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Problems with youth today...


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You are right about the posts below the Fox news thing...


Alright, a little off topic but FOX news is by far the most idiotic news(urg...I think I died a little) channel there is. Besides, democratic party is much more equal and socialism with health care is a GOOD THING. But other that that...I completely agree with you on the parts after that.


But the "cool" factor before this generation was just about what you wore and less based on criminal activities and more on popularity.

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Well, how about we agree to disagree on the whole "democratic party is much more equal" and "socialism with health care is a good thing" there are other topics for that.


Anyway, sorry if my post seems a little... unorganized, I pretty much wrote as i thought, like I do with most things.


I honestly have nothing more to add right now, maybe later.

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Fox News is probably the worst out of all of them as everything they spout is utter crap besides maybe weather reports.



Oh, be not so harsh, Glenn Beck is on record at least once saying something I can agree with: two plus two equals FOUR! :laugh: :biggrin:


Bull, Fox is the most fair and truthful one out there, all the rest are licking the feet of the Democratic\Socialist party.

Please do not stop reading there, you will miss a lot


I'm sorry, I couldn't help but stop reading -- I bust a gut laughing when I read that. Got some funny looks too, as I'm using my laptop at a coffee shop at the moment. :whistling:


And mind you both: the health care reform bill that passed in March? Yeah, that ain't socialized medicine.


monky's right about most kids maturing and dropping that gangsta crap as they get older. I've been on college campuses off and on for the better part of a decade now, and you just don't see the kind of crap the media and older generation and people even in this thread are talking about there, which tells me something. We're gonna be alright. Those idiots that don't grow out of it will become the lower middle and poor class, the next generation of criminals, or get shot dead by any number of people. Those that do, the ones that populate college campuses, they'll be the at least moderately successful folks, and more importantly, the ones that bother to vote. I haven't seen many gangbangers at the polls.


And you know what? That's pretty much how it's been for a long, long time.

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Parents have the biggest impact or none at all. Take your pick.


You seem to have seen a number of positive examples, and I'm glad to hear it.


I've seen the opposite, and this is why I feel compelled to argue with your last sentence. My experience is that black-or-white situations are very rare in this world. I've seen cases where the positive influence of the parents slowly eroded due to circumstances beyond their control, still the influence was not lost completely. And it is my firm opinion that, with the current economic crisis, the changes in the society, and the degradation of old family models, it will be harder and harder for parents to spend enough time -- quality time -- with their children in order to secure their influence on their upbringing.

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You seem to have seen a number of positive examples, and I'm glad to hear it.


I've seen the opposite, and this is why I feel compelled to argue with your last sentence. My experience is that black-or-white situations are very rare in this world. I've seen cases where the positive influence of the parents slowly eroded due to circumstances beyond their control, still the influence was not lost completely. And it is my firm opinion that, with the current economic crisis, the changes in the society, and the degradation of old family models, it will be harder and harder for parents to spend enough time -- quality time -- with their children in order to secure their influence on their upbringing.


No...I did not have any positive experiences. I merely observed the psychological aspects of parental guidance through many things. My parents are pretty much military instructors, nothing else. They push me to do well in school and raise me in an unstable environment where I need to make something of myself to get their attention. It's been like that since I was a little kid.

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What an interesting topic.


Like my profile says, I'm 18 and will be heading to college soon. I'm very self-driven and my parents trust me. It isn't one that I would ever take advantage of, though.


To me...the biggest change to the world has definitely, and undeniably been the whole trend of social networking and the Internet. The Internet is relatively new and hasn't been around very long. And the concepts of stuff such as Facebook with mobile devices...well, even less. Now it is very ubiquitous. Lots of commercials out there with "Hey, check out our Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc." But there are definitely other things too as already mentioned...TV is a big one. And like older generations, music, literature. The list goes on and on.


Back to the Internet...I personally do not have such an account for social networking sites because I really believe it is detrimental. I don't want to contribute to its popularity. My brother practically lives on Facebook and talks to his friends all the time. The guy barely talks with me anymore, but communicates. But here's the thing: he is only talking with his friends. For someone like me who is heading hundreds of miles away from home for an education, I could potentially (and easily) communicate with my old friends. While it is nice to keep in touch, it doesn't exactly encourage going out, talking to new people and learning new things. In short, it gives us the option to stay at home and not grow up.


I'm also going to have to agree with Mr Ham here. For some, parents aren't always around. Maybe both parents work and can't provide the attention that our growing person should need. Heck, my parents are out from morning until 3PM or even as late as 9PM. But friends and peers? School is the other half of a growing person's life. With lots of social sites out there that many parents are not entirely aware of...well, more than ever.

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Now, remember that youth do not stay youth forever, and I believe that someones parents will inevitably be a humongous aspect of their life, whether that be feelings of resentment or a desire to make them proud, eventually everyone has to either grow up, or go away, and it is your parents who you will remember, not Ted with the neon under his car and the loud rap music who got shot because he waved a 9mm at a redneck.

(My dad had a friend who did something like that, shot someone for waving a gun at him)

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Now, remember that youth do not stay youth forever, and I believe that someones parents will inevitably be a humongous aspect of their life, whether that be feelings of resentment or a desire to make them proud, eventually everyone has to either grow up, or go away, and it is your parents who you will remember, not Ted with the neon under his car and the loud rap music who got shot because he waved a 9mm at a redneck.

(My dad had a friend who did something like that, shot someone for waving a gun at him)


Eh, yeah. I guess I shouldn't say I 100% agree, but it definitely varies. Everyone grows up from different backgrounds and different experiences. Some feel like they have to live up to huge expectations (family) or for people like me, are self-driven and parents don't really care THAT much about grades, etc. We all have different places in our hearts for family and friends.


(Oh yeah. Nice signature. I hate rap. I say this with a light sense of humor: I read somewhere that rap stands for "Retards Attempting Poetry." I don't mean to offend anyone and they aren't my words, but I do understand some people out there genuinely enjoy it.)

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People enjoy it?

I thought people actually just put it on to either annoy others or to look "hardcore"


And Yeah I agree with you, everyone comes from different backgrounds and everyone grows up differently.

But it's a pain over here when everyone seems to be clones...

Tracksuits, babies, drugs and foundation...

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