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Want to marry Camilla Valerius but how to stop or kill fendel?


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I heard if you marry cam she cheats on you with fendal, Maybe I could rig the factions so camila would attack and kill fendal with hax armor and god sword having turned her follower also and hostile? Or simply erase him through console? I could remove his files completly from skyrim also manually but need them for other characters. Maybe there is a mod for this? Whats the best way?

This is Evil character btw a vampire wolf hybrid, power hungry and on a quest for glory. Not really as nice as my others. This would be in line with him lorewise.

Edited by skyquest32
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Just marry her, but before doing that. Make fendal your follower. Take him away, suck him dry, dump him in a river. Go to the Riverwood trader, make Camilla Valerius cry on your shoulder and then marry her. Done


Better ending than mass effect 3.

hahaha If you kill him yourself I heard there was consiquinces with cami, There are many ways to do it inderictly I could for exsample flag him a vanila hated vampire attacker, or transform into a wolf and well....

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Just marry her, but before doing that. Make fendal your follower. Take him away, suck him dry, dump him in a river. Go to the Riverwood trader, make Camilla Valerius cry on your shoulder and then marry her. Done


Better ending than mass effect 3.

hahaha If you kill him yourself I heard there was consiquinces with cami, There are many ways to do it inderictly I could for exsample flag him a vanila hated vampire attacker, or transform into a wolf and well....


Followers are weak and he has no armor as a bonus. Take everything from him and he would can die from a dragon or a giant. You can also poison him to help yourself.

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If you marry Camilla, Fendal will travel to meet her. So if you live in Solitude sometimes you can catch him between there and Dragonbridge. Depending on how tough your character is you can kill him then when no one is around to witness it and Camilla will never know. There is usually a bear close to Dragonbridge and you can cast Fury on it, or cast it on him when the Thalmor are around.


In my game I married Camilla and then went back to Riverwood and just shot him from stealth with a poisoned arrow. He died and that was the end of it.

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f you marry Camilla, Fendal will travel to meet her. So if you live in Solitude sometimes you can catch him between there and Dragonbridge. Depending on how tough your character is you can kill him then when no one is around to witness it and Camilla will never know. There is usually a bear close to Dragonbridge and you can cast Fury on it, or cast it on him when the Thalmor are around.


In my game I married Camilla and then went back to Riverwood and just shot him from stealth with a poisoned arrow. He died and that was the end of it.





thanks great help, I'll just go back to Riverwood hide behind a tree go into alpha wolf form slaughter him and feed on him, there can be no bounty in wolf form because no one knows who you are long as they dont see you change. I will ignore attacks from towns people as not to hurt them and run off. and once I got away I will fast travel home.

Edited by skyquest32
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