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Introducing Augusta


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Since everyone is now making Morrowind based characters, I thought I'd better comply. Hence, here is the new character I have only just created.


Name: Augusta Honoria Austine (nicknamed Sabine)

Race: Imperial

Sex: Female

Age: Between 20 and 30

Class: Dragoon

Favoured Attributes: Strength, Agility

Specialization: Combat

Major: Spear, Alteration, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Longblade

Minor: Armorer, Block, Athletics, Acrobatics, Blunt Weapon


Personality: Honour-bound, Empire-loving, soldier-routing, and headstong, Augusta stirrs all around her into action. She has the gift of persuation, and many soldiers have been routed to a few of her convincing words. She is strong, and tolerant, though inwardly hurt by the corruptions of the world, and confused by alterior motivation.

Convinced that the Empire will soon come to nothing-ness if the heir is not a powerful individual, Augusta strives for power. Yet first she must complete her mission from the Emperor, and remain on Morrowind against her will.

She is married to a man, Claudius, who awaits her return in the Imperial City.


(Screenies soon to come, stay tuned!)

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