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A REAL Knight's Armor


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If theres some 15th Century mods why not create the old types of armor that Crusader's wore? With a combo of the 15th century sword and a old fashion chivalric knight's armor you'd be like King Arthur chopping through super mutants, ghouls, and w/e you wanna kill.

while the crusades never actually ended fully. most of what the crusades are recognized as, finished a couple hundred years before the 15thC. I would much prefer german or italian 15thC plate armor, than what a typical 11-13thc knight would wear.


anyway. after i relz this current project, I think I am going to add at least a few helmets i have modeled over the years. so at least theres astart. won't happen for at least a few weeks.


and king arthur is atleast semi lore friendly. sorta :D

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