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Honour and Respect-dead and buried.


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It's odd, really, that people like that think they can get away with such behaviour in a public envirorment like that. That could have led to an assault charge or vandalism after all. I mean, really, I never visit LAN-parties, but I do visit internet cafés every once in a while for the convenience. The weird part is, I can behave very well and be civil and polite, despite the fact that I'm almost always drunk when I'm there, since it's at such a handy distance from the pubs. And this is coming from someone who's had massive anger management (which were NOT helped by regular doctors trying to come up with a nifty letter combination and passing out perscription drugs, homeopathic doctors for the win in that reguard) issues as a kid! What's the difference between me and them, sans a few years? Why can some of us remain civilized in a multiplayer atmosphere even with quite a few White Russians in the system, while others can't even manage that completly sober?


It might have part to do with those perscription drugs for ADD and the like I mentioned earlier. When the kids show off some unpleasant and unwanted tendencies, I suppose it's just simpler to have the doctor label them with some sort of disorder (which also excuses any kind of bad behaviour they might have, obviously) and give them some of those magic super-pills medical science provides and then just plonk them down in front of the TV with their occupation machines and get back in line. But this doesn't solve any of the real problems! Why is the answer to anything in Western medicine to hand out disorders and pills? And why is this a perfectly valid excuse to assault a fellow player at a LAN-party for displaying creative thinking in the art of digital war games?

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Actualy the mac was pretty screwed up by the high velocity coke can, and charges were filed.


I didnt sue or complain to the police, but instead when thet kids parents came to collect the little brat I told them in no uncertain terms what had happened and how lucky they were that despite being huge, that I've never had anger management issues. But that a lot of other huge guys are around here and that if their little bundle of spite destroyed one of their computers, he'd be hostipalised if lucky and put six feet under if not.


In the end the parents had to pay close to three thousand USD worth to replace the damaged mac and even more for the augmentations and unusual fittings that had been annihilated by the liquid. That's one kid I never saw again there.


For me it's enough to know Im good at gaming. All I need is to know I'm good, and I know I am. Im no god, but I'm cunning, sneaky, aware and a great shot. I dont have to shove my prowess in people's faces though. I like the feeling of ability that comes with a high amount of practice, and I like seeing others reach that level of practice, but I feel no "alpha male" urge to shove my abilities down everyone's throat and posture and prance like a peacock.


A lot of less skillful players however, preen and prance over the most trivial of acomplishments. I had one guy who said right in my face, "yea, I know Oblivion alright, who the **** do you think your talking to punk, Im F***ING LEVEL 22!" It seems to be a part of youthful vogue at the moment. To boast and strut around and treat everyone else with utter disdain. To shove every victory you achieve into the public eye. i have had many many victories. I have never shown them off.


I am "Level Perfect" in Oblivion, the highest possible level with regular vannila play. I could get it higher with mods, but I instead fought for every pixel of that perfect attribute screen. I have attained mastery in every skill by shear practice, and in the occasional deathmatch, I am Kaela Mensha Khaine walking amongst sheep. This *censored* had unenchanted daedric armour. I had armour I made myself in a mod, that conveyed not godlike powers, but gave me a fair but noticable boost to speed and strength (20 to each), it also had 40% shield, 15% damage reflection, and a mighty 88% spell reflection accross all jewelery. It also boosted my magicka and health by 150. Not unkillable, but strong, befitting so much experience.


My weapon, a flaming weapon based loosely on a glass claymore, created by the ever talented Midas for the Balrog in MI.MAG. and tweaked for slightly higher DPS to keep pace with monsters, ripped his little daedric plated orc warrior limb from limb in a single stroke. He didnt see it coming either because I was stealthed.


EDIT: that's odd. Im not sure why Nexus censored that, I thought it was perfectly acceptable language. Anyway, it was a short, simply word starting with "T" that means the person acts without thinking and talks without actualy putting across sensible thoughts.

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Well beating someone because you're more experienced is no big deal, but camping is an entirely diferent beast. There was this abnoxious guy in a certain MW2 match who was camping my entire team save me, so I tossed them a Tac. Ins. on the roof, hehehahahahahaaaa,,,


Oh the look on his face would have been priceless. Ten ghillie suited men suddenly appearing on a roof with sniper rifles and MG4s, we camped him till he ragequit... lol. Cruel and mean, but totaly karmic retribution, you treat people how you want people to treat you, I like being treated with respect, so I treat others with the utmost respect, he swore, screamed, whined and camped, so we camped him and called him mean things.

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SOmetimes, though, I really hate the people who are good more than those cheating. I like to play Halo: Combat Evolved online sometimes for some quick fun, and being reminded constantly of "You suck at this game" written on sniper bullets isn't my definition of fun. So remember the cannon fodder you're pwning has feelings too.
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