Maharg67 Posted October 20, 2010 Author Share Posted October 20, 2010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 21, 2010 Author Share Posted October 21, 2010 -79- JACKY, JESSY, JILLY JACKSONJACKOMAN JACKSON Sugartown had been largely quiet for a time except for a rapid expansion as refugees came from areas now dominated by raiders or just too dangerous to go in. New FreeFed military units and allies were fighting the raiders in the north. A new military-civil airbase was being constructed at Sugartown, part of it already being used, and the sugargrass farming and processing was also being increased. Sometimes vertibirds, helicopters or jets passed overhead on their way or coming back from the warzone. Sometimes they actually landed at the settlement, often bringing the wounded in special status-capsules that kept them alive or in body-bags if they were dead. Of course, often the body-bags were not the proper shape to hold what remained. As for the TekVault beneath the town, it turned out to be an experimental vault named as TekVault00A1 that had only been used as a real vault because of emergency needs. TekVault00A1 was in most ways like TekVault0101, being almost the same design and size, but it had three extra subvaults of special nature. The first was a huge super virtual reality network-system of much hardware including a powerful AI-supercomputer network-system, capsulechairs and even holographic projection chambers based on the SVR program. This was the home of Normalville. The second subvault was a research and development centre for SVR software and hardware. It was here that Normalville and other huge SVR domain programs had been developed. The third was most exotic. It was a strange machine, alien-human hybrid designed, that seemed to be a series of teleportation booths, control centres and much else but its purpose was not easily discerned. Also it was firmly locked down. The TekVault was lightly populated and soon its Vaultfolk were willingly joining the Freedom Federation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 21, 2010 Author Share Posted October 21, 2010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 24, 2010 Author Share Posted October 24, 2010 -80:2- UNITY/ANTIUNITY Dazi rose as AntiUnity extremism and the UnityOrders were Dazi, as were the UnityElders. In opposition were extreme ProUnity of the Mozi. Both Dazi and Mozi were starting obtain and use special powers. Mozi were extreme group oriented and Dazi were extreme individual oriented. Quite close to the dome of NeoWashington a fight raged between Dazi and Mozi, the Dazi in red and black power armour while the Mozi wore green and brown power armour. Both teleported from place to place, darting instantly from cover to cover. The Reilly’s Rangers had been doing some mapping work in dangerous areas, using their recon skills, training and experience well. Recently Reilly had taken on a second squad of four soldiers along with those who staid in the base being two guards, a tech, a radio operator, a doctor and a caretaker plus two guard-dogs. She had done this because matters were getting too dangerous to use just the old familiar squad. Nobody had gotten into or out of the domed cities, the NeoCities, since Doomsday but mapping the boundaries of the actual bubbles, above and below ground, was still of value. Reilly examined the distant fanatics fighting each other with merciless brutality, power armoured figures fighting with heavy assault-rifles, 20mm autoguns, heavy portable lasers, rocket-grenade quad-launchers and other weapons but also with some weird stuff. Both sides seemed able to gather elemental forces and to hurl them at each other, to generate strange invisible shields, to project decoy doppelgangers and much else. She frowned and wished the fools would go away so she could go to that area and get part of her job done for the Brotherhood of Steel and the new FreeFed. In theory FreeFed was Unity and the Mozi, being Unity, should be linked strongly with them but the FreeFed was not extreme enough for the Mozi. For FreeFed was not ProUnity as Mozi were. Mozi wanted to exclude all non-Unity from society, to push them out into the Wastelands to perish. Reilly saw it all as one more bit of stupidity, of violence, in a land that already had too much of both. She slid backwards on her armoured guts, the Reilly's Rangers now used assault power armour in Reilly's Ranger colours, and her comrades moved back with her. They were going to leave the fool fanatics to fight it out, to kill each other. As it was, none of the Reilly’s Rangers observed what really happened. They were moving away quickly, out of sight, when a strange and terrible physical, mental and ‘spiritual’ sensation went through the area and them. Reilly signalled the others to stay there, turned and made her way to where she could see what had happened. What she saw stunned her. The whole area where the Mozi and Dazi had been fighting was gone along with the Mozi and Dazi themselves. What was there was a ghostly, morgue lit fog floating inside a great burned, lightly melted bowl of a crater. Something told Reilly that nothing living would be wise to go near that crater though she had the impression that the green glowing fog was slowly but steadily fading away. She noted down what had happened, adding the crater to her mapping data as she still had a job to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 24, 2010 Author Share Posted October 24, 2010 -80:2- UNITY/ANTIUNITY A small surge of agony, of fear, rippled through Unity, through from one extreme to the other, disturbing AntiUnity right through to ProUnity. At once the effect was for Unityfolk from UnityFree, from UnityCommons, spreading outwards, to become more wary, more security conscious and to start a process of seeking the threat that faced the whole of Unity. The extremes of ProUnity and AntiUnity became a little stronger and the whole of Unity became thus a little weaker. UnityFree in Alphaburg, now a huge underground complex secretly linking both Betaburg and Gammaburg, became determined to deal with both the threats outside and inside, to oppose both the Mozi and Dazi. They gained a surprising ally as UnityCommons mindlinked, communicated with them, and decisions were made of positive alliance not just with each other but also, reluctantly, with the new FreeFed and its allies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 24, 2010 Author Share Posted October 24, 2010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 26, 2010 Author Share Posted October 26, 2010 -81- UNITY THIRTEEN The Nine of the Unity Thirteen had begun to consistently to teleport items between each other but also to teleport from place to place. They could teleport to each other or to any place they had been. The three neobabies were not allowed just to teleport on whim, which at times caused some grumpiness to emerge. So it was that Jasmine Ashworth teleported back to TekVault0101 to find that it was being opened up with its many resources, that it was expanding rapidly as a settlement. Over 100,000 sleepers in suspension-capsules had been found and these people were being brought into full activity to face a world very much different from the one they had known. They brought with them many skills and much experience. They found many more valuable resources including weapons, power armour, roboremotes, robots and androids. More importantly in many ways were large status preserved stores of supplies including perishables such as boxbottles of milk. They found a subvaults that were, in turn, a botic research development centre, a botic manufacturing complex and a botic storage centre. These were macrobots, microbots and nanobots. Otherwise the rest of the vault was surprisingly like the area that the Ashworth Triplets had spent much of their lives in. Jasmine arranged the property of the triplets and her father to be transferred from the old apartment and into storage. The old apartment was at once claimed by a married couple of sleepers as demand on prepared residential space was high. Jasmine realised then and there that the main focus of the triplets would no longer be TekVault0101. She teleported back to the SuperDuperMart but this time her siblings went with her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted October 26, 2010 Author Share Posted October 26, 2010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted November 1, 2010 Author Share Posted November 1, 2010 -82- OUMMUOUNITY/ANTIUNITY Despite heavy fighting in some areas such as Portsburg and in a few territories disputed by the FreeFed and ConConfed, a general quietness fell over the Centralian Wastelands. Mozi Dazi conflicts were savage but uncommon and mostly in the form of small skirmishes. The continuing battles between gangers, bandits, Regulators and such like continued as did the territorial conflicts of various mutated predators. Above in orbit the fighting seemed to cease but then something odd began to happen. Out of the sky came drifting down Skynet dropships, gliderplanes, massive hunter-killers and even orbital stations and platforms floating down on antigrav emergency network-systems. Skynet had lost control of Earth Orbit and indications were that the Moonnet had been negated. Skynet forces landed in a well devastated part of Centralia, isolated and of no interest to major Centralian Factions. That is until Skynet landed there in force and began to dig in with much speed and efficiency. Earthnet forces emerged seemingly out of nowhere and served Skynet as did Aquanet for the chosen area was on the coast of Centralia (the Centrolis). Terminators, flyers, hunter-killers, hunter-fighters, hunter-seekers, hunter-scouts, hunter-gunners, tetrapods and others were seen in large numbers but many were unarmed sapper and service-support units including armoured logistics vehicles. With the UnityCommons landing more people and units in another place, the UnityOrders in yet another, it was as if three great invasions were taking place but one was more peaceful than the others. Skynet was yet to strike out. Then the SEARF began to arrive as their captured zetan motherships and even more massive battlestars, began to drift down out of orbit. The vessels were all battered, dented and burned in many places. One battlestar jerked as it came down and trailing snakes of black smoke behind itself. Yet it did not crash as the SEARF forces landed in an area that they quickly claimed as their own. They also began to dig in. Just what was going on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted November 1, 2010 Author Share Posted November 1, 2010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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