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Oblivion mod history is dead?


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Ok as the title says.... why all oblivion links for mods are all dead?


I remember downloading all the mods i wanted normally in 2012, but I made a mistake and lose all the mods I downloaded all these years (..from 2006) so how can I find all the FCOM mods? all the topics I find are from 2009

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could you link some of these "dead links"

also most people have moved on to Skyrim and abandon Oblivion modding scenes some are busy with personal life and what not

The links that are dead are all the planet elder scrolls, but all the nexus links for some reason they never open.


Anyway I found that the mod is still active on TES alliance, and there is a very helpful guide on bethesda forums up to date.

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could you link some of these "dead links"

also most people have moved on to Skyrim and abandon Oblivion modding scenes some are busy with personal life and what not

The links that are dead are all the planet elder scrolls, but all the nexus links for some reason they never open.


Anyway I found that the mod is still active on TES alliance, and there is a very helpful guide on bethesda forums up to date.


I seem to remember it mentioned that Planet Elder Scrolls has shut down. And all those nexus links you mention, are they the current ones or the tesnexus ones?

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Nexus links to older mods are all broken by the new site. The mod number hasn't changed so it's just a matter of pasting the number of the mod you want into the link of a mod that does have a working link. So if the broken link mod is http://www.tesnexus.com/mods/40098 (Dynamic torches just happened to be at the top of the Oblivion Uploaded Files and is an older mod that fits the bill) the working link is http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40098 (note that the 40098 hasn't changed).


Myself, I just copy the 40098 part from the broken URL in my browser and then paste it into a working link from the NexusMods Oblivion New Files Today page (which I have on my browser links toolbar). Others change the tesnexus.com/mods part to what it should be in the new system (nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods). I find there are two or three broken link versions (i.e. the tesnexus.com/mods part is often oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods) so I find my method easier for me. Whatever works for you is the best way.

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Search the Oblivion files using the NAME of the mod or by author, or use the advanced search for more ways to search to see if it exists on Nexus.


As for PES, we have no control over those. PES abandoned mod support a few years ago. Some, but not all of the PES mods were uploaded on other sites - try googling by the mod name.

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