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So, How many hours do You play


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O.K. This is just a random question that I would like to ask. So how about it? Are you a true die-hard fan of Oblivion? If so, prove it!!!


As soon as I get home, I plop down at my pc and fire it up. I pull up my desktop, go to the quick launch OBSE Icon and fire it up.! I play for at least 9 hours a day or maybe seven. But, on some days I just do not feel like playing. My current character is Level 19 with 69 hours on him. He is a warrior, but also knows how to use destruction and restoration magic.


The longest character that I have ever had lasted for 268 hours and an entire game year!! Pretty awesome I thought lol. But why did I quit you ask? Well, the power went out one night, my pc cut off, and once it came back on, my save was corrupt. And it so happened to be that certain game. And oh was I mad!!


But anyways, just tell a little about your character if you would like to, or just how much you play in a day, and how many hours you have on your current character

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I really only play once or twice a week. When I do, it's for about 8 or 9 hours at a time. Sometimes I'm just not into it. I have about 12 characters, or so, only two of them male, and only one of them higher than level 3. She's a whopping level 10! She hasn't even started the main quest yet. She'd rather the Septim Dynasty died off and the land was overrun with bandits and goblins then lift a finger to protect a bunch of cowardly weaklings who hide behind city walls when the going gets tough. She doesn't even wear armor most of the time (yes she wears normal clothes, just ragged and torn), and she knows she could take the Daedra.


The farthest I've been on the main quest is rescuing Martin. That's it. I haven't even entered Shivering Isles yet. At all. My character who did rescue Martin started over because I had to reformat my computer, and when I reinstalled the game I got FCOM and decided to restart everyone. She is currently engrossed in the Archeology Guild's research with the Lost Spires and hasn't even been to the Imperial City yet. (Alternative Start.) She's Level 2, and I had to cheat through the first mission of that mod. My level 10 character has been restarted three times. She used to be level 25, but that was vanilla and I was not a fan of glass armor bandits and daedric armor human warlords everywhere. :rolleyes:


Most of my characters I use to play certain mods and side quests. I have one character for Tantrivalia, one character for Lost Spires, one character for Dungeons of Ivellon, one character for Windfall, one character for the Thieve's Guild, one for Mage's, one for Fighter's, and so on. I have a few characters in Elsweyr.


The thing is, I like to start them off seperately from the mods, and have them go to the start for the mod. I have a sewer exit save that I constantly reform into new characters, and then warp to a wilderness cell beyond the borders and have them arrive in the land from abroad. Then they do whatever vanilla stuff is along the way, like Knights of the White Stallion or the Forlorn Watchman, before arriving at the mod and actually doing part of it. I never get very far with any of them because I'm always moving on to a different one the next time I play.


I spend most of my "playing time" editing things about the game I can't stand in the CS, so I really don't get very far with each one, and I frequently forget to save, so every time the game crashes I have to redo a bunch of things and then I end up doing something else.


I may never beat it. I may never see inside Cloud Ruler. I may never gaze upon Mankar Camoran's Paradise. I may never have my own glitchy statue that crashes Bruma. I don't mind though. It's all in the journey.



And as for your 268 hour save game that you lost when the power went out, where you doing all that with only one save file? :pinch: I have five for each character.

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Greetings ^_^

game time?

not enough!! but do enjoy the time i spend in the World of Oblivion.

love the way being there can be beautiful or hellish depending on my mood that day.

off and on for 2 years i have stayed loyal to a select few games Oblivion being #1.

very soon my computer is changing so i will start all over with new character ... Her name will be Hope.

I want to take her far and wide doing LOTS and hope no more crashes will kill my saves.. going to back

things up this time. i adore some mods but some make me feel like i am cheating so am select in

what i use but cant go vanilla .. no .. no.. to big a collector of things for that to work.


cant live without Battle Horn Castle and really like recruiting to that spot.


this question and my lack of accurate reply made me wonder what the correct answer is

so i am going to pay closer attention to time spent cuz now i am really curious..


thank you for the question Elsarian ^_^

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163 hours in xbox 360 when the game was launched :wallbash:

326 hours in pc whit 5 diferent characters and 247 mods in my load order :laugh: and still playing

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I am unemployed, and spend most of my day playing Oblivion. I've been playing since release, with roughly a 2-year break where I played WoW. I typically play 8+ hours a day, but I create upwards of three characters a day, few of which get beyond the first few dungeons around the Imperial Isle. I really like Megatarius' idea of warping to a wilderness cell beyond the borders. I may have to figure out how to do that for my latest character, a lovely Breton priest named Ellemine.

Anyway, back to the original question, if I calculate from the first time I installed Oblivion, counting all my characters, I've probably played for over 3,000 hours. (And that's a conservative estimate.)

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I'm playing with the same character I started over a year ago. I get the slow down bug, which can stop fire from flickering and doors open and shut really slow, magic effects lag, etc. That happens about every 200 hours of real time played. I've had to use the fix about 3-4 times, so if you do the math, that means on my Level 40 Redguard I have well over 600 hours in on her.


My longest session in this chair playing was 12 or so hours straight. So yeah, I'm hard core. I love the game and play as often as I can, when work doesn't keep me busy with projects and teaching. Sometimes even when it does, which leads to a lot of sleepy days, lol Like today is going to be :pinch:


Usually when I play although I SAY I'm only going to play for an hour or so, it ends up being at least 4-5 on busy with life days. On free days, look out, I'm there like they're paying me on a job, lol :laugh:

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Thanks to all who has replied here on this thread!!!


It is nice to see how people really play this game and much of a fan some are. Some people are over the top where as some are also just here and there players.


Oh, and to answer your question Megatarius about why I only kept but one save: It is because that was during the first year of me playing this game, and I had never thought of keeping more than one save for my character. I was still used to keeping one profile for games on the xbox so yeah. But now, I only keep but one character whose name is Geralt. He is a warrior/mage. My major skills are, Heavy Armor, Blade, Block, Destruction, Restoration, Mercantile, and Armorer. I was born under the Sign of The Mage, but I specialize in Combat. So yeah that is my little description of my character. He is an Imperial and currently level six.


I only keep one character at a time and constantly save one save after the other so what happened last time will not happen again.

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I'm an ex Xbox 360 Oblivion player - when Oblivion was brand new I got it acouple of days after it came out and played quite abit for a few weeks. I remember I had 93 hours on my character when I sold that xbox.


I then got another 360 about a year and half ago and bought Oblivion GOTY edition - started fresh and have now clocked up 196 hours - character is level 43 Imperial warrior (havnt played on that save for months though to be honest).


Now REALLY getting into Oblivion on my laptop (which runs really slow) - so have just forked out for a brand new gaming PC (mainly for Oblivion :teehee: ) and am thinking when I get it on my new PC with all these awesome mods the time will clock up very quickly :laugh:

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