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Is America becoming Socialist ?


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It's insane to believe so slavishly in a person or in a party with such blinding obedience that you're willing to support them even they fail to deliver on their elected policies. (Brewer was not elected into office, either) This applies to ANY PARTY, mind you. And if you're one of the individuals who feel that you will not, under any circumstances, alter your perception, then you might as well be in chains.


This is why I became an Independent, and believe an advanced form of socialism is a good alternative to our current woes.





Have you ever thought why antelopes follow the leader, even if they die from it?


EDIT::::With help from my friend @Aurielius I think I meant a Wildebeest. What´s the difference? Follow their leader blindly, or get scattered by fear when h::ll burns. That´s the same picture of good ´ol Conservatives, lol

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Have you ever thought why antelopes follow the leader, even if they die from it?



Actually antelopes will scatter when threatened , I think you are thinking of Lemmings. Which ever way you want to look at it I don't think all Conservatives are herd creatures as much as that would be a pleasing analogy for you.

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Hell yes. That is how a lion or a panther stalks and catches a tasty antelope supper, by picking up on a vulnerable antelope that has got separated in the scatter. I would love to see anyone try and make ME go along with any kind of herd. There is a disturbingly patronizing note being directed at those who hold conservative views in this thread - hmmm, we don't/can't read or only read stuff that reflects our own views, must be on something and now we are automatons/herd animals. And I thought it was Socialism that suppressed individualism...
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There is a disturbingly patronizing note being directed at those who hold conservative views in this thread - hmmm, we don't/can't read or only read stuff that reflects our own views, must be on something and now we are automatons/herd animals.


I have to concur with ginnyfizz on this point, there seems to a trend of thought in this thread that either conservatives are socially amoral or mindless marionettes dancing to the tune of sinister oligarchs of the right. I consider myself well read and hold several degrees, that I have reviewed the benefits of Socialism and find them wanting is actually a thought through process. With one or two exceptions ( and those are small European examples) there has been little convincing arguments of why in America, socialism would be beneficial to the country as a whole. I am not proposing that unbridled capitalism as in the period of nineteenth century mega capitalists should be the direction that is most beneficial to the country but the current vogue of socialistic panacea solutions for all problems is just as a deleterious a concept.

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I don't think spreading resources evenly is suppressing individualism. It allows for more people to attain individualism. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe every person should have a food, healthcare, and a place to live. (the basics for a human, and civilized existence) Lions, dogs, and other animals fight for supremacy within their respective circles. They abandon the weak, and are driven by self-centered primal instincts that cater to selfishness. In my opinion, taking advantage of other people for the purposes of attaining greater wealth is similar to beating a person over the head with a club to prove dominance. It's an indicator of a primitive methodology. I understand that this inner urge to prove financial superiority can be stronger than sexual desires in some people. That is why, I did not say we should allocate funds for HD TV''s, cars, or other commodities. These things should be worked for, and would drive business ventures and inventions while allowing motivated people to achieve the extra status they desire. This process will not of course, solve all of our problems. But it's a good start. Capitalism is civilized barbarism.
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Species, you may well believe that everyone should have all those things, and actually you have not found me anywhere saying that they shouldn't. What I have been saying is that, to quote Aurelius, "the current vogue of socialistic panacea solutions for all problems" has not brought those things to them, not in my experience. Socialist government in Britain has still left people on the streets, healthcare is a bad joke and depends on your postcode, and a lot of those street people do not get fed unless they can get to a hostel run by...ahermm...one of the churches. Spreading resources, by which I think you mean punitive tax rates, has in effect disincentivised both the wealth AND JOB creators,and the lower paid workers who want to better themselves.
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I find you to be an annoying individual, who has put no real thought into their political views. So....


That is a tad extreme, Species has put thought into her political views and though I really do not agree with them i am sure that she feels that she has made an evolved choice. That being said, Species I still find that you want to gift too much to the have nots on the basis that everyone should be made happy principle. Life has always been competitive and not necessarily fair, the idea that everyone deserves a place to live is something I can agree with but not that everyone deserves to own a home as an inalienable right. I will still stick with Ben Franklin in that America guarantees the pursuit of happiness but the government is not obligated to pay for an individual conception of what that may be, you are supposed to do that on your own.

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We're off on a tangent now debating the merits of socialism versus capitalism, which is all well and good, but isn't the topic of this thread supposed to be answering the question of "Is America becoming Socialist?"


Shouldn't we be discussing socialist, or at least socialist-esque actions the US government has taken recently? (let's say, over the last decade or so)


Something like say, the bailout, or... well, shoot. I got nothin else, off the top of my head.


Or have we shown that no, America is not becoming socialist after all? ;)

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The bailout was definatly socialist, and I resent it. Obama will not get my vote just because of that foolishness, if the banks fail we have problems yes, but if they continue in bad practices then it is just delaying the inevitable, and making it worse when it finally hits.


I still think they should make me president. I am no politician, and that would be my campaign slogan! (either that or "Vote for Ryan, he will give you beer!")

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We're off on a tangent now debating the merits of socialism versus capitalism, which is all well and good, but isn't the topic of this thread supposed to be answering the question of "Is America becoming Socialist?"


Shouldn't we be discussing socialist, or at least socialist-esque actions the US government has taken recently? (let's say, over the last decade or so)


Something like say, the bailout, or... well, shoot. I got nothin else, off the top of my head.


Or have we shown that no, America is not becoming socialist after all? ;)

Actually the idea that some companies were too big to fail really annoyed me, they took unwarranted risks and should have been made to pay the price. Capitalism is a two edged sword, it should cut both ways, if I cannot expect a personal bailout from the government why should I pay for wall street broker and bank excess?

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