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Problems with youth today...


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While I do know that there are a lot of competitive, positive and energetic youths out there, ( like me :P ) there seem to be a whole lot of...others... that are no longer following the traditional values that we held dear just a few decades ago....

What happens when these young adults enter the society? Especially with the declining baby boomers...

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What happens when these young adults enter the society? Especially with the declining baby boomers...

Their kids will be even worse... The real question is how MTV will find a way to debase humanity even further than it has in recent years to corrupt the next generation.


All kidding aside. While many among the younger generation lack all sense of decency, understanding, or the ability to think about anyone other themselves, there are is also a non-vocal majority among those who are just entering the collage age who not only have the potential to fully embrace an enlightened global society, but also have the creativity and genius to overcome its challenges. They just need to do more to rise above the trash and resist the temptations toward conceit.

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Hasn't every generation said this about the one that followed it?


And what are these "traditional values" anyway?


I think in large part, kids of the 80's, 90's, and oughts are seen as "worse" because of the explosion of media channels that's happened over the last couple decades or so. It's not really that they're worse, it's that they're more visible.

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I'm a young person, I respect my elders, I'm looking for a job and I study. It's hard to find a job when people stereotype you as a lazy, incompetent and rude because of how the media portrays my generation. The only real problem is as people settle down and have kids, some will go overboard with raising their kids and companies are cashing in. Hospital soap anyone?


People will always say this when they reach a certain age (I bet people 50 years ago said the same thing about the youth of that day), it is just more publicise that why it seems bad. It may seem harsh but I'm putting this in a gen y's perspective (which is me).

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What happens when these young adults enter the society? Especially with the declining baby boomers...

Their kids will be even worse... The real question is how MTV will find a way to debase humanity even further than it has in recent years to corrupt the next generation.


All kidding aside. While many among the younger generation lack all sense of decency, understanding, or the ability to think about anyone other themselves, there are is also a non-vocal majority among those who are just entering the collage age who not only have the potential to fully embrace an enlightened global society, but also have the creativity and genius to overcome its challenges. They just need to do more to rise above the trash and resist the temptations toward conceit.


You know I have observed kids being very hateful and rebellious toward their parents. I know when I was a kid, if I acted like that, my dad would backhand my brains out, and it happened, a few times. Parents these days aren't allowed to discipline their children, they call it child abuse now. And looking back on the times I did get my *** beat, I realize that I deserved it, and hold no ill feelings about it.


I saw this kid in Walmart while I was in the electronics section, curse his mom with every word you can imagine because she wouldn't buy him a video game, he appeared to be a young teenager. Kids used to not act like that. But now days, not only do they act like that, they get away with acting like that, which is part of the problem.


Not only that, but it seems kids are lazier than ever, and the public school systems as a whole are worse than they used to be, for the best funded school system in the world, America's is truly pathetic, and the more money they give it, the worse it gets, who ever thought it was a money problem to begin with? I guarantee that new $587 million dollar school they just built in LA, which is the most expensive in the world, isn't gonna give those students any better of an education.


I am sorry but this is one generation that I seriously doubt will do better than their parents did.

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You know I have observed kids being very hateful and rebellious toward their parents. I know when I was a kid, if I acted like that, my dad would backhand my brains out, and it happened, a few times. Parents these days aren't allowed to discipline their children, they call it child abuse now. And looking back on the times I did get my *** beat, I realize that I deserved it, and hold no ill feelings about it.


I saw this kid in Walmart while I was in the electronics section, curse his mom with every word you can imagine because she wouldn't buy him a video game, he appeared to be a young teenager. Kids used to not act like that. But now days, not only do they act like that, they get away with acting like that, which is part of the problem.


Not only that, but it seems kids are lazier than ever, and the public school systems as a whole are worse than they used to be, for the best funded school system in the world, America's is truly pathetic, and the more money they give it, the worse it gets, who ever thought it was a money problem to begin with? I guarantee that new $587 million dollar school they just built in LA, which is the most expensive in the world, isn't gonna give those students any better of an education.


I am sorry but this is one generation that I seriously doubt will do better than their parents did.

First... those laws exist because there were many parents who took it to an extreme and did far more damage to their child then doing nothing. Just because you were happy being beaten by your parents does not mean it is the same for others or that actual abuse isn't happening. The problem is that right now things have swung to the other extreme.


Second... yes, there are plenty of those kinds of spoiled kids out there... and as hard as it might be to accept, it's their parents problem until the kid is 18 and gets kicked out on their ass or ends up in jail. You can't fix it after the fact because no matter how right you are, nobody wants to be told how they should raise their kid from someone else unless that help has been actively solicited. And even then, they often still don't want to listen because they're caught in that place where they're too tired and worn out, but not sick enough of their own hell that they want to do anything about it. And, well, those kinds of kids have always existed, they are just able to get away with it at older ages now. I'm reminded of an old Simpsons episode (one where Bart shoplifts) where they show something like that... and it's well over 10 years old. So, nothing new, just more of the same, you're just in a position where you might be able to pay attention.


Third... Money doesn't necessarily mean anything. Rather it's what is being done with that money which is the problem just as much as how money alone won't solve for weak curriculum. The failure of education is prevalent in nearly every modern country, and is entirely lacking in those which are not sufficiently industrialized. And, compared to many European countries, the amount of money spent on each student in that country is probably less in the US once other economic factors (cost of living, food, heating, transportation, technology, faculty) are taken into consideration. Although teachers in the US are paid more than teachers in other countries, compared to other careers of similar specialization, it is far less and barely enough to live on without a second or third job. More to the point, on my plain trip returning from Japan I had a chance to talk with a Japanese lower level businessman, he wondered what the average wage was for Americans... I told him and he was astounded at how rich we all must be... Then I told him the costs of things like a house, car, taxes, ect... He became clearly disappointed. It's all relative.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Although I completely agree. Being 13 and having known many people my age who just don't care about school and fail classes... I just can't stand the people. I understand if they try but the people who don't pay attention and just want to have fun :verymad:
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any of the following are wrong

1. drugs

2. spoiled

3. no manners


5. no respect

6. no discipline

need i go on?

i am a rare case. I am a good kid, who is respectful. Having been in karate for 8 years, and getting my black belt.

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I'm a young person, I respect my elders, I'm looking for a job and I study. It's hard to find a job when people stereotype you as a lazy, incompetent and rude because of how the media portrays my generation. The only real problem is as people settle down and have kids, some will go overboard with raising their kids and companies are cashing in. Hospital soap anyone?


People will always say this when they reach a certain age (I bet people 50 years ago said the same thing about the youth of that day), it is just more publicise that why it seems bad. It may seem harsh but I'm putting this in a gen y's perspective (which is me).

Actually Im 22...


but thats the problem right there, every generation said the one after is getting worse, just because its always being called upon does that mean its wrong? If this trend is being observed over and over again, shouldn't that a concern?

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what the real problem is, is the parents that dont raise their children properly. Plus certain video games that praise bad behavior, look at bully or grand theft auto. Modern day games that uphold bad things. Some snotty bleeps would say metal music is an influence too. They are right in the case of the satanic bands, but many metal bands are full of nice people, and they dont preach "do this" they preach "don't do that" in their songs. Just look at Ozzy's crazy train. The so called prince of darkness sings "maybe its not too late to learn how ot love and forget how to hate)
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