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How long did it take for Retirowa as Samsu to realise that she and her army had been tricked into entering a time-space loop trap? Not getting any closer to the RDVault she was aiming for, she had somehow fallen into the psychic psycological trap of losing herself to the endless travelling through the same tunnel that got her and her followers nowhere.


It was humiliating that her mere mortal followers began to discover the truth before she did.


As soon as she broke the time-space loop trap, she could sense that one could Shaduzi was behind its creation. She not only knew Shaduzi, she had hated him for countless centuries since they had last met and Shaduzi had defeated her and forced her to mate. Shaduzi and Retirowa were of the same kind of super entities from the same dimensional realm, or at least Retirowa had long ago originated from there.


Pieces of old puzzles were starting to fall into place.


Then there was ZammaZ, the projection of stupid false immortals now trapped under the control of Shaduzi. She had reason to fear those.


Yet more reason to fear the Harlequin and, of course, OummuO.


If Harlequin was there, then Harlequin would be tracking her in one form or another or more than one such shapeform.


Retirowa as Samsu began to question priorities and plans in a dark, long abandoned subway tunnel dripping with water and partly filled with murky flowing tunnel river. She stopped and then led her people to a nicer place to rest where she could stop and think things through a bit.

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Unity Thirteen




The truth of the great air convoy came when the people of it revealed that they were of the UnityCommons of NeoCentralia, once falsely called UnityEarth. The illusion was that the air convoy had come through the air from North America, but it was the only way to actually bring the refugees from one dimensional realm to the other.


The great orbs were of EomemoE, a related entity to OummuO itself, being in overly simplified terms, a cousin of sorts. EomemoE was far less powerful in general terms than was OummuO but had some very powerful specialised abilities. OummuO was pleased that EomemoE had come to assist. They had worked together in the past to good results.


It was EomemoE who revealed a great falsehood, a betrayal, as carried out by the UnityMind through the UnityNetwork and the UnityElders through the UnityOrders. For it was the former that opened the transways and waygates to allow the latter through to one of the SkyIslands or directly to Centralia disguised as raiders. Yes, the raiders were of the UnityOrders.


Not only had the beautiful raiders been of the UnityOrder of Cleansing, they had helped to create the metamutants, turning settlers of NeoCentralia into monsters to attack Centralia with.


When the Unity Thirteen heard of this betrayal they were surprised but not as much as they would have previously assumed they would have been. The betrayal made sense, along with the evil plans, with what they had learned of the true nature of the UnityMind, the UnityNetwork, the UnityElders and the UnityOrders.


Question was, why were the raiders being sent to attack Centralia and various peoples there including the old USC that was becoming the FreeFed? Was it the first part of an actual invasion or were there other plans in mind of the UnityMind and the UnityElders?


The Brotherhood of Steel sent a convoy to meet the UnityCommons and were pushed back firmly but gently from contact. UnityCommons as yet had no interest in meeting with Centralians, not even locals such as scavengers, tribals and such like. They did give basic assistance to those who asked for it, that is those who honestly needed it. Those who tried to lie, to cheat, were sent abruptly away and told never to return.


The newcomers went on building a new colony and seemed to be making preparations for more people, livestock, equipment, supplies and other to come. The silver globes remained for a while but then something odd happened; they began to float away. Then, abruptly, they returned.


Abruptly, then, the newcomers changed their attitude towards the established peoples of Centralia (the Centrolis). A large convoy of ground vehicles set out towards the troubled new FreeFed with many gifts of equipment and supplies. Protecting them were a hundred small silver globes and a thousand PowerRangers, elite soldiers in power armour.


EomemoE had made it clear that it would assist all and not just a few.

Edited by Maharg67
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Graham Maharg aimed his rifle and fired it. The bullet struck down a mercenary, a hired expendable nobody from the Wastelands, but did not kill him. He dropped behind a car and worked the lever of the repeater-rifle to breech another special bullet.


The Four Families had lost their power, their wealth and their grip on the Canterbury Commons Corporation as the truth about their planned treachery against the settlement had come to light. They were not truly selling equipment and supplies to the Contractual Confederation but supplying them to help them conquer Canterbury Commons.


The real reason that Graham Maharg was in the settlement was arising. OummuO had sent him to Canterbury Commons to do what he did best; that is to find a data needle in a great big data haystack full of rusty pitchforks and venomous snakes.


The Four Families had not been the real threat; they were just foolish puppets of some force that wanted to conquer Canterbury Commons. Not even the new ConConfed was the real culprit but was a construct being put together to carry out a purpose for the same dark force. What did it want? It wanted the vault that had for so long traded with Canterbury Commons and had provided it with so many tradegoods.


The new ConConfed was swallowing up many settlements and factions that the old USC and new FreeFed had no interest in, were often enemies of. Paradise Falls and the DC-Syndicates had joined as had the DomniCommonwealth, as had mutated cannibal tribals, and a few others. The DomniCommonwealth was a semiautonomous member. The DC-Syndicates were soon rising inside its power structure like scum in a cesspool.


Graham Maharg could make his special bullets do different things with his mind. He shot the second bullet and it struck a wall, causing a sparkling shimmer, and became an eyebot. The eyebot zigzagged and showed Graham where the last of the active mercenaries were hiding.


Except the mercenaries were not the real threat and a great bolt of sizzling energy struck the car he was behind. Graham Maharg was hurled through the air. With a cry of pain he struck a second car, bounced off it, rolled and came up running very quickly in a zigzag pattern. Even as he did something blew his eyebot apart.


Then he saw the tall, pale angular figure, a woman in dark grey robes. Despite her looking old and frail, she bounded around with amazing speed and agility as he fired off a bullet at her. The bullet divided into two and they divided into two and so forth until many bullets were flying towards the woman with her thin metallic staff.


She screamed at him, her mouth opening to reveal long fangs. Then she began to swat away at the bullets, to dodge them, at first neatly avoiding many of them and knocking down others. Then all the cloud of bullets flying past her, close to her, exploded as one.


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Moments later he stood staring down at the dead Zaztorian, a false immortal of an Ancient who had belonged to the Greylizen Faction. The Greylizen Faction were almost as evil as the Darklizen Faction but it seemed they were nowhere near as powerful. They did not project ZammaZ as did the Darklizen.


Some assorted soldiers rounded up the last of the mercenaries, who were only too happy to surrender. Uncle Roe was there, the mayor of Canterbury Commons, and he seemed tense. He saw Graham Maharg and walked over with obvious reluctance.


Graham grinned at the mayor of Canterbury Commons. “So, when did you actually leave the vault and come up here to help establish Canterbury Commons? No, nobody blabbed but I have a way of reading between the lines, of finding clues where others miss them. Why would the dark and nasty forces of the new Contractual Confederation want to take over the vault? What is that vault down there that is named falsely TekVault0115?”


Uncle Roe frowned hard. “One great big mattercation, manufacturing and specialised organic cultivation complex, that is what is down there. It is only semiactive and has only been semiactive since Doomsday. That is all I know. I was only ever in the Gamma Class, the skilled working class, the ones who roboremoted or worked in exosuits or in specialised power armour. One day some of us were chosen, given some instructions, given a few bonuses and sent up here to the ruined town. We came with enough people, equipment and supplies to begin Canterbury Commons and then half returned, having never left their suits.”


Graham Maharg nodded. “Then you pretended that you and a few others were originally Wastelanders and that you began Canterbury Commons from scratch before making contact with the VaultDwellers almost below the settlement. Why the deception?”


The man frowned. “Because the Vaultgov considered us to be more loyal and less wild along with more controllable. Okay, you can stop looking at me that way; even we Gammas guessed that there was far more to our vault than was told to us. It is a MultiVault, that is more than three TekVaults, one RDVaults, the Complex that I mentioned already plus some other facilities I do not know the real nature of. One of the TekVaults is indeed TekVault0115. That is where I lived and worked as a roboremoter.”


Graham Maharg nodded. “I am going to go down and have a look.”


Uncle Roe frowned. “The Hundred will not let you get far. Officially they are the only ones that can go between the MultiVault and Canterbury Commons. They may seem like normal humans but they are far from being so. They are of the Alphas, the superhumans, the Followers of Shaduzi who I am not even supposed to know exists.”


Graham Maharg shook his head. “I think I am going to call for some assistance. Right now I am going to have a nice meal and a big mug of coffee at diner.”


Uncle Roe nodded. “I will join you but, please, let us just talk about normal, everyday matters.”


Graham Maharg grinned. “More than happy to.”

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Patriotoza as James had discovered that the beautiful raiders were indeed of the UnityOrders as controlled by the UnityElders and he was very angry but also fearful. He and his faithful radroach companion, Stinkies, moved carefully through a fifth level of a blocky tower and through one-way smart-windows watched the beautiful raiders launching another large scale assault on their enemies.


20mm shells exploded off the metallic bricks above the smart-window. A shortlong missile darted through the air and something blew up that James could not see, even through the window. The fighting was savage and he could hear the muffled sounds of many weapons being used. Much of the shooting would be hitting nobody for both sides were very good at hiding and moving in clever fashion.


Portsburg was falling to them now. Metamutants, supermutants and the ice eyed one that Patriotoza as James now knew were Dazi, AntiUnity sociopathic monstrosities of strange attractiveness. The gangers, bandits, survivalists and others that had been holding off the invasion for so long, were falling back in orderly fashion or were just running away. The Dazi did not take prisoners and neither did the supermutants or metamutants fighting under their control.


Portsburg would clearly be used as an invasion staging area as the UnityMind and the UnityElders carried out a dark treachery. What did this mean for the Patriotoza, the Patriot Thirteen, and their many followers and others back in NeoCentralia. Yes, even he now knew, somehow, that the whole idea of PatriotEarth had been a fraud, a trick played upon the Patriot Thirteen.


Stinkies was changed, now had a good leather quality look to her wings and body, and she carried on its back a kind of backpack with some goodies for radroaches. Patriotoza as James had altered her.


Patriotoza as James peered out at a hovertrack, a machine designed to move on tracks but which could also hover for short distances if it had to do so, shot over a defence ditch. The scattered bodies of survivalists lay there and with them mercenaries that had been very good soldiers but had been overwhelmed by larger numbers of better equipped enemies.


Suddenly the hovertrack exploded and the supposedly dead mercenaries were rushing to their feet and moving quickly into cover. The former President of the USGA grinned with pleasure at the way the mercenaries were behaving and he wondered who was behind them.


Which was when the radroach shimmered and then talked. “I prefer the name Raddy to Stinky. I am Harlequin as Raddy now and I offer you a deal. Those mercenaries come from your own people in the New Patriot Republic. I suggest you make contact with as soon as possible.”

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It took a careful approach, with Harlequin as Raddy following close behind him, but then President James Patriot Jackson was in the same chamber as the nearest, highest ranking officer of the Patriot Guards disguised as mercenaries. The lieutenant went to scoff and then James looked the man in the eyes.


The lieutenant stood and saluted sharply. “President, I suggest that we escort you at once to where Marshal Wenston herself has her command post. Of course I will contact her to make sure full preparations for your arrival are made.”


President James Patriot Jackson nodded. “Also so you can double check on my story. I commend you lieutenant for such smart thinking. There is much that we need to discuss.”


The lieutenant was clearly curious but cautious of knowing too much for his own safety. “We will need to move through the buildings for a time. Perhaps we can gain some way to carry the radroach.”


At which point the radroach shimmered and changed shapeform into a young woman wearing an odd leathery looking suit of power armour. She carried a leathery quarterstaff and a leathery backpack. She smiled through her open visor. She was quite cute in an exotic fashion with her odd lightly leathery skin.


She spoke. “Raddy is my name. You are soldiers of the New Patriot Republic serving here in Portsburg for what reason?”


President James Patriot Jackson nodded. “Answer her questions. It seems we have formed a new agreement.”


The lieutenant nodded and spoke reluctantly. “One division of the Patriot Guards are here as part of an agreement with the Guardian Thirteen. They have informed us that the raiders actually come from PatriotEarth and that they are Unity scum.”


James shook his head. “No, there is no such place as PatriotEarth. The Patriotoza were tricked into thinking we created our own world while we helped the Shaduzi to create a dark realm of its own. Why, we do not know. Shaduzi also fooled and used the Unity. Yet the raiders do not reflect Unity forces but AntiUnity forces as in the UnityMind, the UnityElders, the UnityNetwork and the UnityOrders. The raiders belong to the UnityOrders, to AntiUnity forces. Ooommm, I can see it in your mind that you consider that we might work with AntiUnity; while the idea might seem to have merit, painful experience has taught the Patriot Thirteen that the AntiUnity is quite insane, as insane as we Patriot Thirteen were supposed to be. They are worse than unreliable, they are treacherous. Of course, people used to say that about us.”


The lieutenant saluted. “Mr President, such words are the lies of our enemies.”


President James Patriot Jackson sighed. “Tell me how this New Patriot Republic is thriving.”


The lieutenant nodded. “The NPR is thriving well, Mr President, but the Marshal can tell you more about than I can.”


James paused before speaking again. “So, how long has it been since this NPR has been infiltrated and taken over by the Enclaven? You are all enclones.”


The lieutenant nodded. “Enclaven of Centralia is not like the Enclaven that took this world outside of Centralia or the EagleEnclave of North America. The PatriotEnclave here on-in Centralia (the Centrolis) looks to the leadership of the Patriot Thirteen. We are 13th Generation Enclones born from wombmothers. Everything is illusion. None of us are what we think we are, or at least a lot of us are not what we think we are. On this world exists or have existed those that we have been copied from or inspired from in our creation. There was a real President James Patriot Jackson but what did happen to him?”


The President gave the lieutenant an ironic look. “I suggest we deal with the more practical problems first. Take me to Marshal Wenston, please.”

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