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OummuO as Stella and Graham Maharg found the data together that kind of surprised them. The figures in the capsules were being used as captive artificial intelligence enhancement, as a living reference point, as much else in relationship to a vast and exotic artificial-quasinatural intelligence that seemed to be an aspect of the Centrolis itself, to have grown and evolved from it from the moments of its very first creation. There seemed to be three aspects to that creation and only the first was what had been generally assumed to be the whole story of the creation.


It was not any outside agency that had come into the Centrolis after the creation that was the great, subtle power behind much that was happening but something that had emerged from its creation and something else that had appeared, had merged into its creation process to become integral to the Centrolis.


It was not the Ancients from Liermat or UzamazU that in truth had controlled the Centrolis from the start though they had designed it and begun the process of creation. Nor was it the ZammaZ that arose from the evil of the darkest minded of the Zaztorians (the Ancients) that was truly the great power. As for Shaduzi that had done so much since it was dragged into the Centrolis along with the alien prison vessel it was trapped in and the powerful alien guards in that vessel, it had been itself manipulated.


No wonder that even a daedric god like UzamazU was feeling threatened and the even more powerful but more subtle OummuO was deeply concerned about what was happening.


In such a grand scheme and counter scheme of many levels of manipulation, conflict and concealment what were the chances of mere mortals or even mere immortals?


The Centrolis mentality ran through the whole of the Centrolis and that meant not just Centralia but to aspects of Centrolis only now discovered for they were of totally alien nature to the rest of the Centrolis and outside of Centralia. For ease of use they called the mentality CentroMind and the hidden aspects of the Centrolis outside of Centralia they called Centrolia. No much imagination was used but the names seemed to fit nicely enough.


So they knew now of CentroMind, the powerful artificial-quasinatural intelligence that grew up out of the creation of the Centrolis but what of the third aspect, that which had merged into the Centrolis at the moment of its creation?


That place would not give them any more answers to such a question but others would go there to continue studies and to try to learn where the people in the capsules had actually had come from for it was not from that Earth or any other known world.

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Started with the Bobbins Triplets out in the Wastelands.



Then Jacky Jackson appeared who wanted to be a Regulator in his home town of Sugartown.



Jasmine Ashworth made her appearance as a resident of TekVault0101.



The Bobbins Triplets in a hidden base of operations and the Mystery of the Raiders.



Jacky Jackson made a deal with Sheriff Dirty Harry of Sugartown. The Sheriff is a 'Secret Regulator'.



Ashworth Triplets at home and aspects of vault life in TekVault0101.



The first appearance of Alphana, Betena and Gammati on that world; being met by a Sister Pathfinder of the Clansfolk near a Clansfolk smaller settlement.



Bobbins Triplets. Brief note of the Order of New Hope. Raider attack and urgent escape from the hidden base in the basement of an old Gingerbread Inn.

Escape and racing fight with raider battlebuggies. Roving Soviet assaultbots. Distant intervention by OummuO.



Jackson Triplets in Sugartown. The power and corruption of the Sugartown Guilds. Assisting their father against the Guilds.



Ashworth Triplets in their apartment. The appearance of a vaultdroid android offering assistance. The silent visit of OummuO.



Alphana, Betena and Gammati still in the Clansfolk Territories with Sister Pathfinder Rhonda Rhodes. A suspension capsule full of evidence of Enclave zetan conspiracy? Some history of the past World Government, Enclaven, WorldTek and Templelorin plus Skynet, Aquanet, Earthnet and Moonnet. A datafeed ending with mention of Skynet activation and Doomsday. First introduction of a wozzle to this story.


Develin Queech?


Brief introduction of elementors of solar, life and psychic energies plus three elementnoids of shapeshifting.



Bobbins Triplets. Met a patrol of the of the Troopers of Steel of the Orderhood of Steel and exposed a Talon Mercenary infiltrator in their ranks. Some background knowledge of factions of the regional Wastelands.



Jessy Jackson dealing with ghouls in Sugartown and trying to assist them.



Jasmine Ashworth in super virtual reality realm of Normalville. Making contact with her 'mother' in another place. Introduction of UnityMind. Strong indication that the Ashworth Triplets are more than they seem. Kojake and an introduction to the idea of rising independence of 'artificial intelligence' in the super virtual reality realms.

Picking up items from UnityNetwork. Getting attacked in an exotic gallery museum by 'solid illusionary' monsters. The failed attack by an unknown dark force.



Bobbins Triplets at the outpost outside of Megaton and with the Orderhood of Steel.



OummuO 'resurrects' a woman scavenger and a dog, sends them to an empty LifeVault and Alphaburg is created. UnityFree is to appear there in future.



Alphana, Betena and Gammati rescued Rhonda Rhodes and questioned Develin Queech who turned out to be a clone extension of a powerful Patriotlord of unknown identity. The clone was betrayed, his link cut and so that he died.



Jackson Triplets in Sugartown and the failure of a dark action against Fringer folk such as the ghoulified. The mysterious and very violent death of Harold Redman. Grey envelope and black businesscard. Introduction of a woman called Elango Sashman.



UnityFree, its expansion with the coming of others, the discovery of another complex hidden below the LifeVault. Alphaburg as a sanctuary and the foundation of UnityFree.



Ashworth Triplets hacking the computer network-systems, stating knowledge of the vault and gaining new information of TekVault0101, and realising their desire to leave the vault. First creation of the project Japhant, a phantomic expression from the triplets. Learning that the vault was in worse condition than even they suspected.


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The Bobbins Triplets enter Megaton, confront Sheriff Lucas Simms and meet Mayor Elaine Harrington.



Jackson Triplets continue with life in Sugartown and form, strengthen psychic links with other triplets. Are aware of Alphana, Betena and Gammati.



The appearance of Retirowa the alien force as Samsu the woman. The creation of strange vehicles close to the Republic of Dave.



The Ashworth Triplets are called to an interview with the Social Regulation Service of TekVault0101 but it turns out to be in truth an interview by the Security Intelligence Service, a much more dangerous occurance. The interviewer is at first threatening but then, influenced by the neobaby, warns the triplets that they are in danger; the 'real controller' of TekVault0101 wants them dead.



OummuO goes to the massive CN3D Tower where the alien entity meets 3Dog and others there at the radio station. OummuO gives them some new 'clues' to what is really happening with the great continent of Centralia.



The Bobbins Triplets start work protecting the mayor. They gain somewhere to live. They meet Professor Brown.



OummuO, Alphana, Betena and Gammati experience an attempt of an invasion by UnityMind from another realm, a transdimensional one. The invasion fails because of natural laws sending the intruders back to where they came from.



UnityFree grows in power and size. UnityFree comes to the rescue of the seminomadic Serenity Wanderers, the Peace Finders and the Kael’s Nomads who were being attacked by raiders. The seminomads survived and UnityFree remained hidden from them but Alphaburg formed an alliance with them. The seminomads were led to a new home and ceased to be nomadic at all.



Jessy Jackson, exploring below Sugartown, finds dead druggers with a stockpile of goodies but then meets some mercenary soldiers in assault power armour who have a woman prisoner. They seem to be part of a plot to over run or even destroy the town. She attacks and after dealing with the mercenaries, she frees the young woman.



President Dave, of the Republic of Dave, has gained some strange vehicles that Retirowa as Samsu 'created' but he is as uneasy as he is pleased. OummuO visits him and notes that there might be problems to come thanks to what Retirowa as Samsu has done.

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Retirowa as Samsu attacks ghouls, creating an army from them and other life. She sets out to attack isolated settlements.



The Jackson Triplets meet the rescued woman, a JAGAF super-soldier, Lieutenant Adrasa0298, who was captured not by the mercenaries but by a powerful shadowy figure. JAGAF begin to serve the Unity Thirteen. Her comrades escaped. She informs them that the SEARF are returning from space, from Jovan Space where the super-soldiers were sent to deal with aliens in Jovan Space. SEARF are returning to Earth and would meet with the Unity Thirteen.



Doc Hoff finds the helicopter as abandoned by Retirowa as Samsu. Doc Hoff is becoming Unity. Dealings with Ned Salter. Doc Hoff shoots Ned Salter dead and out of the corpse's mouth comes a black shimmering flow of energy with a blood red glow at its centre. Doc Hoff finds a strangely disturbing black ring on the body and puts it carefully away. They bury Salter and abandon the helicopter.



Ashworth Triplets; Japhant. Japhant explores a subvault in TekVault0101 where people have become extremely fanatical followers of the High Overseer to the point of raging ruthless war against each other as cult factions. After much war only two cults remained that absorbed many defeated ones. One final battle had ended with the last survivors comitting ritual suicide. Thankfully the population of this vault had been much smaller than the home vault of the Ashworth Triplets.


Other brutal discoveries are made such as that nanobots that caused the madness are still active.



OummuO, Alphana, Betena and Gammati are still at the Clansfolk settlement when it is attacked by strange neonazi forces from the realm where the Unity Thirteen came from. Brave but arrogant, Clansguardia forces are not fully prepared for the attack. Clanswarriors come to the rescue. Taking the form of warriors, OummuO, Alphana, Betena and Gammati joined in the fight. The enemy retreats back to where they came from but leaves behind much equipment and supplies.



Bobbins Triplets.

Peace is made between Sheriff Lucas Simms and the triplets. Conspiracy is spoken of and the activities of the Secret Regulators along with what is happening in CentraliaCity.

News of people, animals vanishing from some isolated settlements.

Troubles with the USC and the broader USTA. Investigations lead to greaer mystery.

Helicopter is found and taken.

Much information is gained from awaken memories of triplets about where they truly came from.



Doc Hoff goes to destroy the disturbing black ring with a laser but something stops him from trying. Then Harlequin as Jonah, a kind of bounty-hunter tracking Retirowa as Samsu, appears out of mid air to take the ring and rewards Doc Hoff with some gifts before departing.



UnityFree growing influence with the settled seminomads and their relationship, and nature of, the Brother Outcasts.



All the triplets meet with UnityCommons family and others in dreamscaping.



Much important information is revealed about UnityEarth, the Unity based there and that the Jackson adoptive parents are Clansfolk. UnityCommons at UnityEarth is becoming removed from UnityMind and the UnityElders.




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