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A question about .psc script prefixes.


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Prefixes like that are typically identifiers for the mod author to sort and group their files together. They also help distinguish files between different mods as well as the game itself.


By no means should you even consider renaming them. You'll break your game if you do, especially if you rename the PEX files.

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Prefixes or suffixes (depending on the style the author uses, although prefixes are more common) are used to identify:

A) Author


B)Functionality (although there can be some poor names out there, I am probably guilty of some of that)


It helps for finding the files you need to add to your bsa when you are assembling your mod assets. Renaming or removing them will cause issues for the Creation Kit if you load a mod that uses the scripts. Game wise, it will have issues if you remove the .pex files. I know there are script files you don't specifically name that are created (both .psc and .pex) when you create dialogue scripts (the Creation Kit will show you the name of them, but you can usually identify which mod they go to by checking the creation/compile date [depending on if .psc/.pex respectively]), which are important for those dialogue pieces to execute properly.

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