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Morrowind Graphics Extender

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Installed, ran the program with max everything (mostly just to test it works) and did the LOD generate thingy.

Ran Morrowind.

I get an error telling me the game can't use some kind of snowflake mesh from bloodmoon (I have the game of the year edition. Both expansions installed) and the game closes itself when I have to Ctrl-alt-delete to be able to see the error pop-up and remove it


Now here's where it gets funky.

I redo Bloodmoon's installation and run Morrowind.

Everything is fine.

I close the game and try launching it again (to make sure) and it can't use the mesh file again (same mesh, same mesh name)


Edit:Nevermind, it's not MGE.

Uninstalled it and the game is still throwing up this error.


Edited by Deepblue321
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  • 2 weeks later...

I manualy installed this into the install folder and I seriously don't understand what the problem is.


The fog that the game has is still there, even though I have generated my world textures and everything via the MGEui or whatever.


I've started the entire thing in Administrator mode, I've even reinstalled the mod AND the game. What the hell am I supposed to do?

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PLEASE HELP: Does anyone know how I can modify or create my own textures for the default weapons in Morrowind? I keep trying to do this with the glass dagger but I can't figure out how, and I have been frantically searching the web for help or a tutorial and I can't find anything. Edited by Cardinal2077
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Running an i7,16gig ram,gtx590,even tweaking the distant lands setting ive got massive framerate issues.between 14 to 25 outside,inside no prob,the game looks so much better with distant lands enabled but the frame cost is too much for me.turning of distant lands i get 45 to 60 frames.it doesnt look as good but it doesnt feel laggy as hell and bogged down.ive done over 700 hours on skyrim with over 100 mods running at once and when i go to play that my comp just carves through it.Morrowind is still an awesome game even these days and thats why i tried this mod.is it optimised for the latest hardware?i googled "skywind",hmm,it uses skyrim to run morrowind,i guess like a mod,but its nowhere near ready yet.anyway 'good work ' for this mod timeslip and liztail.it was nice and refreshing to travel morrowind once again after so many years of not playing it:)endorsed! Edited by godsyz
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