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Disappearing meshes


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Hi all,

So first off I know that if the mesh is missing I would get a error marker and that if the texture is missing the item is a bright purple, the problem I have is when I equip my custom armor I end up having a floating head, hands and legs. The characters body disappears. I used Gimp to modify some of the vanilla textures for my armor. I flattened the image and just used it for my armor textures, it worked for previous meshes and worked for the helmet I made. If I use the helmet texture for the cuirass it still disappears. Whats gives? Please help.


Thanks, here are screenshots of the working helmet and non-working cuirass.

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Your understanding of meshes and textures is true--for items not worn by the player. Items worn by the player behave slightly differently.


In the pictures, chances are this is not missing textures, but missing meshes. Invisible body parts are caused by missing meshes 90% of the time, maybe more. There are occasions when textures seem to do this. From what I can determine, because I HAVE seen cases where textures are the culprit, when textures point to folders that do not exist (for worn items only), then the item becomes inviible instead of purple. When a folder exists, but the texture is not there (for worn items), that seems to be when what you are wearing turns purple. This happens most often when the texture is Hard Coded to "c:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\" with games not installed in the default directory.


Chances are the pictures are caused by missing meshes, not textures.

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Hi again,

I did an experiment in which I tried the ebony curirass texture and the armor shows up in game. Then I used Gimp to flaten image and save, the armor dissappears. So I used the flatened ebony texture along with the vanilla ebony normal map and the armor works. So I guess I need to learn how to make normal maps for the custom textures.


Thanks all.

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It might be that the helm is a solid object and doesn't bend to match the skeleton as much as a cuirass. I don't know much about such things beyond that a normal map is necessary, but statics work without a normal map, they just look funny in light.
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