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How to script the shovelling animation?


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Some progress. Was able to create a script that let me place markers for shoveling and when I clicked on the activator (the loose pile of sand), I got the digging animation. However, when I made duplicates of the animation, marker, and script, and tweaked the conditions to accommodate for my custom shovel, I ended up with a digging animation without a shovel. I also can't seem to get the marker to activate on the player through script.


The other thing I noticed, is that creating a marker with placeatme takes a couple of seconds. So even when I get this working, digging will be delayed. That sucks. I wanted the digging motion to be as instant swinging the shovel in melee combat.


When I first saw there was a PlayIdle function, I thought animations would be easy. But it's a convoluted system and after spending hours/days trying to understand it, I'm thinking of giving up on the idea.

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@ cpoindex: Please don't let my blazing failure discourage you.



It's too bad one cannot add animation types when it comes to combat. Want to make a spear with thrusting action? Not possible because the animation types are hard coded, without any features in Geck of adding more.


Sure wish one could just script player.playidle LooseDLC04Shoveling.

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Sure wish one could just script player.playidle LooseDLC04Shoveling.

Actually, you can do that, but there's a trick to getting it working that I haven't completely worked out yet. I'll send you some files. But an advantage of doing the animation through a Furniture object is that it takes care of a number of things for you, such as preventing the player from moving or taking other actions during the anim, and checking any conditions placed on the Idle Anim - you would otherwise have to do all that through script.

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About to give this another go, but first need to know what animation to use. In the Idle Animations manager there are these two:


+ Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\FurnitureIdles\Sitting\NonSitFurniture\DLC04NonSitFurniture\DLC04Shoveling


+ Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\LOOSE\LooseDLC04Shoveling


Which one should be used / duplicated for use with PlayIdle, or are both required?

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that depends.


play the animations in the geck and see what they do. then you can probably decide how you wan tot use them.



you can also play the animations in nifskope, with a bit of copy/pasting. open the skeleton.nif and open the upperbody.nif, then paste the body nitrishape. you can do the same with the hands and head nifs. then just attach the kf to the skeleton.nif by right clicking the viewport>animation>attach kf

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