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“Insanity!” Jasmine Ashworth studied the huge chamber from the balcony at the major entrance power-doors. “But a form of insanity with its own warped inner logic.”


It was a vast complexity of amazing structures, substructures and other features. Great looping patterns of armglass were filled with various kinds of fast flowing, glowing fluids. Great towers arced with very high voltage electricity. Massive pistons shot forward and back while great wheels spun slowly and heavily. Roboremotes of many kinds crawled, wheeled, hovered or flew in the chamber as they carried out many tasks, many of which seemed to make little sense.


Mayor Elaine Harrington had dared to come down to the exotic bunker. She shook her head with a frown. “What purpose could there be in this madness?”


“Only part of the device is visible to us for it is truly a transdimensional mechanism with large parts existing in other dimensions where the laws of nature are different from ours.” She turned to Elaine. “This device sets up a pattern replication of what is taking place with Centralia, the Centrolis, and measures also NeoCentralia which is actually is in the centre of the Centrolis, as we of the Unity Thirteen now know for sure. The idea that NeoCentralia was created as a separate realm outside of, but linked to, Centralia was false. It was a deliberate falsehood projected onto those who went to NeoCentralia and those who remained on-in Centralia (the Centrolis).”


Jasmine went on. “The Dharma Initiative people here learned too much and Shaduzi struck at them in a terrible and brutal fashion. Yet Shaduzi failed for before the great monster struck, valuable data was transmitted to at least three other destinations. One we know, one we suspect and one we do not know at all. We know one huge datapak went to what is now called the DC Citadel, the second most likely went to the Grand National Mall of NeoWashington. The third, we have no idea.”

The mayor nodded. “Then the Orderhood of Steel should be able to help you since it was years ago since they came from North America.”


Jasmine shook her head. “The Orderhood of Steel never came from North America. The Brotherhood of Steel still exists there. So does Megaton. The Wastelands of Centralia are apparently a changed version of what exists on this world away from Centralia. The rest of this world does not even know Centralia, the Centrolis, exists.”


So she told the Megaton Mayor of what the Unity Thirteen had learned, what OummuO had suspected for a long time but could find no firm evidence to support.


It became evident that the great big exotic research and development complex, known as the Dharma Seeking, had to be heavily secured for it contained much that was dangerous or that could become dangerous easily if controlled by the wrong people.

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OummuO as Stella had sorted through a mass of data in the RDVault beneath Old Olney. She had found fresh hidden data and had put to one side what data seemed most important to focus on. Tover, not being truly a dog at all, assisted her by cyberlinking to the big data archives network-system.


She found out that NeoCentralia had actually been created by Shaduzi to stop Shaduzi from being drawn back to its own home dimensional realm where its version of law enforcement waited to punish Shaduzi. Yet there was more to it than a one step process. Shaduzi had arrogantly played with forces beyond its comprehension even as its prison and itself got captured up by the Centrolis passing through its home dimension.


OummuO as Stella holographic projected an image of the terrible PrisonArz, the great alien ship that was like no spaceship known by humanity since it came from a domain where space as such did not exist. She examined it and the symbols of the UnlivenU, the terrible law enforcers of Shaduzi’ home universe.


The PrisonArz was found captured deep down inside Centralia (the Centrolis) where inside it could easily be trapped more than one UnlivenU. Every UnlivenU was a multiple entity and they were all linked as the core of the UnlivenUoU. UnlivenUoU was very distantly linked to OummuO. UnlivenU feared little but they did fear OummuO though they also respected OummuO.


But there was more she discovered. The false immortal Ancients, the Zaztorians of Leirmat of Edenneva (Nirn or Mundus) who had created the Centrolis with the help of UzammazU who had many names and was in truth a Daedric God of some kind, were now divided into three factions being the Darklizen who projected the evil ZammaZ, the Greylizen who were confused, evil but weaker and the Lightlizen who were fighting ZammaZ as a form of repentance for the evil they had done in the past.


The Zaztorians had, on Edenneva, used technologies much like those that had arisen in the United States of Greater America as ruled by the Patriot Thirteen. The robots, the androids, the atomic motors and much more, including the horrible secret ingredients of NukaCola. It indicated that the Zaztorians had provided those technological secrets or did it?


Then there was Retirowa as Many, Retirowa as Chaos, Retirowa as Opposition of Self. Retirowa as Many had returned as Retirowa as Samsu or had Retirowa really been away at all? Retirowa as Many should never been in the Centrolis, should never had emerged as the results of an insane experiment in that realm in a RDVault. Could Retirowa as Many have also been caught up by the Centrolis as it raced through many varied dimensional domains, through many wildly varied universes?


Harlequin had come in search of Retirowa but why?


Then there was Graham Maharg, an almost humanised entity that existed in that an closely linked, related universes.


She came to an end and now she had to gain even more data to fill in the missing gaps, to sort out what information was more important than any other.


What she had begun to sense that there was a hidden entity behind all of the factors she had discovered and that there was a good chance it was this entity that was, had been, manipulating matters. Why and for what purpose?


Which was when alarms began to shriek as the hivaca began to attack the big vault with a large and powerful force.

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OummuO as Stella and Tover hurled themselves into battle in new battle shapeforms of fused smart fleximetallic layers as they slaughtered or just hurled back waves of hivaca soldiers and even more hunters. A lesser queen was leading the attack, was towering above even the massive soldier bugs, was racing along the big hallway tunnel.


Deathclaws and other kinds of clawbeasts were fighting the hivaca fairly close to the RDVault0B11Z. The fighting was savage but something else was there, something more terrible than the hivaca that was driving them to attack the RDVault and yet it was not Shaduzi or ZammaZ.


Forces from the vault were fighting hard. Power armoured humans, roboremotes, robots and androids were fighting in tunnels and chambers. Turrets were blazing away with many weapons. Yet because there was only so much space, only so many ways to get to RDVault0B11Z, the majority of the forces of both sides had yet to do any real fighting.


OummuO as Stella crushed the skull of a hivaca soldier and kicked it backwards so that three hivaca crashed heavily into a rock wall. Than she telepathed aloud yet again to the mysterious entity. “It is too late. The data is gone to OummuO and from OummuO to many. We now know you exist and somehow you have manipulated this situation. You have manipulated Shaduzi and Shaduzi in its arrogance, its blindness, does not know this. As ZammaZ has become the puppet of Shaduzi, Shaduzi has become your property. Speak to me and we will work something out.”


But it did not respond and was suddenly gone, or was it? The hivaca stopped attacking and seemed confused but then they were fleeing, were rushing away. Now OummuO as Stella and Tover could sense the approach of great danger. Even as they did, they sensed that the clawbeasts were fleeing and then Unity was having the Vaultfolk escaping back towards their vault.


But it was too late! OummuO as Stella grabbed up Tover in her arms just seconds before there was an incredible blast of heat and light, of sheer force ripping through everything, disintegrating everything, as a nuclear super-weapon was detonated.

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The super-weapon destroyed Old Olney, the RDVault and much else but seconds before it struck, another flash of light went before it that did not come from the weapon. Anything alive or just sentient, vanished. A terrible, broad mushroom cloud rose out of the ground, hurling great lightening flashes and broiling with sharp reds, oranges and white colours glimpsed in the cloud.


The boom was incredible. The wave of sound and force that swept out from the blast sent many things flying and lifeforms racing for cover. Yet since the blast was mostly contained underground, the mushroom cloud was relatively small and the blast radias did relatively little damage.


Still, the Brother Outcasts stood up in their power armour and stared in shock at the mushroom cloud. Thankfully all had been wearing helmets with their special lens designed to guard against being blinded. Yet the white light that had gone before the blast, it had protected life somehow even from temporary blindness.


Zhouls trembled and crowded together in underground lairs.


Radroaches scuttled under shelter.


A trader convoy of atomic trucks, landliners and other vehicles stopped abruptly as all life and also sentience vanished in it and then it was destroyed by the blast effect.


Birds were knocked about in the air.


Soon the news of what had happened was racing through the land and the shock effected even the toughest of the factions. Major fighting came to an end as various forces paused to try to understand what had happened, to take stock of the situation.


Soon many forms of scouting and spying units were being sent to the area be they robotic or roboremote drones or humans in specialised suits or specialised androids or even just curious locals and many others.

Edited by Maharg67
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3Dog and 2Kitty examined 3Dvids of the great explosion sent to them by various sources. They were impressed and overawed. They had been busy for a long time with the expansion of the 3Dradio station and its new tripling of channels. They had tried to analyse the clues that OummuO had given them but admittedly not gotten very far. So they had passed them onto others including the Orderhood of Steel.


Yet they had found themselves remembering the clues at times and making notes, adding bits of information, doing some brainstorming sessions and sending reports. They asked over the radio channels for people to send in information but this was not new and they did not speak over the air of the clues.


1Owl was busy making lunch. DJBot was hovering in the background, the robot seeming oddly disturbed by the explosion. There was also Shazz, the young man who had joined the team as a tech, Dolph the android shapedformed as a young woman who was doing some broadcast preperations and Ghafe the chimpnoid who was sleeping on a cot in the corner after doing some night shift work.


Matters had been changing in the Centralian Wastelands and yet, conversely, much remained the same. For most Wastelanders the every day existence was changing only slowly, if at all.


3Dog spoke. “That was one of those superHbombs for sure that wiped out Old Olney and a great deal that was beneath Old Olney. I saw a superHbomb crater on my journies across Centralia back before I became the masterful DJ that I am today.”


“Whose brilliance is only exceeded by his modesty.” 3Kitty smiled. “Something does not add up.”


“Yes, it does not.” 3Dog nodded. “Some other force was in action and it saved much before it could be destroyed by the superHbomb. OummuO is here, as you probably sense.”


Yes, OummuO was there in the form of a shiny young woman standing in a silvery jumpsuit but her hair, skin and other features were also silvery. OummuO spoke then. “Life and other sentience is rescued along with other items of importance. It mostly goes to a special safe place.”


Then there stood OummuO as Stella also and with her Tover. They looked around and Tover, shapeformed as a large dog again, lay down to fall asleep at once. OummuO as Stella came forward and she stretched, and a shiver went through her body. “Going through that process was very interesting an experience but not one that I would want to repeat too often. Something very powerful and dangerous attempted to destroy valuable data before it was sent out but it failed.”


2Kitty spoke then. “What data? Was it Shaduzi that attacked or ZammaZ?”


OummuO then spoke through her silvery mouth. “No, not Shaduzi the criminal entity from another and very different dimensional realm. Nor ZammaZ that is the dark psychic projection of the Darklizen of the Zaztorian Ancients. What was glimpsed in action was perhaps a great and powerful but subtle force that has been active in the background for a very long time. No, not UzammazU. UzammazU seems to be as puzzled and as manipulated as many other powerful entities have been. OummuO has been tricked. OummuO does not approve of OummuO being tricked.”


OummuO as Stella spoke then. “There is something below this tower and there is something very special about this tower. The Patriot Thirteen had this tower built. They designed it themselves. Perhaps they did not even know why they did so or that they did so? Perhaps they were being manipulated from before Doomsday as was the Unity and many others. This place is some kind of broadcast reception tower of a kind that is most exotic, perhaps even bizarre in nature. Tozer and I are going to investigate the tower. It is important that we better understand its nature.”


Nobody had any objections to this plan.

Edited by Maharg67
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The Mechanist and the AntAzonizer were long gone and yet the repair and reconstruction of Canterbury Commons continued. Upgrades of defences were also taking place along with the turning of basements into emergency bunkers, the increase of armouries and other special resources. Canterbury Commons had grown over confident of its security in previous years but now it was making up for lost time.


The great explosion to the north had not helped to ease people’s fears.


Graham Maharg had learned the true nature of both the Mechanist and the AntoAgonzier which was quite different from the general stories spoken about them.


In theory the Mechanist was a Canterbury Commoner robotic tech who had gone mad, who had begun to see himself as more robotic than human and who had turned himself into a cyborg.


In theory the AntAgonizer had been the only survivor, as a baby, of a small settlement overwhelmed by exotic spitter giant-ants, she having a strange mutated quality about her.


In truth both were Greylightzen, surviving false immortal Zaztorians also known as the Ancients of Leirmat. It was another puzzle to be solved and an unwanted complication; or so it seemed. Graham Maharg saw also possibilities in using this information to find clues.


He had used his own psychic abilities to learn the truth and now, though it would be difficult, he could track the two back to their secret lairs. He had also some clues from what locals said, the AntAgonizer’s lair being somewhere to the north and the Mechanist’s lair being somewhere to the south of Canterbury Commons.


Oddly it was the boy, Derek Pacion, who pointed out that both the Mechanist and the AntAgonizer were actually super-villains in the Captain Cosmos series of comic-magazines. The boy did not know all of them for he had only five Captain Cosmos comics and two were damaged but he remembered well some useful information of main characters, secondary characters and much else of the Captain Cosmos reality. Graham Maharg gave him a Captain Cosmos comic-magazine and a Gonack the Barbarian comic-magazine as a reward along with a fresh pear. The boy was soon devouring his juicy pear while reading one of the comic-magazines.


Why would Greylizen copy the characters of super-villains in a PreDD comic-magazine that was published for children but secretly enjoyed by many adults?


He was standing next to his new super atomic motorcar, the Highwayman, in the twilightish conditions of evening, when overhead there began many flashes of light and fast moving pin points of light. Soon people were staring up in wonder and talking of meteorite showers or such like.


But Graham Maharg felt a chill down his spine for what was happening up there was a great big space battle. Something was attacking Skynet and most likely Moonnet also. Soon hundred of lights were moving and dancing across the sky as the battle continued to rage.


Then out of the sky, in the distance, fell a burning metallic thing that trailed black smoke from it. Out of it popped a capsule and out of this a clever hitech parachute. The first parachute slowed the capsule, breaking away and then a second parachute deployed. Graham Maharg saw the symbol with his enhanced vision and he sighed.


SEARF was returning but just what did that mean?


Larger lights appeared overhead and formations of them indicating that SEARF captured zetan motherships and their own battlestars had returned to Earth Orbit.

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