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Unessasary Violence problem


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okay.... so how do i prevent myself from being called a fool and dying apon load? i have the pluggy and i have the nifscript. i also have obmm. what else do i need to play this mod w/o dying and being called a fool? how do i enable funtionality
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i found the ireadthereadme thing and set it to 1. i still was killed.

i would like to play this game without playing national treasure to figure out how to install it. please someone who has had this mod installed tell me EXACTLY what i need to do to play.

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ermmm.... okay here is the instructions...



- An INI file will allow you to configure many of the features of UV. Look in the Unnecessary Violence.ini file for details. Each setting is preceded by a description and a type - boolean (an on off set by 1 or 0), integer (a whole positive number including 0) or float (a decimal value, typically in the range 0-1 but there are some exceptions).

- At the end of the INI file is a special value 'iHaveReadTheInstructions' By default this is set to 0. You need to set it to 1 before loading the game. If you don't do this UV will kill your character as soon as you load your game. This is the 'thing you have to do' that I alluded to at the start of this readme.


here is the ini file. tell me if its right. credit goes to the genius who made the mod like this for this ini file.



;Unnecessary Violence configuration file



;This INI allows you to configure many of the options in UV. Read the description of each setting carefully

;Some settings are simple (0,1) on/off options, others are floating point (decimal) multipliers. The description

;in each case will tell you both what the setting does, and how to change it to achieve the results you want.

;each setting is in the formae "set <variable> to <value>" You should only be changing the <value>.



;General game settings



;Univeral damage multiplier (float): 1

;Setting this to 1 will leave all the damage from UV attacks at the standard level. You may change this

;as you wish. It must not be lower than 0.1, but can be as high as you like.

;All the damage you deal from UV attacks and throwing weapons will be affected by this multiplier.

;If for example you wanted to do half again as much damage, you would set it to 1.5

;If you only wanted to do a quarter of the normal damage you would set it to 0.25

;It is best to keep this in line with however you have set up the vanilla difficulty slider.


set ptDWVariables.damagemultiplier to 1


;NPC damage multiplier (float): 1

;as above this is a damage multiplier, this time for the amount of damage NPCs will do to the player

;with their UV attacks. Increasing this will make NPCs tougher, decreasing it will make them easier.


set ptDWVariables.npcdamagemult to 1


;Sneak mode when throwing (boolean): 1

;Setting this to 1 means you will crouch before making a throw - highly reccomeded for realism

;Setting it to 0 means you'll throw without crouching


set ptThrowingKnifeVariables.shouldforcesneak to 1


;Autopreparing objects (boolean): 1

;Setting this to 1 means that every object you pick up will be automatically prepared for throwing

;This means you'll always throw your last picked up object unless you change it with a hotkey or

;select something else in the menu.

;Setting this value to 0 will mean that if you want to autoprepare an object you'l have to hold

;the UV modifier key when picking it up.


set ptThrowingKnifeVariables.autoprepare to 1


;Thrown Weapons Stick (boolean) 1

;By default weapons you throw stick in scenery if you throw them hard enough. This can occasionally lead

;to strange floating weapon effects when the collision detection fails. By disabling this the havok will

;be renabled on anything you throw. However with this value set to 0 (disabled) you are far more likel to

;loose weapons as they fall through the floor or walls. It's a trade off you'll have o decide on for yourself


set ptDWVariables.thrownweaponsstick to 1



;Counter Chance Multiplier (float): 0.8

;This setting increases or decreases the base chance NPCs have to counter your attacks with UV moves

;of their own. Countering is the only way in which NPCs can access UV moves. By default the

;counter chance is defined by their speed attribute. If you increase this value they are more likely to

;counter you, while decreasing it will reduce the chance and make counters more rare. Note that this is a

;multiplier so say an NPC has a speed of 40, byt default they have a 40% chance of countering. If you change

;this value to 1.5 they would have a 60% chance to counter. Setting this value to 0 will mean NPCs never

;counter your attacks


set ptDWVariables.counterchance to 0.8


;Weapon/shield on back (boolean): 1

;Setting this value to 1 will place your off hand weapon on your back when your weapon is sheathed

;note that this will temporarily override your quiver of arrows, but the quiver will be returned as soon as

;you draw the your weapon. setting this value to 0 will disable this feature. Shields and OH weapons not

;created by UV will magically dissapear when your main weapon is sheathed. Note that this dissapearence

;will be fixed with the arrival of the next update tpo nifscript whereupon they'll start appearing on your back


set ptDWVariables.shieldonback to 1


;Throw Charge Multiplier (float): 2.0

;This option allows you to increasse or reduce the amount of time you must hold the throw button down in order

;to achieve maximum power when throwing. If you want to garauntee maximum power you can set the value

;to -1. A setting of 1.0 will require you to hold down the button for 3.5 seconds for maximum power.

;the default setting of 2.0 will require 1.75 seconds top achieve the same result.


set ptDWVariables.throwchargemultiplier to 2.0


;Fumble Percentage (integer): 1

;This is a little complicated to explain the chance test is:

if (getrandompercent > luck && getrandompercent < fumblepercentage && getrandompercent > success)

;it's a fumble



;where: 1

;luck is multiplied by the next option

;fumble percentage is an INI settable variable ranging from 0-100 where 0 means no fumbles at all, though 100 does not mean fumbles every time.

;success is determined by the difficulty of the move - i.e. a move might have a skill level of 50. if your blade skill is 75, you have 25% chance of successfully

;avoiding the fumble.

;That last bit makes it sound like at blade 75 you'd fumble 1/4 times when trying to perform a skill 50 move, but it's mitigated first by your luck -

;lets imagine that's 50 - that would further reduce the fumble rate to 1/8 times then by the fumblepercentage.

;if that is 1 you'd fumble 1/800 times at that skill level and move difficulty. Set to 2 it's be 1/400 times.

;Even set to 100 it would still remain 1/8 times.


set ptDWVariables.fumblepercentage to 1


;Fumble Luck Multiplier (float): 0.98

;With the default setting, you rluck is multiplied by 0.98, meaning that even with luck 100, there is still

;a tiny possibility of a fumble. If you use an uncapper that lets your luck increase to 200 then you should

;set this value to 0.49. If you want luck of 100 to mean you *never* fumble then set it to 1

;otherwise you can use it to further tweak the likelyhood of fumbles. The more you reduce it - the more likely the fumble.


set ptDWVariables.luckmultiplier to 0.98


;Enable Fumble Messages (boolean):1

;These are off by default, if you set this value to 1 then you'll get messages telling you when you fumble

;Since some of the fumbles result in you dropping one or both of your weapons, this may be desirable


set ptDWVariables.enablefumblemessages to 1


;Armour Damage Multiplier (float) 0.25

;This setting allows you to control how much armour damage is applied by UV moves. The general formula is:

;(Health Damage + Stregth/10 + Weaponweight/10) * armourdamagemultiplier. by changing the value to 0 you

;can negate all armour damage. Otherwise tweak it to whatever you feel is correct for your game


set ptdwvariables.armourdamagemultiplier to 0.25


;Enable FFP Mode (boolean) 1

;This setting give you the opportunity to completely disable FFP Mode. With this set to 0

;you will enter third person mode on pressing the UV Attack button


set ptDWVAriables.enableFFP to 1


;Return to first person after third person or FFP (boolean) 1

;This setting allows you to determine whether to return to normal after a view switch

;for example with this set to 0 when you perform a UV move you'll be left in FFP mode

;(or third person if FFP mode is disabled). Equally if you have the archery switching (below) set

;then with this value at 0 you'll stay in first person after releasing your arrow instead of

;switching back to first person/FFP mode.


set ptDWVAriables.returntoFP to 1



;Bow Autoswitch (boolean): 1

;if this value is set to 1, whenever you draw back a bow in third person mode you'll be automatically switched

;to first person until your arrow is released at which point you'll be switched back to third person. Set to

;zero behaviour will be as vanilla (with the associatedly difficult thrid person shooting)


set ptDWVariables.bowautoswitch to 1




;Compatibility settings



;Headcam distance (integer): 35

;This value defines how far behind your invisible head the camera will be in 'fake' first person mode

;The lowest this can reasonably be set is 35.It Ideally you want it as small as possible. For some

;larger characters 35 may not be enough. If going into fake first person mode makes your weapons

;invisible then try increasing this value by two or three at a time till you find one

;that works for your character. Note that you can test out these values in the console in game.

;Note that when you increase it you will have to exit and enter fake first person mode to see the change.


set ptDWVariables.headcam to 35


;Soul Gem Effects (boolean): 0

;This mod alters soul gems on the fly in order to achieve its effects. In theory there shouldn't be

;any compatibility problems, but if you are experiencing problems with soul gems related to a conflict

;with another mod then you can disable UV's soulgem effects by setting this value to 1.


set ptDWVariables.NoSoulGemEffects to 0


;Apply Skill perks (boolean): 1

;With this value set to 1, UV will train your skills as you use them (including training marksman even

;if you don't hit a target when throwing, making haybales actaully useful...) However, if using a mod like

;Oblivion XP - you can disable this feature by setting ht efollowing value to 0


set ptdwvariables.applyskillperks to 1


;Enable FFP Crosshair (boolean): 1

;If you are unable or unwilling to use pluggy, you can set this setting to 0 and completely disable

;the FFP crosshair.


set ptDWVariables.enableFFPCrosshair to 1


;FFP Crosshair offset (integer) 9

;The script that draws the FFP crosshair draws it with the top left corner of the texture in the centre of the

;screen this is compensated for by this offset value, which moves that position so that it *is* at the centre

;if you dislike the default FFP crosshair (which is the small setting) you can trade it for another by

;swapping out the textures\uv\hud_reticle.dds for another texture. Howver if that texture is a different size

;you may have to modify this value to get it to sit correctly in the centre of the screen


set ptdwvariables.ffpcrosshairoffset to 9



;NPC behaviour settings. If you want the full UV experience as intended

;then leave all of these set to 0 (I call these the munchkin settings) :P



;No NPC Injuries (boolean): 1

;If you don't want the NPCs to show their specific injuries with animations, then set this to 1.


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCInjuries to 0


;No NPC Criticals (boolean): 1

;If you don't want NPCs to occasionally bleed to death from critical hits then set this to 1.

;This is also true for the player (though the chances of it happening to the player are much lower).


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCCriticals to 0


;No NPC Stagger (boolean): 0

;If you want NPCs never to be staggered by your throws or UV attacks set this to 1.


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCStagger to 0


;No NPC Dodges (boolean): 0

;If you want NPCs never to dodge out of the way of your UV attacks or throws or arrows then set this to 1

;Warning - changing this setting makes killing NPCs with throws gamebreakingly easy.


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCDodge to 0


;No NPC Arrow Dodges (boolean): 0

;If you want NPCs never to dodge out of the way of your arrows then set this to 1

;this option is mainly provided for comptibility. If you feel NPCs are dodging arrows too often

;because another mod also adds the possibility, you can disable it here if you have set the

;previous value to 1 npc's won't dodge arrows either


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCArrowDodge to 0


;No NPC KOs (boolean): 0

;Setting this to 1 will disable the possibility of NPCs being knocked out either in comabt

;or by sneaking up behind them and smacking the back of their head with a weapon


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCKOs to 0


;No NPC Throws (boolean):1

;Setting this to 1 will disable the possibility of performing combat throws on you


set ptDWVariables.NoNPCThrows to 1



;And Finally



;If you've read the instructions you'll know what to do with this one (boolean): 1


set ptdwvariables.IReadTheInstructions to 1


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The only other thing I can say is that the .ini file needs to be in the Data Folder right next to the .esp and .esm.


If that does not work, try disabling the mod, make a clean save, then quit Oblivion. Re-Enable the mod and load from the clean save.

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