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Repairing Battlehorn Castle Mod


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Hi, I'm trying to fix two floating pedestals in the Great Hall of the Battlehorn Castle Enhance by using the Construction Set. With the CS, loaded the game, the DLC, and made the Battlehorn Castle Enhanced active. In the Render Window, lowered the pedestals, saved, and exited. Now the game crashes even before loading. Wrye Bash reports a mismatched Battlehorn Castle Enhanced.esp. What am I doing wrong, is it possible to fix this mod?. Please help and many thanks for any assistance.

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What form of mod de-isolation are you using? My guess is none, so after your edit you have a missing master crash (Battlehorn Enhanced likely has Oblivion.esm and DLCBattlehornCastle.esp as masters ... both would need to be set as masters before you edit in the CS).


What about using TES4Edit and set the x y z coordinates there?

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Did you reset the load order after edited the file? When I used the CS it moves the edited DLC to the end of the load order. If you also have the Unofficial Official Mod Patch for Battlehorn, or maybe some other plugin (maybe Battlehorn Enhanced?) that needs to load after it in the order, but is loading before it, this could cause your crash.

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Hi! Certainly feels more than million dollars, Feeling Great, Great! I must say many thanks for both helping solve this problem. After so many days surfing the internet, reading, and experimenting unfruitful trials and finding myself against the wall, I decided to ask for help and help I got. Striker, you pressed the right button, I went into the CS and obtained the FormID for the pedestals and using TES4Edit enter the FormID but to my surprise there were no coordinates. Then I realize that there are about ten of those pedestal in that castle, all with the same FormID. Back to the CS and this time gathered the pedestal's Reference FormID. Back to the TES4Edit, changed the Z Coordinates and good and done. Open the CS and checked the trophy bases and they look great! I sorry but I know nothing about mod de-isolation, is that a utility mod? If I set both as Master, do I still need de-isolation?


TheRomans, I checked the Load Order with BOSS and BattlerornCastleEnhances was under the DLC, meaning it was the winner. the DLC and the Enhancement are the only thing installed at this time. Always work with mods before saving them to the game to avoid making patches. This was really a great help, thanks to both, I could never ask for something better.

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Excellent ... I always say it takes a team.


Mod de-isolation is the term used to describe making ESPs used as masters (ESMs) and then turning them back to ESPs (I didn't invent the term ... no idea what "de-isolation" has to do with it). The only way I know of to do it is using Wyre Bash, but the newest alternative is to use Construction Set Extender (takes care of de-isolation automatically). In a case like what you needed TES4Edit seemed the best solution. When I'm back home and at my gaming computer I'll dig up my links on mod de-isolation and edit this post (on the road until tomorrow).

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Hi Striker! I read de - isolation and is sounds like unifying .esps or .esms in order to enable compatibility, so, eliminating isolation. I read that the Construction Set Extended was the better choice and went ahead and installed it. The result was OBSE Loader refused to load because msvcp110.dll went missing right after installing the CS Extended. This dll can be downloaded and reinstalled but apparently the problem was not the absence of the dll in their respective locations but a corrupted Registry. Finally, I had to reinstall the Windows 7 from scratch. Most surely I made a mistake installing the Extension.

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I've not installed CSE myself (my own modding is pretty simplistic stuff) but I have read through the install instructions and the comment thread here and at Bethsoft. I recall something about the Visual C++ libraries, where you needed the older library as well as the newer one (can't recall exactly, but something like you needed to install version 2.0 and then version 3.0 because 2.0 contained something not included in 3.0 ... pretty sure it was in the Bethsoft comments). Can't say for certain if it'd be related to this current situation.


If it turns out CSE isn't a solution for you, Wrye Bash has a utility that ESMifies ESPs and then when you're done you re-ESPify.


I feel for you Hanker ... nothing I hate more than sitting through a Windows install.


- Edit - Here's a link with more info on the ESMify/ESPify thing ... Plugins - TESCOSI


- Edit 2 - Here's another link De-Isolation Tutorial - The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki (whoohoo ... I figured out how to fix all my broken CS Wiki links ... just take out the "Constwiki/index.php/" part of the old link ... I'm off on a link repairing mission)


- Edit 3 - Have you seen this post in the CSE mod comments (funny how I recall reading something almost a year ago, but forgot I read that post a couple of weeks ago ... early indication of "OldTimers"??)

Edited by Striker879
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Hi Striker! I read that you are retired and build your own rigs, well I'm also a 74 retired "tonager", (ton = lots), and assemble my own computers, the advantage in building your own is that you can replace or upgrade without problem. I searched those articles you pointed out and I see that I was not the only one that lost the msvcp110.dll. Good articles on this subject, specially the instruction for WB ESMification, greatly appreciated, I think I will stick with WB instead of the CS Extended. Reinstalling Windows means reinstalling tons of programs, re-downloading updates, and product key requirements for activation, you name it, too much work and sometimes difficult if a program support runs out. For those that may read this post and wonder if I knew that Windows 7 can make an "Image Backup" and use it to restore Windows from previous mishaps... Image Restore does not fix this problem and neither Microsoft has any help to solve it..

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The only downside to the retired part is cash flow (or lack thereof). I'm not as far into it as you time wise, but have finally got a pretty good handle on living within one's means.


Yes, all those "extra tasks" that accompany a Windows re-install are a severe pain in the butt. I doubt I've ever got a machine back to exactly as it was beforehand ... patience is a limited resource, meant to be spent wisely.

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