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Grim reaper scythe not showing up


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You need to be specific. What exactly does "not showing up" mean? Can you not find the armor or weapon? is there a problem equipping them? Do the icons show up properly in your inventory?


When you say "I've tried a few things" what did you try?

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Because it's FOUR mods (3 if you count the edited one), very badly packaged in multiple folder structures. Inside the archive is a 'Grim Reaper' folder. Inside the 'Grim Reaper' folder are four more folders:

Brivas' mod

My mod

Nico's mod

Sarac's mod


It is the contents of these four folders that need to be extracted to your Oblivion\Data folder, NOT the original folder structure, as stated in the instructions.

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sorry i forgot to finish typing the rest of the post,


my character goes into the stance and looks like hes holding a claymore or something, however theres just a bunch of nothing, the icon is blank, i thought changing the kind of weapon might help (2hand, one hand) and nothing helped im guessing that the textures are missing so ill try to find the original versions

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