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a little raider love


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with these two mods your able to walk to raider without getting attacked and even start conversations


this gave me the idea of nephie, violet, cook.cook having there own questlines for the courier to work with


drug delivery for nephie

dog food for violet (or killing lady gibson to take her dogs)

slaves for cook-cook

maybe killing some ncr guys of whatever

the more quest the better


at the end of of it you should be able to recruit them for motor-runner, that they move to vault 3 to live there


motorrunner gets some more quests after that for example

make a deal with the van grafs or gunrunners or khans to arm the raiders

last quest should be some major things like killing all soldiers at camp mccarran


keep in mind that these are only example could be complete different quests (only nephi, cook and violet moving to vault 3 is really importent to me) feel free to put your own ideas on it

maybe adding some vendors to vault 3


obviously this takes a lot of scripting skillz which i dont have so only thing i can do is requesting, knowing that it will most likely never been done


i really think raider should get a lot more love in the fallout games

no customweapons or gear needed only a lot of scripting

voice acting would be fine but is not needed(most of the time i turn sound of the game off to listen to some punkrock music)


one more time i apologize for my bad english and hope that everyone understands what im requesting

Edited by tawatabak
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It's not a bad idea. I mean, sometimes you have that character that you want to be evil, but the Legion are dickwads and hahahahaha s#*! she's a chick.


All joking aside, having the Raiders as another faction you could side with would be cool. Make Raider armor faction armor, just like Legion armor or NCR armor.


It could be a major overhaul mod, even add in some extra NPC's to take quests from.


I don't have the know-how to pull this off, but I'll be watching with interest.

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What would be really cool is if you had to somehow prove to the Fiends that you're a badass raider. They kill just about anyone on sight, so it wouldn't make much sense to just waltz in to their territory and have a chat with them. Perhaps having a good reputation with groups like the Powder Gangers and the Great Khans and/or a bad reputation with towns and the NCR would automatically make you neutral with the Fiends and then doing the quests you suggested would eventually get it up to idolized.


I'm not a modder, and I'm sure what I just suggested is insanely complicated, just thought I'd throw it out there.

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Oh my a marriage proposal . . . Just to have a mod made. You might want to refrain from offering yourself up for marriage as an incentive to get a mod made, in my personal opinion. It could be construed as a written agreement but since your only 18 years old most people would just chock it up to youthful exuberance and naiveté.

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Bethesda would also probably not like it much. As for all the modders having moved to Skyrim, not true at all, but most are currently involved in projects. Using my mod CAM you can sell meth to motor runner. I'd try filtering "raider" in the search function with quests in the categories. Also more perks has a perk that makes you friendly towards raiders, and hostile towards normal factions, also comes with 2 raider companions. Using this road you'd have to use faction disguises to even get to quest points.

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