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Is there an Oblivion mod that enables me to edit NPC races & apper


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Is there an Oblivion mod that enables me to edit NPC races & appearances in game? I know I can edit mine by the

console command SHOWRACEMENU but is there like a mod spell or something that lets me edit other NPC in the same way? Thanks :-):-):-):-)


In game? Not that I know of. But, you can do it in the Construction Set, if you know how. Also, there are a few mods out there that edit them to the author's tastes, but I don't think you can change them in-game.

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That wouldn't apply to quest dialogue, would it? Just the generic stuff? Like, you could change Lucien Lachance to an Argonian and he'd still act as he's supposed to, no?


Haven't tried it, but when I tried to change Adoring Fan's gender, I found out the Adoring Fan Girl(XD) still saying 'By Azura...' with original voice.

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry to drag this up, but i think my question fits here better than to make a new thread...


About the dialogue, i think as long as the new race uses the same sound files as the old race (for example, you make a Khajiit race that has white fur and call it Snow Khajiit, but still use the original sound/voice), then i THINK the quest dialogues should run normally, unless there is a condition that specifically calls for the old races name via a script. If you change Genders that can be problematic, since most quest dialogue is only recorded with one gender voice, so there is no equivalent for the gender change. ELYS Silent Voices (and subtitles) are the only options then. Gender is also a much more called upon variable in scripts and dialogue conditions so that is a problem in itself. I am not aware of any such conditions regarding race though (except for the general greetings but they refer to player races, not NPC races). Also most quests refer to specific character IDs (editor ID of the NPCs or formID of them depending on if it is a script or condition), and not a race or gender.


This relates to my question in the following way. I don't want to change Genders, but what i want to do is have females look like one race and males look like another. Obviously that means i have to create a custom race for one of those genders. So i also ask, how will that affect quests?


Basically what i am trying to do is have Khajiit look like Desu-Chans Kawa-Khajiits, but the males stay the same. Or basically, i simply assigned all Khajiit females to be Kawa-Khajiit. For some other reason i can't actually test that in game yet, but i want to check on here first if i will run into problems, or if what i said above is essentially true?


Anybody aware of specific quests that refer to Khajiit having to be a male or female or actually checking if they ARE in fact Khajiit or Khajiit2 (also for Orcs, as i am planning to do something similar to them)?

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I've played around with this enough to share a little experience on the subject...


You can change NPC's in the game to any race you want to, just be aware that for specific lines of dialogue unique to that NPC or quest, they won't be spoken for the most part. If you changed Lucien to an Argonian, the game would probably function as expected, except Lucien's dialogue would just be displayed and not spoken. I haven't run across a situation yet where any harm has come to the game as a result of cosmetic changes I've made in the construction set, but as always, use the CS at your own risk, it's a powerful tool...

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Thank you majikmonkee, that is exactly what i was asking about. As long as it is not game breaking, i do not mind things being in subtitles only.


But further, i was under the impression that dialogue files are race dependant and if you give that race the correct voice, then it will play? (or alternatively, place the dialogue files into the correct race folder...).


I only use the CS for script compiling (if there only would be another way) and world building, for everything else i use Tes4Edit, however from what i have seen of dialogues, they are actually tied to the voice files not the race or gender... however they seem to have to be in the right folder in the oblivion directory.


I know what i am saying here is half a$$ed, just wanted to clear that up. I am not worried about gender changing as i do not want to do that, but simple race matters. Like turning Baurus Orc... will he still speak his things and will the quests he is involved in be okay?

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Yeah, an orc Baurus will show the correct dialogue, you just won't hear it, and it won't break the quests. I experimented with turning a bunch of people of all races and sexes into Carwen, and everything worked fine in all cases.
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