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Morrowind Graphics Extender

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Right, so I've installed MGE. Now, I did all the instructions told me to. It's in my Morrowind directory and I didn't install it on Steam. I even get the message in the first cut scene that MGE is working. Thing is, nothing changes. The game works fine, but all the graphics are the same. I don't get any error messages, the game is just left unchanged. I've looked around but haven't found anything. Anyone knows what this is about ?
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/7/2011 at 2:45 PM, DaMuncha said:

I downloaded and installed MGE 3.8 but when I start the game all I get is a black screen.


And I can not find a way to turn off the shaders, or see the shader list.


I get EXACTLY the same problem and nobody seems to know the solution!


Please, someone help us.


When I enabled certain shaders, and ticked the hardware shaders box, I hotkeyed toggle HW shader. I open the game, and when I have the shaders enabled, the screen is completely black (or if in windowed mode just really dark, with no functioning difference). When I toggle them off, everything is back to normal, with no shaders.


If I go into the shader editor and preview these shaders, they come up with a black box, and when I disable them on the tickbox, it is fine.


This happens with Phal's sunshaft mod and many of the others I've tried. It does not happen with the HDR 2 shader.



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  • 2 months later...

TacticalAce: I've PMed you a copy of this, but I thought I'd paste it here for anyone else.


Installation is actually pretty simple. Just take the files (MANUALLY downloaded from site. do not use NMM) and drop them straight into your Morrowind directory. MGE sits at the same level as morrowind.exe, and the "Data Files" folders will merge. After that, simply run MGE to configure its settings, then run Morrowind how you normally would ( Morrowind Launcher.exe or Morrowind.exe will both work)


If, for some reason, it doesn't work at this point... try messing around in the options and disabling the internal MWSE (Morrowind Script Extender) version or some other options.


For greatest visibility of what this utility does, turn on Distant land. If you've got a good enough computer, you can actually see the entire land of Morrowind at once. (by setting draw distance to around 100 or so) Remember to run the distant land file generation wizard if you do use distant land, though!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've successfully installed the mod, and I'm able to change the resolution to 1920x1080. However, Distant Land doesn't work. I've generated the files, and activated them, but the draw-distance doesn't improve. My FPS drop when I change the values, but the visibility doesn't change. Can somebody tell me what I should do?
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