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Rhonda Rhodes was well recovered but it would take years before she was fully recovered and yet, being a remarkable individual, she was drawing strength from what had happened to her. She was walking through the Clansfolk settlement of VeRajo past solar power arrays decorated to make them better blend in with semiwild gardens that served many purposes from growing food and herbs to just filling the air with sweet smells. Yet such gardens were also a declaration to turn back the desolation of the Wastelands.


With her were a young man and two women in typical Wastelander traveller gear, including flexisteel body-armour. They were in truth Gammati, Betena and Alphana, the latter being the young man in shapeform.


It was bright, warm sunlit and only a relatively few people were out in the open. The settlement was open to outsiders who successfully passed through the security check point at the main gates and there were a few there. Most were traders seeking to buy up Clansfolk herbs, spices, medicants and such like. Clansfolk did not normally sell their technologies. Exceptions were such as airships, airboats and airbarges, small basic electric vehicles, some non-combat dumbots, some medical hardware, some computer hardware and not much else.


Most outsiders did not even know that the most advanced and powerful Clansfolk technologies existed.


Rhonda Rhodes spoke. “The evil fool that violated me made a great mistake. I gained access to his memories. He was no normal Centralian. He came from one of the SkyIslands that float high above us in a seemingly impossible manner. His kind are the major reason we Clansfolk hide much of our society, our real technological level, underground. We have good reason to believe that the raiders actually come from at least one of those SkyIslands which is why most folk do not know where they come from. Yet they do not come from the SkyIsland that the clone-human was created on.”


Gammati spoke then in the language called Esperanto. She wore the shapeform of a slimly muscular lightly voluptuous gingerhead. “That would partly explain why Centralians have failed to discover where the raiders have come from; who would guess that it was being done when it has supposed to have been impossible since Doomsday. How would the raiders be getting down this far and, more importantly, up that far?”


Rhonda sighed. “We Clansfolk have developed specialised sensors to deal with the detection of transdimensional intrusion and also antigravity activity. We have been picking up such traces for many years now in areas that raiders are known to appear and to disappear with out apparent explanation. No raiders come to the Clansdom, they never do for they seem to fear us. When we have picked them up appearing close to our territories, the move away from us very quickly.”


Alphana spoke. He wore the shapeform of a slimly muscular young red-brown man. “Take care not to assume the motives of others, especially with such light evidence.”


Rhonda frowned softly. “I did not say I assumed anything. I have called for a meeting of Clansfolk individuals who can assist you in your mission. We owe you much. Yet we know very little of you or your purpose here.”


Gammati spoke. “We serve Unity, the return of Unity, the very survival of Unity.”


The Clanswoman did not seem surprised. “Many say that the Unity was one of the major factors that led to Doomsday when Unity allied itself with the Patriot Thirteen.”


Betena spoke. She wore the shapeform of an oriental yellow-brown woman, slimly muscular and lightly voluptuous. “The alliance was very limited and brief. It lasted for just nine hours, as long as it took to realise it was a savage trick by the Patriot Thirteen so that they could find the UnityHub hidden here deep inside Centralia. Through UnityHub they would try to gain access to the UnityNetwork, to UnityMind and the UnityElders and destroy all of them.”


Alphana nodded. “UnityMind and the UnityElders would not want us to tell you any of this but know this, we who are the Unity Thirteen, we have come to be wary of how the UnityMind and the UnityElders have changed since Doomsday. Unity went into hiding in a very special fashion. UnityMind formed the UnityNetwork and the UnityElders formed the UnityOrders, each UnityElder having his or her own UnityOrder to serve him or her. UnityNetwork and the UnityOrders have been increasingly used to suppress and manipulate the Unity as a whole.”


Gammati sighed. “You need to understand that we have turned to our own purpose for being here. The Nine are here, as you know, and so is OummuO. Each of us must go to our own Three to assist those triplets and we must meet with OummuO if we can get it to trust us.”


Suddenly OummuO was there as a swirling globe of rainbow energies. “OummuO trusts you as OummuO would at this time but OummuO wishes no talking now. No, OummuO would have Betena, Alphana, Gammati go to the Citadel of Science on the outskirts of NeoLondon. OummuO would meet Alphana, Gammati, Betena there. Be warned for UnityMind is sending a surprise.”


Then figures and objects appeared out of mid air with a sparkling shimmer.

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There were thirteen humans in power armour, dark dirty grey brown splashworked in colouration, with different weapons and coded, hidden ranks. Three had pulseblaster rifles, three had pulselaser rifles, three had shortlong missile quad-launchers and the other three had minidrone launchers. Which left the last one. She carried only one big weapon with special backpack, being an phaseshift disintegrator. Each had as back up a pulseblaster pistol, a pulselaser pistol, a shortlong grenade-shell launcher-pistol, a laser-knife, a combat-knife and some hand-grenades of various sorts.


There were thirteen other humans in power armour that carried special tools. Three had power-shovels, three had tractor-beamers, three had multiXtools and three had minidrone launchers and the last had a large functionality-manipulator complete with special backpack. Each had a pulseblaster pistol, a pulselaser pistol, a shortlong grenade-shell launcher-pistol, a laser-knife, a combat-knife and some hand-grenades of various sorts.


There were thirteen other humans in power armour that carried special devices. Three had large multiscanners, three had large multisensors, three had large multicorders, three had large


There were thirteen floating metallic orbs, each exactly one metre across, being nine copperish coloured, three silver coloured and one gold coloured. Each had cone shaped bumps indicating instrumentalities, extendable manipulator limbs and other functions. These were general purpose globebots.


There were thirteen globebot like globeguard robots with visible hardpoints for extra weapons but as yet they had no weapons attached.


There were thirteen globebot like globescout robots with visible hardpoints for special equipment that were empty.


There were thirteen bigger floating orbs, each three metres across, that were smoother than the smaller, robotic orbs but all of these were copper coloured. These were globepaks, robotic cargo carriers.


There were thirteen globetors that looked almost identical to the globepaks but which were special mobile workshops. All of these were silver coloured.


There were thirteen globecars that looked almost identical to the globepaks except that they had small round polarised armoured portholes. All of these were golden coloured.


There were thirteen assorted motorquads, basic ATVs with each a settler family of four humans plus equipment and supplies.


There were thirteen more motorquads, each with a 4-team of specialists of science, engineering or other areas.


There were thirteen more motorquads, each with a 4-team of diplomatic, trade or related specialists.


Then, being the last of this large first group, were thirteen motorquads each with two unique ‘super specialists’ and a ‘UnityNetwork semiremote modular subnetwork’ or UNSNSN.


Then, in a very much separate large grouping, there were thirteen rough clusters of 13 people each that were mutants, misfits, rogues and rebels that were unwanted back in UnityEarth by UnityMind or the UnityElders. Each cluster was of thirteen people These were tired, sick looking men, woman and children with only a few basic supplies and equipment.

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Rhonda turned to OummuO. “Who are you to bring people into our territories with out warning or permission?”


OummuO responded calmly. “Rhonda Rhodes blames OummuO for decisions and actions that OummuO had nothing to do with.”


Rhonda Rhodes sighed. “Then I apologise, OummuO. I take it that this is the work of the UnityMind and the UnityElders.”


Gammati spoke. “The work of the UnityMind, UnityElders, UnityNetwork as partly seen here and the UnityOrders, as partly seen here now.”


The Clanswoman frowned. “I suppose we had better see to the men, women and children there who seem not so cared for.”


Betena nodded. “Yes but it is only too probable and logical that there will be at least one active infiltrator or quiet observer amongst them, if not both. There could even be one or more sleeper agents who do not even know what their true nature is.”


Rhonda frowned. “This UnityMind, these UnityElders, seem rather ruthless.”


Gammati now spoke. “UnityEarth was where Unity escaped to on Doomsday, using exotic and barely understood alien-human hybrid technologies based loosely on that found in the Purple Towers, the ones found across Centralia, but also others. UnityEarth was to be a kind of Transreality construct, a solid realization of the needs and wants of Unity. UnityEarth was to be based on Centralia but a much larger version of it, being three times the size. It went wrong but not all wrong. UnityEarth is a largely stable copy of Centralia, including a great dome of atmosphere and a bowl of ocean that Centralia floats on-in. Indeed it is called UnitySphere. But UnityEarth is three hundred and thirty-three times bigger than Centralia, suffers fundamental instabilities and other problems including swarms of monsters, doomstorms and both the Shining Mist and the Glowing Fog. Much of UnityEarth reflects Centralia including much that Unity had not intended to appear such as subconscious fears, mythological monsters and bad things copied from the old world.”


Betena took over. “If that was not bad enough, the Patriot Thirteen, the unified mentality of thirteen super geniuses that caused so much harm and were the greatest force behind Doomsday taking place, they escaped to UnityEarth along with many followers, puppets and creations. Yes a war is raging there now but not just between Unity and the Patriot Empire but also with other forces on-in UnityEarth.”


Alphana spoke. “Unity was driven harder by the terrible events before Doomsday, by the betrayal of it by not just the Patriot Thirteen but by the rebel UFSA based in Los Vegas. Of course you must know that UFSA stood for United Free States of America, which was ironic because it turned out that the leadership of the UFSA were not much better than the Patriot Thirteen in many ways; power, profit and paradise for the elites was there motive, not freedom for the masses. Turned out that the UFSA was a creation of the Enclaven, was their puppet, after the Enclaven broke away from the Patriot Thirteen.”


Rhonda seemed surprised. “So the Enclaven would not be in a conspiracy with the Patriot Forces here on-in Centralia at this moment?”


“Who knows but even if they had a temporary alliance, I doubt they would fully trust each other.” Alphana responded. “Something is happening with the newcomers. Do you realize none of them have moved since they got here?”


Rhonda Rhodes nodded. “I was wondering about that.”


Suddenly the whole lot of those who had come, vanished with a sparkling shimmer, just as they had arrived.


OummuO spoke. “OummuO gains data from UnityMind. The attempt to send the two groups from UnityEarth to Centralia has failed but only mild injuries occurred. The unwanted thirteen will be killed and dissected for analysis.”


Rhonda spoke quickly. “Inform UnityMind if that is done, the Clansfolk will have nothing to do with it or the UnityElders or UnityNetwork or the UnityOrders in future.”


OummuO spoke. “OummuO has sent the message. UnityMind informs OummuO that the unwanted thirteen will not be hurt but just studied in non harmful ways. OummuO informs Rhonda Rhodes that UnityMind was testing Rhonda Rhodes.”


“That is not important.” Rhonda Rhodes sighed. “There is much to do. We Clansfolk will be much better prepared the next time anybody or anything is sent through.”


Which was good because too soon something else did come through but Unity did not send it.

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UnityFree became subtly aware of the existence of other Unity related entities on-in Centralia. It sensed thirteen others and generally where they were, though in truth one of them, the most exotic, was in more place than one at the same time. UnityFree did not understand this but was patient enough to take its time to learn the answers to this and many other mysteries.


They were taking in more people, more animals that UnityFree classed as special types of people, in a slowly but steady fashion. Some well armed, body-armoured and tough gangers joined them. More ghouls came to Alphaburg through the underground ways or at night in the open. Often they brought stuff with them, not just any stuff but that which was needed in Alphaburg most of all if they could get it.


UnityFree sensed the brief appearance of the thirteen official forces and thirteen clusters of unwanted that UnityMind had sent from UnityEarth to Centralia, but also the failure to stabilise their hold in-on the local reality, to blend with it. That had led to the painful and unwanted rebound back to UnityEarth that had injured a few of those who had been sent. Thankfully none, not even the weakest of the unwanted, had actually died.


A battle broke out not far from Alphaburg between a large, loosely organised force of Wastelander seminomads and a force of raiders who acted wild but were in truth highly disciplined and well trained fighters. The seminomads were fighting for their survival, had been on the move in a big long convoy of animal drawn and biofuel motor driven vehicles, when the raiders had ambushed them.


The sounds of battle echoed across the Wastelands. There was the flash of guns firing. There were the shouts of fighters, the screams of the dying and the blasts of grenades. Local wildlife, even monsters, hid away or fled. Even such as deathclaws or packs of thanthers knew better to take on armed humans in such a situation.


The mutated panther monsters, the thanthers, paced in a pride across the Wastelands, fast and lethal. Yet so eager were they to escape death that they ran around some molerats they had taken completely by surprise. The molerats stood frozen for some seconds in shock and then vanished into their warren while issuing noises of panic.


The fighting was savage as guns blazed but the seminomads were outgunned, having far less firearms and those guns being mainly basic, tough single shot bolt-action rifles used mainly for hunting. Many of seminomads used powerful composite bows that speedily sent arrows with such force that they penetrated even the light power armour of the raiders, as a few raiders learned to their cost. But while the seminomads had a handful of semiautomatic and automatic weapons, the raiders all had military class weapons including machineguns, missile launchers, flamers, pulselasers and pulseblasters.


UnityFree could have just ignored the whole situation but there were some UnityFree amongst the seminomads, it felt sorry for the plight of the seminomads and there was something about the raiders that was alien, spiritually psychic cold and deadly. There was not a trace of Unity amongst the raiders, quite the opposite.


So UnityFree helped by linking with the UnityFree amongst the seminomads, linking them with each other, and giving them valuable information about the raiders, about the area and about some hidden entrances to a barely concealed building that the seminomads could retreat to and fight from.


When the seminomads were safely ensconced inside their newly found building, the raiders did not take long to realise the futility of fighting further. They picked up their dead and wounded, along with any loot they could grab, and they melted into the night with amazing speed and skill. Which was one reason they were raiders and not bandits or gangers or even the fake raiders that were starting to show up.


Many seminomads died or were wounded but most survived and most wounds were light. The Serenity Wanderers, the Peace Finders and the Kael’s Nomads had been on their way to one of their normal short term habitats but now they came to settle down in that huge underground building. It was underground because of Doomsday, not because it had been designed or built to be that way. Partly its amazing self-repair capacities and other abilities and partly the weirdness of Doomsday had saved it.


When Alphaburg made open contact with the seminomads to form a treaty of sorts, along with a mutual assistance agreement, UnityFree remained hidden to most of the seminomads who took the people of Alphaburg as an eccentric but ‘normal’ community.

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Jessy Jackson made her way carefully through the cramped basement space below the Belleski Household, past heaps of junk dropped down through holes in the wooden floor above. The Belleski Family was a petty crime family who specialised in forging anything of value they could forge and sell for a profit. They were good at what they did but word was out that Sheriff Callahan was about to crush them.


Jessy found what she was looking for, as marked on a musty old faded map of the early Sugartown settlement as gained by Jacky, being a rough metal hatch set down into the ground. What was it? An old survival shelter turned into a druggers’ den and then forgotten when all the druggers were killed in a shoot out with some mercenary sheriff temporarily hired to serve Sugartown.


The trick was to get the rusty hatch open with out making any noises but then she was managing it, was slipping down a slanted shaft and using old hand-holds to slow herself down.


Jessy dropped down into a fairly large concrete chamber and looked around in surprise at what she had found there. Clearly the long dead druggers had managed to gain for themselves quite a big treasure trove. Status storage capsules with transparent panel lids showed lots of bagged, canned and boxed rations, medical stuff, stimpaks, radaway, jet-hypos, bottles of psycho pills, rubber band tied plastic bags of various wild growing drugs and many boxes of ammo of different kinds.


But then she sensed something else, something that was not to do with any long dead druggers. The chamber was fairly clutters with big sets of metal or plastic shelves dotted with active and semiactive status storage capsules, metal boxes, plastic boxes and loose items of many kinds. She slipped around sets of shelves and then along a fairly narrow lane between more sets of shelves.


A set of miliary metal and plastic ammo cases were stacked against a wall but there were also weapon canisters that when she opened revealed a large carefully stored selection of military weapons. Close to these were newly placed metal wall lockers, lightly armoured and locked but the locks were no real obstacle to her. Inside were assault power armour suits lighter, less bulkier, more agile and faster than the battle power armour suits used by Troopers of Steel and Brother Outcasts. She figured there was enough equipment for at least twenty soldiers.


But why was it there and who had put it there?


Through the metallic door before her she listened by pressing her ear to the door, listened with special enhanced hearing. There were men talking on the other side but also laughing at times. Harsh, hard men making hard, dark jokes of a kind that often sickened her.


She closed her eyes and focused her mindeye and a visioning came to her of that other room. Eight soldiers were their in assault power armour of the same colouration of green brown as those in the lockers. The eight soldiers were the roughest, most brutish form of mercenaries. The ones in that other room were all probably wanted for many crimes and had most likely committed many they were not wanted for. In that other very big room were roughly organised facilities for many more soldiers than those that were there. There were many storage status capsules, many weapons canisters, gun boxes, ammo cases, wall lockers, box lockers, a couple of refrigerators, a fairly dirty kitchen area, some armchairs around a big round table.


One of the soldiers spoke in Spanish. “Soon as we kill Callahan the better. That guy has it coming.”


“S**** Callahan!” Another soldier, a sergeant who outranked the earlier guy who had spoken, who was a private, spoke. “Soon as we can get out of this hole and open up the gates for the others to come into this dump, we can start having some fun. Those Guild Elders are going to s*** themselves when they realized that they have been tricked, especially when they know they are gonna die.”


Which was when there was a slamming noise against the inside of a locker. At once Jessy knew there was a young woman trapped in there.


The merc sergeant scowled. “S***, we have to stunpak her again.” He reached out to a device that looked much like a stimpak that lay on the table before him. “This is our last one but if she wakes fully we will have a bad time keeping her down. Still, we could have some fun with her, if you know what I mean, boys?”


The other mercs grinned.

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Jessy Jackson exploded through the door with amazing speed, power and agility. Even as the four thugs turned to discover what was going on, she threw two sliverblades. Two mercs died as the sliverblades thunked into their throats and they collapsed. But even as they were dying, Jessy was slipping her revolver-pistols out, both of them Magnum .44s, and was letting losing with volleys of amazingly well aimed shots.


These were well experienced veterans and even as another four of them died, the last surviving two were shooting at Jessy with 10mm autopistols, firing triple shots of the powerful bullets. But somehow their efforts came to nothing and then they were also dead.


Jessy opened the armoured door to the locker and drew out the attractive young woman from there, a woman who was lightly bruised and wearing only white panties and a singlet. She was slimly voluptuous and lightly muscular. Effortlessly, Jessy carried her across the room to lay her on a bunk bed and then she went to work.


There was no telling when other enemies might appear or how many there would be. Also her gunfire had hardly been quiet. Yet she could sense no immediate threat. She tended to the red haired woman as best she could. She filled up a dufflebag with lots of very portable valuable loot and she searched for items that would tell her more about what was really going on.


Of course she retrieved her sliverblades.


Then she found the telephone, the yellow one with no keypad and no screen but only three buttons. She picked it up, pressed the first button and waited. There was a beeping noise and then a man spoke. “This is Horus. This had better be good. You know that you are only supposed to use..”


Jessy Jackson spoke but she sounded exactly like the dead sergeant mercenary who lay in the same room, sprawled across the concrete floor. He made himself sound very drunk. “We are going to betray you, going to kill you stupid stuck up Guild Elders. Dumb swine. I myself am going to do you.”


The line was cut.


Jessy got the other woman and somehow she managed to take her, the dufflebag of loot and leave back the way she had come.


By three hours later the Guild Elders had gone to Sheriff Callahan and had revealed the truth. The plot to invade Sugartown and plunder it, to destroy it as a major blow against the USC, failed. Sheriff Callahan led his own deputies into the secret underground base and with him came Sugartown Guardsmen. There was some fighting but most of the mercs, taken by surprise and knowing they had little chance, surrendered. But the mercenaries knew nothing of real value about the dark and mysterious forces behind the strange plot and, it turned out, neither did the Guild Elders.

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