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Weird silt strider prices


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I asked on the Steam forums and so far haven't gotten any response, so I'll just copy/paste my problem here. It's also highlighted for some reason, presumably because the Steam forums are high or something.


"Hi there. I've had a retail copy of Morrowind GOTY for years now, and have only just bought the Steam version. When I installed it and redownloaded all my mods and transferred my saves, I discovered two strange things:

1) Certain menu items that could conceivably be represented as variables in the games code were written...as variables. For example, normally, Strength would just be written as "Strength". But it's now written as "sAttributeStrength". This is just a cosmetic problem, and isn't really a big deal, but I wonder if it may have something to do with the second problem...

2) Upon loading my old saves, I went to the Balmora silt strider and learned that the prices were hundreds of gold higher. I tried travelling with it and found that I was charged the displayed price. This, unlike the first problem, simply won't do.

The mods I have installed are as follows:

Ultimate Galleon
Ashlander Tent by Aragorn
Morrowind Enhanced
Writing Enhanced
Journal Enhanced
Jester's Hat of Delight

A simple mod I made to do away with encumbrance because I play Morrowind to relax
Morrowind Code Patch

None of these mods were causing problems before, but either the Ashlander Tent mod or it and the three "Enhanced" mods were downloaded from a different source (my previous Morrowind installation was on a different computer, and I don't have access to its hard drive right now; also, the Ashlander Tent mod was downloaded from Morrowind Modding History).

I thought it might be the Morrowind Code Patch that's responsible, so I looked through all the patches for something that could be the culprit, and the closest thing I found was a patch that changed guild guide prices to display the same price that is charged.

Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts? Thanks."

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Start off by running mlox on your load order. They could be simple mod ordering issues. Pay attention to its messages pane too.


Once you've tidied things up then please post your mod list and your warnings.txt Details.


I think the mod you've created has evil GMSTs and could do with cleaning. I'd recommend tes3cmd.


With Morrowind Enhanced mods you need to be starting the game using its launcher.


[Edit: And don't bother about posting a long post, it's appreciated. I'm much more inclined to help someone who provides some information rather than the "problem in title" or "O hai, itz brooken and I don't know computers, lulz" idiots].

Edited by Dragon32
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Hey there. Thanks for the reply. Ran mlox. For some reason, Bloodmoon was loading before Morrowind. I fixed it, contrary to what my game files list seems to show. I also didn't put the Warnings.txt in a spoiler tag because for some reason I couldn't get it to work (I'm a total forum noob). I was really eager to try cleaning the evil GMSTs, but I can't comprehend how to work tes3cmd, even after looking at the documentation on the author's space on Google. Finally, launching the game through MWE didn't solve anything, either.


Game file list:


[Game Files]

GameFile4=Jester's Hat of Delight FINAL.esp
GameFile8=Spine of Steel.ESP
GameFile9=Ultimate Galleon v2.2.esp

"One of the files that "Jester's Hat of Delight FINAL.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\Tx_WG_rockydirt_01.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2."
Edit: I cleaned it with TESTool instead, and it didn't seem to help, either.
Edited by QueenQuinzel
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I read about evil GMSTs and learned about their relationship with Tribunal and Bloodmoon. So I remade the mod with all three .esms as dependencies, and it works fine. Case closed. Thanks, Dragon!

Excellent, glad you got it sorted out in record time.


BTW, if "Spine of steel" is the name for your encumbrance mod: excellent work, that's a fantastic name.


The error about "Jester's Hat of Delight FINAL.esp" means that the mod was created with an earlier version of Morrowind than the one you're running. If it's Dale French's mod then it's probably pre-Tribunal.


The warnings like "Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3" mean that the game's found multiple copies of that texture, e.g. in BSAs and loose in Data Files\Textures. Everyone gets these.


I'd suggest using TESTool to update "Jester's Hat of Delight FINAL.esp" so you don't get the message about it. That means if other messages appear you're not automatically clicking OK and will pay attention.


TESTool > Manage active plugins > select "Jester's Hat of Delight FINAL.esp" > click "Update header" > done

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