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The Wastelands of Centralia went on mostly as they had done since Doomsday. Most people continued to exist as they had for generations and had no idea of the great events that were happening and the greater events that were to come. Yet there were exceptions.


While a big battle raged in Portsburg, fighting broke out between the raiders and the new Freedom Federation Defence Force, or FFDF, along with Soldiers of Steel and Ironsides Mercenaries.


The newly arisen ConConfed declared that it now had national rights over a good deal of land, including territories of the new FreeFed and others. Fighting began with some skirmishing and was soon getting hotter.


Graham Maharg observed as a large army of exotic giant-ants was led by a number of strangely armoured and armed humanoids and humans towards Canterbury Commons. They were met on the boundaries of the settlement by an opposing army of exotic robots as led by strangely armoured and armed cyborgs and humans. The strange ant decorated AntAgonizer led her quasi-insect army while the equally odd, robotic decorated Mechanist; both wore curious power armour and had strange, powerful weapons.


The old conspiracy was that they would fight each other and prove the Mayor Roe and his people to be incapable of protecting the settlement. But as the two exotic armies came closer to each other, they changed direction and began to head towards Canterbury Commons.


Thus began the weird and terrible attack on the settlement.


Guardsmen, militia and a mixture of others began to defend the town. Brother Outcasts joined in, blasting away with heavy weapons as they stood or crouched in their battle power armour. The settlement was under shock for it was one thing to deal with bandits but a great big, weird invasion?


Explosions lit up the ground as howitzers and mortars in the town opened up on the enemy. Pulsebeams and energy pulses spat through the air. Bullets and shells flew hot and nasty. It seemed that the town might keep the enemy at bay until Graham Maharg alerted the Canterbury Commoners that giant ants were digging tunnels under the defences of the town.


Graham Maharg sparkled shimmered and became a Liberty Prime. As a Liberty Prime super battle robot he fired off pulselaser cannons and volleys of smart-missiles and even more rockets. His hulking feet slammed against the ground in just the right way to cause enemy tunnels to collapse as he towered above allies and enemies alike. His force fields deflected away most of the attacks made against him though some did hit to leave black marks or small dents against his armour.


Thankfully Graham Maharg Liberty Prime did not cry out anti-Communist war cries.

Edited by Maharg67
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It was amazing. The neobaby Minions and small Toybots led them to a secret entrance to a tunnel of clever reinforcements. As they led the newcomers along the tunnel, along the tunnel walls ran tiny sparkling macrobots. There were tiny microbots and even tinier nanbots as well that were far too small to be seen by normal vision.


They came into a basement level of the SuperDuperMart that was once just a great big parking area for atomic and electric vehicles. It had also been a public transit stop for robocabs, taxies, buses and trams. Centralians had mostly not privately owned vehicles and had used both hire vehicles, cabs and public transit network-systems.


The basement level was now a great big garage-workshop, other workshops and parking-recharging bays for vehicles and larger robots. People were bustling around or were cyberlinked into network-systems. Many of these turned out to be androids or even cyborgs.


SuperDuperMart was clearly a very large settlement of some kind but what of SuperDuperTown?


A tall, elegant woman in a multiple coloured jumpsuit, came striding over to them. She smiled and then spoke in the language called Esperanto. “Welcome to SuperDuperMart. We are very busy for the attack by the Talon Mercenaries was but the third large scale attack that has failed against us this week. Raiders came twice, the Dazi with the ice cold eyes and their metamutants and supermutants. AntiUnity they are but Unity is strong here and is linked with UnityFree that is arising strongly based in far off underground Alphaburg. Four of you are very special of Unity.”


Benny the neobaby was surrounded by Minions and Toybots who seemed to be holding a conference of their own special kind.


Bobby spoke then. “We were met by a party of the small fighters.”


The woman smiled. “My name is Rartisha. Yes, they are important to us all and especially to Her. She is always linked with them and they are semiautonomous to her. She is to be found in the Small Big World Arcade, an indoor theme park based on neobabies, neobaby androids, robotic toy robots and much else of the kind. ShopTek, of the TekCorps, opened up the theme park in order to exploit neobabies and the concept of them to draw more customers to this huge complex but She came here on Doomsday itself and helped to protect the complex along with all in it, be they staff, customers or just others who managed to get here.”


Benny nodded. “Why have you not made previous contact with the outside?”


The woman spoke with obvious reluctance. “Because She was fearful and because we feared for her as she grew stronger. Now we are ready to rise and join the Freedom Federation, to assist it against the AntiUnity of the UnityMind, the UnityElders and the UnityOrders. Now UnityCommons and the UnityMind are battling over control of the UnityNetwork both here and in NeoCentralia. I suggest that you go and see her after she has finished her nap and has had time to wake up properly. She had been napping just over a month now and is starting to stir, to properly wake.”


Jasmine smiled and nodded. “We will be patient. Can you show us more of this amazing place?”


The woman nodded. “Of course! Follow me, please.”

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The SuperDuperMart was a vast, largely automated shopping complex with other services and goods to sell also. There was a great supermarket that had sold groceries and other such stuff, a great variety goods store that had sold anything from paint to garden mulch, toys, books, clothes and much else. There was a large robotics shop and service centre. Then there were hundreds of speciality shops, cafes, diners, milkbars, noodleshops and such like.


The Big Small World was a large amusement arcade with neobabies, neobaby androids, small animals and other cute and adorable presentations of that PreDD world plus various quasihistorical presentations such as Big Small Rome (ancient Rome) and Big Small Wild West. Or at least it had been. For changes had happened here as else where since Her influence had begun.


Then there was an indoor zoo, amazingly enough, with big realistic enclosures for animals that now were freer than they had been and which were now of very great value, genetically and species wise. The zoo was part farm-zoo and so there were lions, panthers, horses, donkeys, crocodiles, wolves, lizards, snakes, fish and much else. Now the ‘zoo’ had a new section with such as deathclaws, molerats, radroaches and more from the Wastelands. Under the influence of She and the rising Unity, the zoo creatures were peaceful to each other and to others. The area was now called Arkzoo.


There was also a great domed indoor garden of gardens being of different themes such as Semiwilderness, Wilderness, English Victorian, Ancient Greek and so forth. Small tracked, wheeled and climbing robots tended them.


In small white robotic golfcars they zipped along on tour as around them bustled many people. Ghouls and zhouls were always given special medical treatments and had regained healthier looks though exzhouls tended to be still more basic in their way of life. Friendly supermutants and metamutants bustled around, the supermutants often hauling or pushing big loads with ease.


UnityFree had come to the SuperDuperMart, to SuperDuperTown, and while Unity was strong there, AntiUnity was weak. The newcomers were generally treated well but the three members of the Unity Thirteen were treated more warily by some. UnityFree was spreading in a subtle but powerful fashion through out the new Freedom Federation, was making contact with the UnityCommons that had arrived in the big air convoy from the fragmenting NeoCentralia.


But She and her influence was stronger there than was the influence of UnityFree and already once she had struck out in anger when UnityFree tried to take over the great complex; She expelled over a hundred UnityFree individuals but no harm was done to any of them.


They visited the great mattercation, manufacturing and processing facility below the greater part of SuperDuperMart. They saw thousands of tradegoods and essential items being produced included baseline foodstuffs. Toxic side-effects of mattercation were processed to create various forms of mutagenic serums, gels and other goods. These in term were further processed or used in other processes. It was there that new curative mutagenic serums for ghoulification and mutification were being manufactured.


Where were the tradegoods and aid-goods going? Nobody was saying but apart from a relatively small amount used in the great complex, most of it was going to a mystery destiny.


The reason the UnityFree people were expelled was that they wanted the stuff sent to their people instead of the mystery destiny.


OummuO appeared and only then revealed to the rest of the Unity Thirteen that OummuO had long known about her and what was going on in the SuperDuperMart. In truth, like much on-in Centralia (the Centrolis), the SuperDuperMart was a distorted reflection of the SuperDuperMart in the DC Wastelands of North America.


OummuO also revealed then that a great transformation was coming that would change much of Centralia in many ways. It was coming because too many powerful but unwise forces had interfered with powerful natural laws and finally Mother Nature was going to put everything back into place. OummuO revealed that OummuO was making plans and gathering forces to try to shape the transformation so as little death and destruction took place as was possible. OummuO also had to make sure that Shaduzi and other dark forces did not manage to shape the transformation to their own ends.


It was sobering news.

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OummuO drifted across Androidia, the exotic realm of independent androids and semi-independent androids linked together through the AlphaOmega Network of Cybermentality of Network-Systems, the AONCNS, often known as the Aonocons.


Truth was that Graham Maharg had long ago created Androidia and it had grown, developed, evolved with the guidance of OummuO.


Androids dwelt there strong and powerful, with many refugees having gotten there from the DomniCommonwealth. Yet there were others such as brainbots and robobrains that were actually cyborgs, other kinds of cyborgs, humans, ghouls and even cyber-tamed zhouls.


Aonocons was linked to a great AI-supercomputer network-system known generally as ThinkCentral because its official name was too long and complicated to use normally. Together Aonocons and ThinkCentral had tried and failed to take over Skynet and through it Earthnet, Aquanet and Moonnet. It had failed thanks to previous infiltration and control obtained by a mystery mentality.


Except now Aonocons-ThinkCentral knew that the warped UnityMind was controlling Skynet through UnityNetwork and through it the other networks though that control was far from perfect. UnityMind was influenced by the UnityElders, long ago distorted into warped mentalities of false immortality, and the Skynet was supporting the raiders’ invasion of Centralia. Aonocons-ThinkCentral was starting a new campaign to take over Skynet and a big brutal cyberspace battle had begun between it and UnityMind.


It did not take long before Aonocons-ThinkCentral and UnityCommons formed an alliance to defeat but not destroy UnityMind; no, they wanted to save and cure UnityMind, to break the influence that they now knew that Shaduzi had on UnityMind as it had on the UnityElders and UnityOrders.


OummuO noted the flashing sparkle shimmer effect high in the sky. One moment it glimpsed the sky of one world, one Earth, with blue sky and white clouds. The next it viewed the sky of another Earth with no clouds and a black sky full of stars for this was an Earth that no longer was wrapped in life supporting atmosphere.


OummuO shifted towards another part of Centralia and was above the ‘softly’ crashed, lightly tilted form of a zetan mothership. Zetans and their robots moved in groups around the hull but also cyborg-abominations that were hybrid human-zetans. Zetan hoversleds zipped over the surface of the great ship and zetans were busy maintaining extra structures built up and out from the ship to help sustain zetan life. But there were not just zetans but yetans, a cousin people who served the zetans as workers for they were more passive. Zetans also used a kind of zetan android known as uozetans. That is these zetans did for the zetans were nomadic space people who were based in their motherships and they varied in factions, culture, power, size, technologies and other factors.


Zetans knew something big and perhaps very dangerous was coming. They were preparing by gathering energy in various other ways, resources from beneath and around the mothership and enforcing the mothership.


Then OummuO observed the huge UnityOrders army. Not raiders this time, who were of the UnityOrder of Cleansing, but of the UnityOrders of Mastering, Dominating and Purifying. Thousands of power armoured soldiers, sappers and other specialists, robots and specialised, mutated creatures under cybernetic control, were active across a large area. Citizens were there also of the UnityOrders of Civility, Culurality and Sociality. Citizens seemed just as heavily armoured and armed as the fighting UnityOrders. There were many vehicles, modular structures being erected, mobile buildings and such like.


The UnityOrder of Mastering was the NeoNazi force that had attacked the Clansdom, appearing seemingly out of nowhere to attack the settlement of VeRajo. There it had been defeated by Alphana, Betena and Gammati, the Clansguardia and Clansfolk Warrior Orders.

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OummuO had confirmed what it had pretty much worked out anyway; the Unity and AntiUnity of NeoCentralia, realising that they had been tricked and betrayed into creating an unstable prison for themselves that was NeoCentralia, were busy escaping from it back to Centralia (the Centrolis). The irony was that in truth they had never really left the Centrolis in the first place but had only created and dwelt in a kind of super illusion at the core of the Centrolis (Centralia).


Then OummuO skimmed over a great area of settlements, settlers, tribals and even some small well organised citystates. These people knew nothing about the existence of the other regions. They were isolated behind high jagged mountains and toxic mutated swamplands. These people were at the technological level of muskets, rowboats, windmills, steel swords and the use of animals with some use of steam power as in basic, crude steam-trains and steamboats. In that area humans constantly fought against carnitores, vaguely human like carnivore cannibalistic creatures of much savagery, human hating ghouls and mutated creatures such as deathclaws, mirelurks and swarms of giant army-ants.


OummuO reached across the Clansdom that was quickly splitting to be two factions, the Subwayer Union below and the Clansdom above, both of which were joined as part of the new Freedom Federation. The Clansfolk of the surface and higher subsurface, were much as they had been except now many more outsiders were given the freedom to travel through areas of the Clansdom though there were still many restrictions.


OummuO examined the great domed cities of NeoTokyo, NeoLondon, NeoWashington and others, each which had been isolated since Doomsday. Nobody entered or left the domes which were actually complete, smooth force-bubble running underground also. These cities were big but not as big as the cities that they had generally been copied from.


The New Patriot Republic was an PatriotEnclave dominated network of railway (railroad) linked settlements that in most ways was just like the old United Settlements of Centralia. The same was true of the DomniCommonwealth that OummuO also observed carefully, the DomniCommonwealth being secretly dominated by the DomniInstitute in the same way the PatriotEnclave dominated the NPR.


Animalia was a great semiautomous network of small kingdoms, queendoms, republics, tribal clans made up of genetically engineered animal peoples (animanoids) such as chimpnoids, dolphinnoids and others. But there were also humans, ghouls, strange talking animals and other entities both existing and not existing in other parts of Centralia.


The fanatical religious theocracy, religious nation, of Crosswayne was also known as Holy Atomic Dominicus. It was a wide network of settlements, many of them primitive, based on sharp religious divisions and often for or against or neutral to the Atomicus Pope of the Atomicus Church that dominated about half of Crosswayne. Dogmatic, narrow minded thinking and the power of fanatical groups meant that Crosswayne remained largely inefficient, divided and poor.


OummuO also examined other realms such as the Disneyland realm where robopuppets, robots, androids and the Mickey Mouse Club dominated a strange realm of the Management, the Techs, the Caretakers, the Staffers, the Guests and others. Big facilities had been changed to meet new needs, settlements of sprung up but it was in many ways surprisingly like the PreDD Centralian Disneyland.


OummuO flew over the old USC that was now part of the new Freedom Federation and noted changes taking place with surprising speed and efficiency as Unity arose and UnityFree’s mostly positive influence spread through the FreeFed. Road improvement projects, the non lethal capture of zhouls, the planning and building of railways, the expansion and improvement of settlements and much else was taking place.


The new Contractual Confederation was AntiUnity born and bred, was a series of Warlord, Techlord and Civillord dominated fortified settlements of militaristic, autocratic, monopolistic economic nature where most people were exploited semicitizens or even enslaved subcitizens. The ConConfed was a cruel and quite insane civilization that was not ‘civilized’. Yet its sudden appearance and spread, along with the secret forces supporting it, remained largely a mystery.


Then OummuO rose upwards to the SkyIslands to the secret reality there, to the place where the Orderhood of Steel had really come from. The Orderhood of Steel, that was, which was much like the Brotherhood of Steel of North America of that world and which had pretended to come from there. There were other factions up there, a whole civilization of them that did not control the SkyIslands that were in truth a fleet of smaller Centrolis like ships that had been created along with the Centrolis to serve it. The SkyIslands were very big being one exotic, three large, three mediate and six relatively small of size.


The SkyIslanders were busy working on a huge, complicate program involving preparations to make themselves and Centralia ready for the big transformation to come. They focused on the program that was to one day be hacked into the ancient quasiliving computer network-systems of the Centrolis that were ancient and very alien in nature.


Millions of humans and other specialists, AI-supercomputer networks and others, including offshoots of OummuO, were working on what was a huge infiltration Trojan. Why, because in truth they knew, as OummuO did, that the Centrolis was far more than just a great big alien spaceship and that it was far more aware and active, had always been, than most people were aware of.


There was also something else about the Centrolis, something very important and very disturbing.


There were important links between all of these factors but some links and factors were far more important than were others.

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OummuO went down from the SkyIslands to where the UnityCommons were expanding as a second large air convoy arrived. This time ocean going ships were floating through the air along with trains, trucks and other vehicles that normally did not fly through the air. There were also buildings and other structures. A monstrous Trident nuclear submarine flew next to a Statue of Liberty which was just above a hulking atomic motorised locomotive with many big carriages trailing behind.


EomemoE was bringing this great convoy, even larger than the first, even as EomemoE had brought the first big convoy coming from NeoCentralia to Centralia.


Great big bubbles of water brought aquatic life of many kinds, of both salt and fresh water, from whales to plankton, octopi, tuna and even blowfish. There were also merhumans, genetically engineered to live in the ocean, and other entities of the same ilk.


UnityCommons was joining the Freedom Federation as Unity began to fuse it with the Unity of Centralia, including UnityFree.


OummuO and EomemoE contacted and communicated on a subtle and deep level but also in a very alien fashion. So it was that OummuO suggested a new task for EomemoE to carry out once it had brought three more big convoys of UnityCommons and then others to Centralia.


OummuO then dropped down into Centralia (the Centrolis) and was soon moving from vault to vault.


At TekVault0101, OummuO did what OummuO did not normally do. OummuO interfered and made harmless the Nanoseer Project and the other mind control nanobots meant to turn people into slavish followers of the High Overseer. TekVault0101 became open and soon the Vaultfolk were spreading through it.


Except for one subvault of TekVault0101 that OummuO destroyed except for any sentients and cyborgs (brainbots) it took to safety.


Then OummuO met with Retirowa as Samsu and they began a long, intricate session of very alien communications.

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Deep Megaton was now expanded with the revealing of the other part of the bunker that was now partly under the control of JAGAF. This still left much for the use of Megaton such as workshops, cafeterias, dormitories, robotics and much else. But JAGAF controlled the very special area with the cloner, the special data library and many other such facilities.


The elevator into the bottom of this bunker, that seemed also to lead down into the unknown, was also greatly damaged. They got the doors opened and looked downwards to the top of an elevator box that showed a torn open roof. Great claws had ripped open metal there as it had the other elevator that Boblade and Boblaze had first found.


Japhant floated down first and sank into the elevator. There it found three dead soldiers in assault power armour but also a dead monster, a thing of metallic organic like flesh and with big claws that were the ones that had torn the roof of the elevator open. It was a weird cyborg of some kind and it had a symbol on metal plates fused into the chest and the upper back showing the Dharma Initiative symbol.


It turned out that the cyborgclones and so called monster had been on the same side, that something had drained away their life energies to destroy them. The claw marks in the elevator had come from the cyborgclaws, genetic cousins to deathclaws, striking at a deadly enemy of some kind. They had damaged the enemy for something else lay long dead in the elevator, a burned thing of alien flesh, a thing like a plastic jellyfish that could fly through the air with long, morgue light glowing tentacles stretching out from beneath.


Boblade, Boblaze, Boclaw and Bobot (Bobabe) came down to the elevator chamber, moving quick and with great agility except Bobot floated down with Bobabe inside itself. Somehow they got the elevator working again and soon they were moving steadily but slowly downwards.


Japhant went before them, sinking down until it came to the first elevator stop. It went through doors and into what turned out to be a VaultTek designed structure but perhaps not a TekVault as such. It bore the symbol of the Dharma Initiative. There were many dead bodies, semiactive network-systems, deactivated robots and semiconscious androids. Some roboremotes still service supported the huge and rather exotic complex that seemed to have been the base of some very exotic research and development projects.


When about half of the dead bodies began to stand, slowly and awkwardly, revealing themselves to be zombies, the newcomers struck them down. JAGAF troopers arrived to reinforce them and soon fighting was taking place as shifting firefights through out the huge maze of a complex.


Jasmine came down and she fully activated various network-systems and soon security turrets, roboremotes and robots were lasering, shooting and otherwise wiping out zombies.


From JAGAF came good news. The JAGAF MultiVault was no longer being attacked either by ZammaZ or Shaduzi. With out apparent reason the assaults had ceased.

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