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Shivering Isles when to play


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I ordered Shivering Isles today, would it be better to finish Oblivion first and then install and play this or can it be incorporated into my current play through? The same question applies to the other expansion, sorry I can't remember the exact name but something about the "Nines" I haven't ordered that yet.
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It can be incorporated into your current playthrough bug-free. KotN as well. I'd suggest waiting a bit before starting through KoTN, though, because it kills off a pair of characters who are the only ones who can start a quest for you.


Other than that, I'd recommend ifinishing the MQ at least first before trying the expansions. They add a lot to the feel of the game, and it might be diminished a bit if you happen to find some god-weapon (Literally!) in the expansions.

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I played it a while after I started playing Oblivion, I'm now bored with the Shivering Isles and haven't found half the locations yet. I recommend finishing the MQ perhaps.
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Thanks everyone,



I will play through the main game first and then install shivering isles as an add-on. I've been playing DAO for months and this was the first game that the DLC could be included as part of the play through I wasn't sure if this was the same.

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Thanks everyone,



I will play through the main game first and then install shivering isles as an add-on. I've been playing DAO for months and this was the first game that the DLC could be included as part of the play through I wasn't sure if this was the same.


Actually, Shivering Isles will be integrated into main game when installed(it will modify/update Oblivion.esm and Oblivion.exe). If you installed Oblivion 1.2 patch already, you may reinstall your game to install SI without problem. Once you installed SI, the quest will be on journal after a while(DLCShiveringIsles.esp is dummy plugin for loading SI resources), and you can ignore it until you want to play SI main quest line.

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Thanks everyone,



I will play through the main game first and then install shivering isles as an add-on. I've been playing DAO for months and this was the first game that the DLC could be included as part of the play through I wasn't sure if this was the same.


Actually, Shivering Isles will be integrated into main game when installed(it will modify/update Oblivion.esm and Oblivion.exe). If you installed Oblivion 1.2 patch already, you may reinstall your game to install SI without problem. Once you installed SI, the quest will be on journal after a while(DLCShiveringIsles.esp is dummy plugin for loading SI resources), and you can ignore it until you want to play SI main quest line.


It sounds like I've misunderstood, if SI can be a quest in the main game I would like to play it that way rather than a stand alone, is it possible to say when would be the best time to install it? I have installed the official and unofficial patch, are you saying they cause a problem with SI?


What about the other add on/expansion re the Nines can that be part of the main play through as well or is it a stand alone?

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Huh? You might be confusing the Oblivion expansion system with DA:O's. The way expansions work in Oblivion is that once they're installed, you'll get a little message prompting you to go somewhere, which you can ignore and go on your merry way, or go to the place and start the quest. You're able to go back to Cyrodiil from SI any time you want, I believe.
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Huh? You might be confusing the Oblivion expansion system with DA:O's. The way expansions work in Oblivion is that once they're installed, you'll get a little message prompting you to go somewhere, which you can ignore and go on your merry way, or go to the place and start the quest. You're able to go back to Cyrodiil from SI any time you want, I believe.


Now I'm confused it doesn't take much in your opinion is it best played as a stand alone, it does sound like it or does it add to the main game experience if I install it half way through?


You hit the nail on the head and that was the reason I asked the question. DAO is the first game I've ever played where the DLC such as Wardens Peak can be played as if it is part of the main game. I know that they can be played after killing the AD, but I never liked that as the PCs who left are all still there, to me that never made sense.

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