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problem with Count of Skingrad in Kvatch Rebuilt Quest

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I am at the point where am appointment with the count has been arranged. I wait OUTSIDE the castle walls for a day, then some extra hours to let it be 10PM the day AFTER I give the goods to the Armand fellow. But the problem is this: the count doesn't come down to me. If i break it, the count doesn't have any options to get this quest going. I would hate to be stopped this early in this mod.
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Yeah I was confused with this too... the problem is, he comes down at 10 or 11pm (can't remember which) and he literally stays for like 1+ minute then goes up again. You have to talk to him quickly. Also if you break in and talk to him in his room or anything he won't mention Kvatch.

He comes down every night and waits in the garden to the left of the gate everynight until you talk to him so don't worry about missing him the first night.


Good luck!


I am at the point where am appointment with the count has been arranged. I wait OUTSIDE the castle walls for a day, then some extra hours to let it be 10PM the day AFTER I give the goods to the Armand fellow. But the problem is this: the count doesn't come down to me. If i break it, the count doesn't have any options to get this quest going. I would hate to be stopped this early in this mod.

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From what I understand, there is also a conflict if you use Open Cities. I believe there is a rock you have to activate that takes you to the vanilla Skingrad World where the Count appears. I don't have Open Cities, or maybe it's Better Open Cities, or whatever, but I do remember reading posts about it.
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