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Deep beneath what had been CentraliaCity but which was now called FreedomCity, the group of three moved still deeper. Harlequin as Jonah moved in survival power armour and held a powerful combination weapon that no mere human, even in power amour, could have lifted. Betena moved just ahead of him in the same sort of gear but in her hooded robes only, Rhonda Rhodes led. She was the Sister Pathfinder and she was tracing the paths, the tracks, left by the movement of the cult.


They were now in areas beneath and away from any of Terran human origin. The Ancients had constructed this area, that is the ancient humans from Leirmat on the world of Edenneva that was also Nirn, the world where Tamriel was situated. Ancients had used strange quasiliving biomechanisms growing out to create softly glistening biometallic tunnels, chambers and machinery. Biometallic things moved and worked amongst these places, still maintaining them, though many of them now lay in semiconsciousness which was a form of long term sleep.


In light coming from glistening hexagon shaped plates embedded into the surfaces of the hexagon shaped tunnels, they made their way. The quasiliving things did not attack them, far from it, and sometimes one would pause. Harlequin as Jonah and Betena could both speak with the entities in a special fashion and Rhonda Rhodes was quick to learn. Thus they began to assist the quasichines, healing them, assisting them to know what was happening in general and warning them of various dangers.


Long ago the Quasichinata, the unified secondary mentality of quasichines, turned against most of the Ancients. Yet they became the beloved allies of one of the minorities of the Ancients who had gained enlightenment and who had realised how darkly stupid were the plans of the Ancients. They also began to understand how it had been a daedric entity of great age and power, called UzammazU, who had come to the leadership of the Ancients and had given them false immortality and various forms of dark knowledge that allowed them to achieve much, including the conquest of their whole world and the destruction of the great civilizations of three other intelligent peoples who had dared not to willingly become slaves. Only a small minority of the Ancients knew of the involvement of UzammazU and the Enlightened Faction had not been amongst them.


Who were the Ancients by true nature and name? They were humans and they were known as the Zaztorians or Zaztoria of the Zazteen Empire. They dwelt in the area of Leirmat equal to the area of Tamriel that was the Summerset Isles for the two super continents were almost identical in shape except horizontally reversed to each other; while Summerset Isles was to the west of the mainland of Tamriel, Zaztoria was to the east of the mainland of Leirmat.


The quasichines had observed the cult coming down through the tunnels, being led and herded by dark entities of ZammaZ, the projection of the dark majority of surving but transformed Ancients, Zaztorians. The ZammaZ had with them some enslaved shadow-elementals that were constantly striving to free themselves. The ZammaZ looked like shadow-elementals but this was a falsehood for in truth the ZammaZ tended to look like either pale, skeletal thin humans or roughly humanoid shapes of morgue light lit pale mist. That is when they were not inside bizarre power armour of various shapeforms. As for the actual Darklizen Faction of Zaztorians who projected the ZammaZ, they were hidden.


But most of the people herded in terrified silence had not been cultists and there were more like fifty thousand of them than twenty thousand.


But there had been others also being groups of the so called beautiful raiders, in this case wearing black and blood red cyberpunk type battle power armour, including small spikes. The power armour was as powerful as that of the Orderhood of Steel and the Enclave but the weapons were twisted biomechanisms of a nature that the quasichines disliked intently.


The three kept moving at a steady pace but in their own ways they reached out for assistance. As a group they also formed an alliance with the quasichines and prepared to meet the Zaztorians known as the Lightlizen Faction as opposed by the Darklizen.


One odd fact came to light: one special name for the Zaztorian Imperial Government back on Leirmat had been the ‘Enclaven’, the very name later taken up by the New World Order of the Earth.

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UzammazU came to them, striding along tall and grey from hooded robe to skin and boots plus his staff. Behind him came transformed zhouls now in armoured skin of smooth leathery quality and with minds returned to rationality with enhanced mental, physical and psychic abilities.


Quasichines had dared not confront the ZammaZ directly but they had begun to cause them trouble by closing off tunnels and diverting them into a quickly designed and constructed maze that was not obviously a maze by its appearance. The design was amazingly clever as was the completed project. Yet already the ZammaZ were starting to realise they were in a trap and were starting to use dreadful forces to try to get out of it. Hurting the tunnels, hurt the quasichines.


UzammazU did not speak at first, seemed intent on tracking ZammaZ and so the others followed quietly. The link between the two was strong but subtle and UzammazU was enraged in his own alien fashion. That rage was somehow making it easier for him to track ZammaZ for the moment.


Having UzammazU as an ally was not an easy thing and yet there was a sense that UzammazU would not betray an unspoken alliance that had been formed. There was also the impression that this mysterious daedric god regretted playing one of his games with the Ancients, the Zaztorians, a new and uncomfortable emotion for UzammazU. It seemed that this time the game had struck back and had bitten him badly. Though exactly what this meant, was not explained. The three gained the sense that UzammazU not only wanted to destroy ZammaZ but wanted to regain more than one something that had been stolen from him by ZammaZ.


A terrible shudder went through the tunnel and then a low, alien moaning noise of quasimechanical agony. The ZammaZ had just struck with great violence at the quasichine tunnels and yet this was a mistake. Now the quasichines struck back in a more direct fashion but not at the deluded cultists or the other victims.


UzammazU enclosed all in a field of energy, weird but supportive, and teleported them all to where a great battle was raging. Of course he took the uzazhouls, the transformed zhouls. But when they got there, they found that others had arrived to fight or to heal or even just to find out what was happening for the sensation of agony had travelled right across Centralia (the Centrolis)

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ZammaZ was dark fighting now in its true shapeforms of ugly skeletal figures in black cloaks and fighting with pale morgue light lit translucent metallic swords that spat pulses of life damaging energy. The amazing array of biomechanical creatures that attacked them would scream in agony when struck but would keep on attacking, even those who were dying, to take down their enemies with them.


ZammaZ’s allies, the beautiful raiders, fought in their black and red power armour with sociopathic ruthlessness. They fell back efficiently in their three power armour infantry platoons and three special weapons squads. The big surprise was that they were not being attacked by quasichines but by heavy power armoured figures in power armour equipped with jet packs that allowed them to fligh speedily and with much agility through the air or to hop in clever ways, swiftly from spot to spot. The JetInfantry were led by OmumuO as JiJoe but they were all clones of OmumuO as JiJoe. They hammered away with multiguns firing a wide range of types of energy pulses and quasisolid projectiles.


The chamber was vast, the ZammaZ were many and the victims, including the now very sorry cultists, were huddled in the centre of a huge fighting ring of the monsters. There were at least fifty thousand dazed, semiconscious victims in raggedy clothes and at least two thousand frightened weaponless cultists dressed in filthy blood robes. Light came from a vast biomechanical glittering hexagon plate that was the ceiling of that hexagon shaped chamber.


UzammazU led his uzazhouls from one direction while Harlequin manifested many fighting figures in power armour, in battling mecha striding quickly on two legs and compact hoverfighters as low flying deadly fighting machines.


Betena multiplied herself as thirty-three clones that also attacked in power armour with powerful weapons.


Rhonda Rhodes summoned forth burning bright solar-elementals, vengeful shadow-elementals, blazing fire-elementals, crackling electrical-elementals and others, some very exotic, barely visible.


The great battle began to rage but it was limited because neither side wanted to see the victims harmed. The ZammaZ needed them alive and the enemies of the ZammaZ wanted to rescue them.

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Unity Thirteen investigated the Orderhood of Steel that had come to Centralia (the Centrolis) from North America. They used what ever resources they could, including those of OrbisTransZier, that sent three orbis-sattelites into low orbit.


Thus they found out the first of a series of shocking truths. Firstly, the Orderhood of Steel had not come from North America, at least not on that world, for the Brotherhood of Steel was still in the DC there, as were certain Brothers of Steel such as Sarah Lyons and Knight Captain Gallows. This truth led to others hinted at strongly. For example, RivetCity in Centralia was a battlecarrier moving along the Circle River but RivetCity in DC was a big beached aircraft carrier in the Pontomoc River.


DC in North America and parts of Centralia seemed to have much in common with each other. For example, both had a settlement called Megaton with indviduals in that settlement that were much the same as each other. Yet there was also much that was down right different or which varied in some ways.


What did this mean?


The mystery deepened as it turned out that the peoples of North America and other parts of the world, outside of Centralia (the Centrolis) did not even seem to know that the floating continent existed.


So what of the Grand Centralian Transmigration where millions of people were said to have gone to Centralia from the rest of the world. Also what of the idea that the Centrolis (Centralia) had stolen much landmass to fill in its ‘great gaps’ to make a more consistant landscape, a whole great disk shaped continent?


The stolen land mass and people had come from somewhere but where?


So the clue, ‘the Orderhood of Steel’, had led them to an amazing discovery. What other such discoveries would be made?




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The convoy of aeroships, aeroplanes, helicopters, airships and other flying machines was swept along and partly supported in the air by a projected field of force of exotic nature. Vertibirds flew with rocket-ships of curious futuristic energy drives. Big jet-airliners went with WW2 vintage fighters. It seemed that the hundreds of flying machines came from different time eras but also from different alternates of reality. While many were on the smaller side, some were huge like the super jumbojets and the antigrav skyships like great graceful saucers.


The five thousand plus aircraft were supported in their flight, especially those who could not fly the distance normally, by the projected fields from two great silver Globeships, one to the front and one to the rear. Yet the energy fields also put the people in the aircraft in a kind of status that kept them in status with out the need for the normal needs, keeping them alive.


They also flew faster than even the fastest of the non-Globeships should have been able to and soon were shooting over the Wastelands to start to land in the north western area of the USC Territories.


The aircraft began to land, those who could going first. The Globeships created a great long wide airstrip that was raised above the ground by great columns. Then there came great big platforms followed by one more big airstrip. Then the construction of a great, mostly underground structure began.


Helicopters, vertibirds and many other VTOL and STOL aircraft landed more easily. A super jumbojet came down expertly on a great airstrip and taxied to a halt in a big parking bay. A hot-air balloon settled down with a big advance designed module beneath. World War Two Japanese fighters landed on a small part of the same airstrip.


Thousands of small silvery globes floated out of and down from the Globeships, emerging from the very skin-hulls of the Globeships. They began to assist the people coming out of the many aircraft. Many kinds of people dressed and otherwise equipped in many ways. They began to unload stuff from the aircraft of an amazing range from livestock to canned food, artworks, books, steam-locomotives, robots, prefabricated modular building kits, seedlings and much else.


Local peoples and other lifeforms were taken completely by surprise, of course. The local settlers of a fairly small, quite isolated settlement stared at what was happening in shock. Some bandits fled from the area, quickly realising this was beyond their capacity to deal with.


But Unity knew, could sense what was happening, and it was both amongst the locals and the newcomers.


A long range patrol spybot of the Orderhood of Steel observed what was taking place, turned and shot across the landscape to report its findings.

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The Ashworth Triplets went with the TekVault0101 expedition to Megaton. Japhant went with them. They started through the secret exit and up to the cave system. From there they went into the Jagged Crater only to encounter a patrol of Guardsmen, mostly volunteers, on horse back. From there they went to Megaton itself.


The crisis going through the USC had reached Megaton with force but the Megaton Town Council had remained solid enough. The evil happenings in CentraliaCity, now known as FreedomCity, and the big losses in Sugartown had caused much damage to the crumbling USC. Now hopes were being placed on the rising Free Federation (FreeFed).


Despite this Mayor Elaine Harrington took time to speak with the envoys and to the triplets alone. Like many she saw hope in TekVault0101 becoming part of the new Free Federation (FreeFed) and in it linking up with Megaton itself. The danger of the nanobot project, and even more so the nanoseer project, was of concern but the peoples had little real choice but to join forces and to share resources.


People were coming into the Jagged Crater that Megaton sat in the middle of, that stretched out to its rim walls, but many were choosing to build new settlements. This was partly because wells were being found of quite clean water and partly because the Jagged Crater walls were being fortified to make the whole area a safer zone to live in.


Jasmine met with the Bobbins Triplets outside of the OrbisTrans for the first time. Benny the neobaby was happy that Jessy the neobaby had come along even though their other ‘aspects’ were always together in the OrbisTransZier. They played and communicated in the neobaby fashion with Unity Thirteen influence.


The strange elevator, with the hole ripped in its floor, had not been forgotten. The access to it had been cut off by guards and locked, armoured gates. Remote sensors were placed close to the elevator itself along with a small watchbot robot on wheels. Nobody wanted something that could rip such holes in such strong metal to get to Deep Megaton or even as far as Megaton itself. There was also the terrible way that the people in the elevator chamber had died that concerned people.


They chose to send Japhant down there with careful instructions to the phantomic entity that it must not take too many risks. It could still be hurt. Indeed while it lacked certain weaknesses of more solid beings, it had certain weaknesses of phantomic entities.


In the end it was decided that Boblade and Boblaze Bobbins would go down after Japhant, to back it up. But to their surprise when the two were materialized they came with a male monkey like creature, Boclaw, and a eyebot like entity, Bobot, that turned out to have a female neobaby inside called Bobabe who was cyberlinked with it.


Yet they had one other place to go first and in the end not all of them went there as some went on another mission as inspired by Moira Brown and stories of the SuperDuperMart.

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The odd stories of small creatures dwelling in the SuperDuperMart at the river side ‘relatively’ close to Megaton, had been researched further by the Bobbins Triplets. They found stories of a huge semi-underground, partly buried shopping complex with other facilities, some of them of surprising nature.


It was Bobby Bobbins, with Benny Bobbins and Jasmine Ashworth who set out, with some people and robots from Megaton, to check out the SuperDuperMart that was said to be a prototype commercial project. For in the basement of the complex was a mattercation plant that could create items seemingly just from energy though any physicist with the right knowledge would tell you this was a misleading simplification.


This included food and drink but there was some distrust of these products, called mattafood and mattadrink. Truth was it could be used as about a quarter of a standard diet, being quite nutritional, but not too much for it had toxic side effects that needed to be ‘flushed’ away with the drinking of water and the use of natural foods and drink. Mattaserum could do the same thing but was fairly hard to find. Mattercation could also make inferior but still effective copies of stimpaks, radaway and some other medicants with the term ‘matta’ in the front of them.


So why hadn’t anybody taken over the SuperDuperMart before? Something always drove away any aggressive force who attempted to do so while others just settled peacefully into the small SuperDuperTown settlement nestled into part of it. What pushed away even gangers, bandits and slavers? Small lifeforms of unknown nature!


They went north in landbuggies, a convoy of them, along with some battlebuggies. The landbuggies had less armour and no bigger weapons but could carry more people and-or cargo for their size. The hope of the Megatonfolk was clearly to make some kind of gain from the expedition. Bobby Bobbins had not forgotten the promise to Moira Brown to assist her with her with her Survival Guide with data from the SuperDuperMart.


They made good time and local dangers seemed to lessen the closer they got to the target destination. Not only were they going through a generally less lethal area, they did exist in the Wastelands, but they began to hear gunfire coming from the distance. Some large battle seemed to be taking place close to SuperDuperMart.

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