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Where are all cool mods done by SPB?


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ub3rman123 & TanyaHannington -->

thanks a lot for answer but how it can be? His mods are one of the best. How some1 can banned one of the best modder only b/coz he posted some sexual print_screens - lol - no comments. Anyway - thanks a lot for answer.


just checked my settings but ther is all as it should be -)


ElricOfGrans -->

think the same - nice game however without of any real story -) SpeedBuster mods makes Oblivion really cool so I wonder why he was banned - (Beth and Nexus) should pay him for his work -) :biggrin:

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The moderators pride themselves on being fair, and so the finest modders among us were banned along with those who just post pornography (No offence). However, after it was cleared up, all those banned were reinstated, although SPB was mistaken on some of the rules and believed that pornographic mods as well as images were banned.
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