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Needing some recommendations for armor


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I'm in the final stages of making a new mod, and I need to think of an idea for enemies in the last section, a seriously cursed castle deep underground. My idea for enemies in it right now is to have statues placed around the area and when the player comes near one, it'll come to life and attack, like in Mortrag Glacier of Bloodmoon. Unfortunately, my well of creativity has run dry as to precisely what the enemies themselves should be.


Outside the castle, the main enemies are in a village, and they're shadow beasts, basically retextures of the troll, land dreugh, lich, and a special minotaur to look transparent and shadowy. I don't want to reuse the monster so much that the player gets sick of them, though. They lose the effect that way.


I'm looking for them to be somewhat humanoid, but as if they were exposed to massive amounts of evil-ishness. Corrupted, if you will. The best possible scenario is to find a monster mesh someone's already made like I'm looking for, but another idea is to just make a new NPC race and give them all a special armor, for different 'classes' of enemy, like servants, soldiers, and nobles (Casters).


So my request for someone to find for me is, preferably:

1. A monster-type mesh that looks evil and not too close to vanilla monsters

2. An armor that doesn't show too much skin, preferably full armor, like the Madness armor from SI, with a male and female variant, and hopefully looks evil. Some evil clothing would be nice too, for the non-soldier classes.

I've searched through as much of the armor section as I can, but I saw very little full plate armor, and more of the skimpy revealing type, which doesn't fit my needs.


I'm not requesting anyone make these things, just that if you've seen something similar, I'd love a link. Or some ideas for alternate enemies to put into the keep.

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for the enemies, it would be wicked cool if the statues were beautiful women who sprang to life and tried to suck your blood! Add some horrifying screams sfx to really drive home the disturbing nature of the battle. I'm sure there are sfx of females screaming all over the web that you can DL and use for free.



Just a thought. ^_^

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I've found this armor to use for the soldier class. Now I just need to find something for that idea of a screaming woman, as well as a spellcaster and something else. The spellcasters can be nobles of the castle, the soldiers just soldiers, the screaming things can be.. uhh.. I dunno. Ideas? I'm thinking archers for the fourth class, or just cannon fodder, easy-to-kill servants.


Hey, for the screaming woman thing, how about something similar to the Witch from L4D2? It'll leave you alone, but attack it and it'll go nuts. Good for discouraging AoE spells.

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I have a idea for the living statues.


They are deamon spirits who where released from their prison deep under ground during the building of the castle.

They are always in the castle but cannot form a physical form without taking control of some form of material object.


Now able to roam free the castle killing all forms of life and able to wallow in never ending chaos.


You should hear whispers all during that section to put the players on edge.

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So possessed corpses? Freaking sweet, I know of a few effects to creep the player out on that.


Good idea on the whispers and such, I was just planning on making random creepy noises come at certain points.

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So possessed corpses? Freaking sweet, I know of a few effects to creep the player out on that.


Good idea on the whispers and such, I was just planning on making random creepy noises come at certain points.


Ya, But also expanding on what they can possess. Such as that cool statue you passed or the monster,beast human you just slain a minute ago.


And add details showing they are possessed, Such as dark purple glowing cracks on the statue or glowing dark purple eyes of whatever organic thing it is possessing.

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Tirunus: Sounds like a fine idea, I could script the enemies so there's a small chance when they die that they'll be resurrected and given some evil shader.


Raithfyre: The Daethic armor looks awesome for the mod, but it doesn't mention the permission. I'll send the author a PM to see if I get anything back.

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Okay, I have permission for some awesome armor for the warrior type. Now I need one for the witch (Jumps up and screams at you thing), one for the nobleman, and one for some Ayleidic conjurers.


Any suggestions? The conjurers I've looked for some armor for them, and the best I see is Slof's Warhammer robes she made for Kieranfoy, but I think she kills people who reuse her things, and I'm kind of afraid to ask. So I'll ask if anyone's seen a good conjurer/sorcerer robe, preferably not too revealing (Like having a thong showing or something, too undignified for an Ayleid).

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