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Editing Navcut Collision Box using Papyrus?


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Hi and thank you for taking the time to read my post.


I'm creating a mod that offers the user to drop static items in the world as wanted.

I would like to add a Navcut collision box around the item when placing tables, chairs, planters, etc it into the world.


I was wondering if there's any way of placing and editting the Bounds/Origin of a collision box via papyrus on the fly as needed.



I could add a cell with predefined navcut collision boxes that get moved to my newly spawned items location.

I really don't like the idea of it as limits how many navcut collision boxes can be used with my mod by the limit of how many predefined navcut collision boxes I have in the cell .

Not to mention the bloat of collision boxes that may never be used.


My initial thought was I'd be able to use placeatme the baseid of the collision marker and set the primitive to navacut and set the bounds and origins as needed on the fly.

But I just cant see a way to do it with papyrus.


Any input welcomed.

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Thank You for taking the time to provide input, it's appreciated.


My initial thoughts were the same as you mention.

Placeatme will only work with a BaseID and the BaseId is the collisionbox that I can't size or specify Navcut.

There's no way that I know of that I can specify a predefined size, navcut collisionbox new BaseId in the object window so I can call a baseid.

MoveToMe will work with an item in a cell, but then I'd need to create for example 100 predefined navcut boxes for each item type.

Then I'm limited to 100 of each item, not to mention the user may never even use some items.

By the way it's going it's looking like my only route is the way I dreaded doing.

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