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Respawning Question


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I know that chest contents respawn after awhile, but does the same go for NPCs in dungeon areas like forts and caves? I'm still below level 20, so I haven't gone through much yet, but I would like to know if I am ever able to return to previously-cleared areas and re-do them with stronger monsters and better loot.
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yes, they do respawn. not realy sure but i think is after a week (game time) and they level up whit you not sure if the monsters change but at least the return whit more levels.

not sure if is after a week becouse some places respawn after 3 days but maybe thats becouse some mods are altering this in my game

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1. If the container is marked as respawn, the content of it will be reset when the cell reset.

2. If the actor is marked as respawn, the actor will respawn if he/she/it died. If the actor is alive, his/her/its inventory will be reset(like respawning container) when the cell reset.

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