centralia. They came upon many dead and mostly devoured mirelurks, including a strange pair of humanoids of a mirelurk king and queen. Yet there were also many dead hivac there, indicating that the mirelurks had gone down only after a savage battle had been fought.


Suddenly they came upon a secret entrance that both detected that was hidden as part of a tunnel wall. Then they were in a very different sort of environment. The RDVault, as designed and built by VaultTek but then developed, enhanced by other TekCorps, was huge with many subvaults, semiautonomus semivaults and even outpost style demivaults a distance out from the main one.


Carefully sealing and locking the entrance behind them, the two of them went through what was one great big status container. If they had not been at least partly alien, they would not have been able to move. The whole RDVault was closed down to a semiactive status, the people were lain out on trolley beds in neat rows or just on normal bunks or even on blankets on the floor.


There were workers of many kinds and not just humans but chimpnoids, gorillanoids and orangunoids. There were also roboremotes, robots, androids and cyborgs. Mixed amongst male and female humans were neuters. Some androids, robots and roboremotes were caring for the living ones who were in status, being equipped so they could be active in the status field.


Why had it been done? What was the purpose of it all?


They found also refugees from outside, hundreds of them, both of the defence forces and civilians. It seemed that somebody had decided that this was a way of saving many people but for what reason?


There were experimental laboratories dealing with genetic engineering, other forms of biotech, with cybernetics, with cyberspace based technologies, with smart materials, with matter transferance and much more. There was a great fortune of resources in that place.


When they found the dead body of the High Overseer in her office, they soon realised that matters were not straight forward. Her computer terminal was still active and on it was a report she had been half way through completing. The High Overseer had learned that one Professor Jack Patriot Jackson, of the Patriot Thirteen, had come offering to create a status field to protect people and preserve them until they could be rescued. In truth the famous, infamous, professor was planning to brutally exploit these people in various experiments.


Some of the experiments were to do with the hivaca bugs, others to do with turning people into supermutants, yet others with cyborging and even some to do with special experiments with exotic prototypes of virtual reality technologies. There were others but the High Overseer had been killed before she had completed it.


Wondering if she was being wise but not wanting the people there to remain vulnerable, OummuO as Stella turned off the status field.


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Unity was amongst those in RDVault0B11Z hidden beneath Old Olney and so as people awoke, there was more harmony and productive cooperation than OummuO as Stella had feared there might be. Factions arose quickly, it was true, but those who would have the vault be dominated by the PreDD elites were in the minority with no real power. Instead a temporary leadership council arose made up of factional representatives from the scientific, caretaking, carekeeping, security, tech, refugee civilian, refugee military and other factions.


The darkest and most troublesome of the old experiments were closed down and while some organisms were saved, a few were quietly and painlessly terminated.


Plans were made to join with other settlements, with the USC and others such as the Orderhood Steel and the Clansdom.


OummuO as Stella gained access to the databanks of RDVault0B11Z on two levels. Overtly she staid with the known data access network-systems and on a covert level she went beyond them into secret databanks. What she learned, concerned and fascinated her. She focused on those to be found on-in Centralia.


RDVault0B11Z had been a secondary research and development site linked with other centres of research and development. Often the same program would be linked to more than one other site. Yet many of those sites were not officially RDVaults but were TekVaults or LifeVaults designated officially to preserve populations and resources for the future. The Vault Dwellers who had gone into those vaults had not expected to be experimented on but many of them, though not all, were. Not all of the experiments were brutal or were meant to be but some were so.


RDVault0A10Z was another RDVault on-in Centralia though its actual location was not mentioned. It was mentioned as running a series of projects of research and development on technologies of ‘unknown or classified exterrestial’ alone or in interactive form with human technologies. In other words, exotic, alien and hybrid technologies.


TekVaultED (Exhibition Display) was situated below the Smithsonian Museum of Science and Technology in NeoWashington, Centralia. It had been designed as a fully working vault that could be used as a real vault in an emergency. Because of its duel role it had some rather exotic facilities for a TekVault including its own museum, a special reference library, holographic lecture theatres and a VIP visitors section.


TekVault0002a2 was an experimental vault that was not actually meant to be used except under extreme emergency. OummuO as Stella already knew that it had become the HolyVault of the Ormons, not to be confused with Mormons.


TekVault0068 and TekVault0069 were odd experimental vaults linked together and were surprisingly close together. The first had 100 men for every woman and the second had 100 women for every man. They were located beneath NeoLondon.


TekVault0072 was mentioned as a so called ‘clean site’ with no research and development programs or projects being planned. It was located in Centralia under the Bethesda Sector.


TekVault0087 was mentioned as a site for using human and other living subjects in various process of FEV and mutagenic processes of transformation. Linked with this were three programs and in each program were thirteen projects. It was a huge undertaking but even so many people in the TekVault were to be left untouched. It ws on-in Centralia.


TekVault0101 was mentioned to be an mixed experiment of High Overseer autocratic dominance, nanobotic mind control and something called nanoseer projects that had no real explanation. OummuO as Stella was linked to OummuO and through OummuO to all of the Unity Thirteen and so the Ashworth Triplets were warned.


The rest of the data on vault had been clumsily deleted so she picked up fragments about a cloning experimentation TekVault, a ultrasonic control experiment Tekvault and a hallucinagetic nerve gas experiment Tekvault all to be found on-in Centralia (the Centrolis). The is except for TekVault0076 that was an early recolonisation experiment that was likely found on-in Centralia.


Why had there been a clumsy erasure attempt? Had the dead High Overseer done this or was it the work of another? She began the process of trying to recover lost data and to learn more information from other sources.


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I have just read some of the earliest pages, primarily your set up for the story; as well as some comments by two of my friends, SilverDNA and Species. I also read your responses to them. I think this is just a marvelous idea, and based on what I've read so far and what you responded to them this will be a great read. My schedule being what it is, it may take me forever. But I intend to give it a try. You're really good. Thanks for doing this.
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