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Jadekin, Japhant and Jiffy Ashworth, along with all the Bobbins except Bobby and Benny, went down to Deep Megaton. Why, because they had done a sensor sweep and realised that hidden beneath the bunker that had done so much good for Megaton as a whole, was another, secret bunker. The secret one was much bigger than the known one.


The original folks of Deep Megaton still survived but they were greatly outnumbered by relative newcomers in the known bunker. That is those who had come down from the surface. They found the elder woman Kari Seerwoman, a mature attractive elderly lady in robes who was busy weaving a blanket of many colours. She looked up and smiled at the newcomers as they came, invited, into her commonroom. A large cat was playing with a ball of twine.


Kari spoke. “You seek to know about the larger bunker beneath this one and why we, the original ones, hid it from Megatonfolk. What lies there is most dangerous. We decided to cut the bunker complex into two parts. The upper part we would live in and assist Megaton with while allowing many Megatonfolk to live with us. The other two thirds below us, we sealed off. Why, because inside it is an archives of a very special, even exotic, nature that reveal many troubling truths. That is the truth of the Centrolis’ coming to this world and the true nature of the SkyIslands.”


Then she stood up and sighed deeply. “The others and myself were once the foolish Ancients of false immortality that departed from the world of Edenneva that is also known as Nirn or Mundus. We belong to neither of the Darklizen or Lightlizen Factions but that of the Greylizen who thought, foolishly perhaps, that we could take what we had gained from UzammazU. In the end we retreated from the conflict as the Darklizen began to project ZammaZ, the power evil entity. We came here and to other places, creating special places of security and concealment. Yet we began to work with the Lightlizen in a loose fashion to assist them in the struggle against the Darklizen and the ZammaZ that they had created. ZammaZ has evolved, has taken on great independence and power so that now the Darklizen are having increasingly greater trouble in controlling ZammaZ. We are the last of the Zaztorians, the Clansfolk having replaced us back on Leirmat of Edenneva, and we are a pitiful few for many of us perished or suffered a worse fate than that as the Centrolis travelled through the transdimensional barriers to places it should have never gone to.”


Then she reached out to a stone statuette on a tall, thin pedestal and tipped back the head on a hidden hinge to reveal a single red button. She smiled warmly. “This will reveal what must be revealed.”


Which was when Jadekin pulled out a pulselaser pistol and shot the other woman three times. Kari Seerwoman screamed in agony and then she died, her body vaporising with a flaming flash into greasy, black ash, her robes falling to the floor. The death was unnatural for a pulselaser weapon because she was not what she had pretended to be.


Jadekin reholstered his energy pistol and put the head back into place. Then he pushed aside the whole statuette to reveal a green button. This one he pressed.


OummuO had warned them for OummuO could sense ZammaZ and the cloned projections and twisted creations of ZammaZ. Their ability to do the same was growing steadily.


The large cat had vanished, along with the ball of twine, both being illusions projected by the false woman.

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It was dusk when the expedition reached the ridge overlooking the SuperDuperMart and a few other big, low structures. It was only then that they saw that some large and heavily armed force was attacking the SuperDuperMart. They were doing so across the large parking areas surrounding the actual complex that were dotted with derelict vehicles, shopping-carts and even shopping robots.


Soldiers in power armour of varied kinds, robots, striding mecha-armoured soldiers, fast moving hovertanks, tracked war machines, battlebuggies and plenty of soldiers in body-armour and fatigues. The Talon Mercenaries were invading the SuperDuperMart and they were paying a heavy price for it.


Explosions ripped apart attacking machines, robots went mad as they attacked their own forces, power armour suddenly went dead and collapsed as did the mecha. Bullets, shells, pulses of energy and laser pulsebeams shot across the clear areas around the SuperDuperMart.


The strange factor was that they could not pick up any sign of the defending forces that were punishing the Talon Mercenaries so heavily. A hovertank was skimming towards the shopping complex when it suddenly lost control, swerved and smashed into a hoverAPC carrying soldiers.


Then the Talon Mercenaries were retreating, were fleeing in discord, often leaving behind equipment, even robots and vehicles. They were allowed to flee in peace and then they were gone from the battle zone proper.


For a while nothing obvious happened and then the stuff left behind by the retreating Talon Mercenaries simply began to vanish, somehow falling through the smart concrete of the carp parking areas. Then they were all gone.


Jiffy made an odd noise and got restless in her pouch. She looked up at Jadekin, who had her pouch on his front, and spoke. “They is like me but not like me, like Bobabe but not like Bobabe.”


Then they came up out of the ground, dozens of neobabies in exotic power armour and small exotic toy-robot style robots of varied shapeforms. The neobabies looked up at those from Megaton These strange little soldiers gave off the contradictory impressions of sweet adorableness and deadly menace. Each Minion, for that was what they were called, carried a rocket-launcher with projectiles large plus powerful enough to kill a standard adult human and the robots had pulselaser weapons.


They stood proud and then they began to sing in the language called Esperanto, including the odd little robots. doing so with much gusto. “It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all, it’s a big small world.”


Then came forth a small but not as small neobaby who had a cloak on her power armour and held a small staff, a quarterstaff relative to her size. She lifted up her staff and cried out. “Welcome to the Big Small World Theme Park. We are the Minions and Toybots that help protect SmallWorld from evil Big-Uns and beasties.”


Professor Brown smiled and then spoke. “Wonderful, very wonderful, and wise small special people, we are pleased to meet you.”


Jiffy waved and some of the small warriors waved back. Bobot hovered just above some Minions and they seemed happy at its presence, perhaps sensing Bobabe inside.


Big Small World Theme Park? SmallWorld?

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They found the real Kari Seerwoman dead in her private quarters. The green button had turned out to open a door to a secret network of corridors and elevator shafts that ran through both the known bunker of Deep Megaton but through the bigger bunker, the secret one, beneath Deep Megaton.


Buffy Bobbins contacted Mayor Elaine Harrington and informed her of the new discoveries using a 3Dtelephone found in the private quarters. In moments there were Guardsmen and deputies, along with others, carefully going through the secret network in groups.


They ran into no trouble in the bigger bunker beneath. Its network-systems were semiactive except for those needed to maintain and safeguard the bunkercomplex. The few active security turrets, roboremotes and robots that were active, were easily switched off. There were many people in status sleeper capsules and fewer others that were no more than skeletal remains. Some kind of brief but savage battle had taken place.


The bunker was once owned, run and occupied by something called the Dharma Initiative, the people often wearing grey vault-jumpsuits with the Dharma Initiative symbol on front and back. They had been investigating the true nature of the Centrolis but were only one of many Dharma Initiative groups doing so.


Dharma Initiative were begun officially through the United Nations but this could easily be a misleading clue for many organizations used the UN as a front to conceal their true natures.


There was plenty of equipment and supplies, plenty of good loot for the Megatonfolk to use. As for the others who, like Kari Seerwoman, who had been in Deep Megaton before it got that name, they turned out to be very sophisticated clones as the real Kari Seerwoman was. The cloner network-system was found in its own chambers that was part of the newly found bunker that had to be treated with great care. The cloning device technologies were related to those of the so called Gary Experiment to be found in a TekVault in Centralia.


When the JAGAF troopers arrived suddenly in their stealth power armour, emerging apparently from nowhere, they sealed off the special section of the new found bunker from the Megatonfolk. Three hundred JAGATs arrived in time and newer ones came in bulkier battle power armour or special weapons power armour.


JAGAF was on the move now, was rising up from where it had mostly slept in a series of huge MultiVaults hidden in a clever pattern below the bubble enwrapped city of NeoPeking. But they had some problems of their own. Some dark powerful force was attacking JAGAC, Jagware Augmented Genned Assault Citadel, from beneath. JAGAF was fighting ZammaZ but also something else called Shaduzi that seemed to be heavily influencing ZammaZ if not outright controlling it.


Mysteries were starting to be solved but not in any easy way as old assumptions were being questioned and old accepted truths turned out to be false. New facts were not easy to tie into one another because they were not always part of a clear cut picture.

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“Older clues given are OummuO of Unity Thirteen, the Nine of Unity Thirteen, Orderhood of Steel, Guardian Thirteen of Centralia, Centralia is not just Centralia but is more than Centralia, from SkyIslands looking down, Centralia above, in the middle and below; assume nothing, not even your own existence; focus Doomsday focus and count them all, list them all and network them all.”


“Newer clues given are Old Patriot Thirteen, the New Patriot Thirteen, the New Patriot Republic, what Nathan really knows, the Unity Thirteen, the human rot in Centralia City, the Retirowa as Samsu, what Elder Owyn Lyons knows, Datafile 768-0987-098-RAN-980-098 in the Smithsonian University Museum, SVR Normalville in TekVault0101 and the rise of UnityFree.”

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The bunker appeared out of nowhere, digging itself into the ground at one edge of Sugartown and out of it came the surviving people and other life from the vanquished settlement of Anglo Brish. The raiders had taken that settlement, had conquered it.


Jacky, Jessy, Jilly and JackOMan were amongst the first to greet the newcomers. Many Sugartowners were not so pleased until they realised that with the new bunker and its contents came many new resources, including the experience and skills of the people. The new bunker had a small fusion generation station, a mattercation network-system, workshops and a few other fine resources including a good sized and well stocked armoury.


Sugartown had been the nearest large USC settlement to Anglo Brish and it had been planned to send a small expedition to see what was happening there. Now knowing a large enemy force was occupying what had been Anglo Brish, the plans had to be changed. Now the necessity was to rescue smaller USC settlements out that way before the raiders could get to them.


Jessy and Jacky were soon trying to find new homes for people and to rustle up the everyday goods that they had lost. Jilly staid with their mother and JackOMan was busy checking the actual bunker. It was he who soon realised that no only had OummuO rescued the central bunker and its people but had enlarged it and had grabbed other items from the settlement. So people were soon being given back many of their belongings, their pets, their livestock and more.


The mission to go down and find out more about the mysterious structure deeper below Sugartown was delayed for this and other reasons.

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The great battle continued to rage in the great underground chamber, a weird and devastating confrontation that hurled amazingly destructive forces between different armies.


Shadowzi came to assist and to manipulate ZammaZ just as it seemed that ZammaZ might retreat to leave its human victims alone. Shadowzi came as many dreadful grey shadows lit by morgue light but also hordes of deformed monsters of a thousand plus twisted shapeforms and powers. The undead things sucked at life energies and also attacked with strange disintegrating energies along with hacking, smashing, slashing, stabbing and other more basic attacks.


Just as suddenly as it had begun, the fight ended. Shadowzi withdrew, vanishing, and took both ZammaZ and its own forces with it. But even as Shadowzi departed, it reached out and sucked the life energies out of the cultists and other victims, not killing them but turning them into zombies except for ghouls who just died. The screams of the victims were terrible to hear but nothing could be done to stop the ending of them.


OummuO burned away the undead with a great flash of sunlight, making their ending quick and merciless, freeing up their souls.


Yes, Shadowzi and ZammaZ had been driven off but this was no great victory, not really. Except that is for the impression that ZammaZ had been taking the victims to a special place for a special purpose and that purpose had not been achieved.


Betena, Rhonda Rhodes and Harlequin as Jonah stood looking out over the vast chamber.


OmumuO as JiJoe and the JI-Infantry were departing in an OrbisOrb that appeared though it looked far too small to take all of them.


OummuO was there but remained in the background.


UzammazU was gone now, along with UzammazU's uzazhoul followers whom it actually cared for quite well.


The very alien quasichines were already departed.


“How very alien this place is.” Rhonda Rhodes examined it. “Yet it was created by the Zaztorians who were humans.”


Harlequin as Jonah sighed. “The Ancients who created the Centrolis (Centralia) were assisted, guided, by UzammazU who is very alien. Yet they also had been changed by the nature of their false immortality by then.”


The great hexagon chamber shimmered softly with pale light and then, suddenly, there was a great ancient spaceship there. It was huge and elongated rectangular of heavy metallic form but with enough curves to make it almost graceful. Jutting above and below were great bridges of angular shape fused into larger angular shape. Great alien symbols dotted parts of it as did strange turrets, pods, geoglobes and other substructures.


Harlequin as Jonah sighed heavily. “One is starting to understand just what the Shaduzi is and I do not like it. That is a PrisonArz of the UnlivenU, a kind of police force in the dimensional plane that the Shaduzi most likely came from as it was picked up by the Centrolis. The Shaduzi was most like inside that. If it was, Shaduzi is very dangerous for only the most evil and powerful of criminals in that other dimension are trapped in such terrible prisons.”


Betena nodded. “The part of me that is inherited from OummuO has me agree with you. There are UnlivenU in there even now but it is wounded and is in some kind of very alien form of status. Perhaps it will assist us.”


Harlequin as Jonah shook his head. “UnlivenU are just as dangerous in their own way as Shaduzi is. They would set out to destroy Shaduzi totally, no matter the consequences to others.”


But Betena shook her head. “Not this time, not with OummuO being here, for OummuO is both respected and feared by UnlivenU.”


Harlequin as Jonah nodded. “Since OummuO is the parent of the Harlequin, I perhaps should have known that already.”

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There was the clue: the Guardian Thirteen of Centralia, the Centrolis? In the OrbisTrans the Unity Thirteen investigated this clue and learned at first little more than that the Guardian Thirteen were some kind of alliance of individuals and groups that in the early PostDD times had begun to investigate the real causes behind Doomsday.


Names began to arise. Professor Gregory Brown at Megaton who was once linked with something called the Dharma Initiative. The Dharma Initiative itself that was formed when the Centrolis first came down into the Atlantic Ocean, to investigate the true nature of the Centrolis (Centralia).


The Dharma Initiative was now found to have operated in a bunker beneath Megaton, part of the bunker having become Deep Megaton. Did Professor Gregory Brown know about the bunker and what was in it? It seemed logical since he was, according to some found datafiles, once part of the Dharma Initiative.


Then appeared the Guardian Thirteen that Professor Gregory Brown joined after he departed from the Dharma Initiative. Since it was investigating the cause of Doomsday, one would logically expect that it had first emerged after Doomsday and much of it did. Yet hints were found that the very first important meeting was made about a month before Doomsday actually took place.


Somebody had to talk with Professor Gregory Brown.


The next clue were the amazing SkyIslands and the way they floated above Centralia (the Centrolis). They realised, with a shock, that they have never really thought about the SkyIslands above them in that seemingly impossible fashion, that no Wastelanders seemed to do so. Now, though, they wanted to ask and answer a good many questions about them. For example, how was it that two smallest of them had fallen from the sky on Doomsday but none others and just where they had fallen, where were they?


OummuO gave some information, with seeming reluctance. The three big, three mediate and six small SkyIslands were in truth smaller ships that had been a fleet serving the Centrolis that had become Centralia. These ships had normally been inside the Centrolis, had filled the gaps that later were filled with stolen landmass. The two that had fallen, had arisen again and once again were amongst the other SkyIslands. There were also one special SkyIsland that had a very special nature to it.


What dwelt up there on the SkyIslands? The SkyIslanders were a people who dwelt on-in the SkyIslands but did not control them. In many ways they lived like PreDD folks and had many of their technologies. They seemed to not think about Centralia below in the same way Centralians did not think of them above.


Which led to the realisation that the peoples of Centralia rarely considered other peoples at all that dwelt in other parts of the world.


Was it a local form of chosen blindness or was some other influence at work?

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