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The enemies you hate


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The noise the trolls make, and that loping open maw screaming combo makes them a pet hate for me, and the pantslesness of the beefy minotaur, somehow I want them more ... regally menacing. Not the hamfisted what-did-you-do-with-my-pants horned tantruminators they are, it just makes me sad :dry:

The beady eyed ogres are no favourites either, but above all these are >insert sound of nails on blackboard< the KNEE-HIGH RATS. C'mon. :ohmy:

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Wolves, which are later replaced by mountain lions of corse. They are easy to kill but WAY too fast. I hate the fact that they don't even circle you once they reach you but crash into you like a freight train. And then, if they reach you while you are sitting on a horse, it doesn't matter if you get off the horse or not, they are still attacking the horse. I have no idea how many times I have accidentally hit my horse while trying to slaughter a stupid wolf or mountain lion.


Goblin Warlords! The moment you are high enough in level for the normal goblins to be replaced by goblin warlords, dungeon running stops being fun. They have too much HP, are too tall to really fit into dungeons and are really annoying in packs.

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Cliff Racers (sorry, couldn't resist)




ridiculously overpowered Goblins (Warlords, as an example - faster than the wind, running in packs, its like what are you supposed to do with it?)


omniscient Guards/Bandits/Marauders


most everything else ceased to be "annoying and unrealistic" after Mass Effect 2's boss fights and Fallout New Vegas in general


oh, and any of the ridiculous "minor enemy" characters added by various mods that have static stats including 500-800hp and 150-200 in all stats - theres a reason "PC Level Offset" exists y'know

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I'm level 40 now and since level 15(i'm a mage)i haven't had any problems with enemies anymore, Since level 25 i don't even bother to run away anymore i just do hand to hand for fun sometimes (that's because i have spell absorption, reflect spell and reflect damage) In kvatch they could hit me for minutes with 20 daedric ennemies they buggers almost kill themselfves with the reflect spells.


Before level 15 well will-o- the wisp. I just couldn't kill it without my staff of apotheosis and using that staff is very costly(then anyway)


The game is way too easy past level 15 even on hard (as a mage anyway)

,Just raise your intelligence sky high and focus on spells. I'm also a high elf (so another 100 magicka)


otherwise great game. One of the best games i ever played

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