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Most painful moment in life.


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I sawed my finger while working on a special project. Seriously, I'm lucky I still have this finger...thanks for the fact that it didn't cut my bone...mostly. Second most painful was accidentally burning myself with a laser pistol...engineering rules.



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when i was 6 i was wandering around at a block party, i guess not very aware of the baseball game going on and i ended up getting hit in the face by a 20 year old swinging a wooden bat as hard he could. it *banned* up my nose and I was out for a few hours.
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when i was 6 i was wandering around at a block party, i guess not very aware of the baseball game going on and i ended up getting hit in the face by a 20 year old swinging a wooden bat as hard he could. it *banned* up my nose and I was out for a few hours.


I had something similar happen to me in fifth grade when a baseball hit me in my left eye at school. Hurt like hell... :pinch:

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I was playing unpadded football and got tackled from behind. Landed on my shoulder and broke my collar bone.

I didn't know it then, and tried to keep playing for a bit. The sheer lack of water then just added insult to injury.


Another time when I was at the weight room, I loaded up 275 on the squat rack, confident that I could do it and raise my max about 50 pounds. Big mistake.

All I will tell you is that I had very large bruises the shape of the barbell for about two weeks. I'm lucky I didn't break anything then.


But the one that stayed in my mind the most was in the 4th grade. I was out in the wild having fun, and happened to skip under a wasp's nest.

Got stung in the head, ran home crying. I could've sword I was dying.

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I was playing unpadded football and got tackled from behind. Landed on my shoulder and broke my collar bone.

I didn't know it then, and tried to keep playing for a bit. The sheer lack of water then just added insult to injury.


Another time when I was at the weight room, I loaded up 275 on the squat rack, confident that I could do it and raise my max about 50 pounds. Big mistake.

All I will tell you is that I had very large bruises the shape of the barbell for about two weeks. I'm lucky I didn't break anything then.


But the one that stayed in my mind the most was in the 4th grade. I was out in the wild having fun, and happened to skip under a wasp's nest.

Got stung in the head, ran home crying. I could've sword I was dying.


I hate wasps... :mad:


About a month ago, right one I opened my front door, one flew out of nowhere and bit one of my toes on my left foot. I'm like "Seriously? Did that really just happen?" :dry:

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What, you've not got them often? THere's a hive I can't reach that lives outside my bedroom window that loves to try to find ways inside. One night I just woke up in immense pain in my stomach and found I had rolled over onto a trio of wasps. I didn't let them escape alive. Their corpses were impaled on sticks and put up outside the window as a warning.
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What, you've not got them often? THere's a hive I can't reach that lives outside my bedroom window that loves to try to find ways inside. One night I just woke up in immense pain in my stomach and found I had rolled over onto a trio of wasps. I didn't let them escape alive. Their corpses were impaled on sticks and put up outside the window as a warning.




As a warning... :laugh:

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IF you want to be rid of them for good, use fire, they hate it.


Take it from me, the resident bugman, that you've got to show them NO FEAR and NO MERCY.


Ignite the nest then run like hell. Paper wasp nests burn like tinder and the fire is almost certain to destroy the supply and logisitcs capability, but you've got to run afterwoulds because those outside will be enraged, and an enraged wasp is not to be trifled with.


As for getting the fire to the wasps, try a rag on the end of a metal pole soaked in kerosine(parrafin) with a ring under the rag to prevent the pole igniting. Whatever you do, "kill it with fire" is the watchword with wasps, their nests are fairly flamable and it lets you do a lot of damage in one go.


If you've got a big enough gun maybe you could shoot it-but you'd need atleast a 12-guage deerslug to do that sort of damage. My advice is: KILL IT WITH FIRE!

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IF you want to be rid of them for good, use fire, they hate it.


Take it from me, the resident bugman, that you've got to show them NO FEAR and NO MERCY.


Ignite the nest then run like hell. Paper wasp nests burn like tinder and the fire is almost certain to destroy the supply and logisitcs capability, but you've got to run afterwoulds because those outside will be enraged, and an enraged wasp is not to be trifled with.


As for getting the fire to the wasps, try a rag on the end of a metal pole soaked in kerosine(parrafin) with a ring under the rag to prevent the pole igniting. Whatever you do, "kill it with fire" is the watchword with wasps, their nests are fairly flamable and it lets you do a lot of damage in one go.


If you've got a big enough gun maybe you could shoot it-but you'd need atleast a 12-guage deerslug to do that sort of damage. My advice is: KILL IT WITH FIRE!

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