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Textures with a mod not working


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Ok guys maybe im just missing something stupid but heres whats up, im trying to get a mod to work (mjy's Nibenay Castle) and when i put the mod in i get missing textures, basicly the buildings not there and all there is is an archway and a few pieces of the building hanging in the sky. Obviously i havent put the files in the right places. Can anyone just help me get this to work? A walkthrough of what to do would be incredibly great. Thanks - Warp.
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If you have some pieces but not others, then something else may be going on besides an improper installation, and is a lot easier to test quickly. Someing kind of like this happened to me, and it had noting to do with installation.


Simply disable ALL other mods but Nibenay Castle, then go see what happens. Does it suddenly appear? Or is is still just an archway?

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just reinstall all the textures if still does not work check if it requires aditional mods like shivering isles maybe it needs the textures from somewere else
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Ok i removed all other mods and tryed and the same thing.




theres the link to the description maybe im missing something?

Ill try installing shivering isles and see what happens but his page didnt say it needed any other mods. David you said you had the same prob before, was it specificly with Nibenay Castle? And if so what texture mods do you have that I may not? Thanks again.

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No, not this exact problem, something that sounded possibly similar, and was easy for you to check out.


Examine the download carefully; it is important to preserve the file structure when decompressing. Oblivion is VERY picky about where things go.


Presuming you have unpacked this archive somewhere off to the side; the easiest way is just do double-click then drag the top level folder somewhere. It will take a while to unpack.


There are lots of different ways to do this, of course; I just think this is the easiest.


Inside the archive is a folder called "mjy castle nibenay".

Inside that is a folder named "Data" That is the one you want.


Locate the folder where your Oblivion.exe is located, but do not open it.


Right-Click on the "Data" folder inside mjy castle nibenay that you just downloaded

Select Copy

Right-Click on the folder that has Oblivion.exe inside

Select Paste


Windows will bring up a warning saying that the destenation folder already has a folder named "Data"


The exact wording and exact behavior of the message will vary slightly depending on the version of windows.



In modern Windows Operating Systems it is ok to continue, and to say "Yes To All".


This is NOT going to destroy anything.


Instead, the contents of the folders will be merged.

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Alright so i did as you said and merged the files and i also installed shivering isles. When i loaded the game there were thousands of !'s in the area. Im guessing I made a step in the right direction but I still dont know where to go. Any suggestions?
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Make sure you've placed all files in the correct locations. Open the .zip that came with the mod, then See what's in it. You should see 3 things: A .esp file, a folder called meshes, and a folder called textures. All 3 go into the Data folder of Oblivion, by default in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. Click yes to overwrite.
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Yellow Diamonds mean missing Meshes. Oblivion is VERY PICKEY about everything needing to be in the right spot.


You must have put something in the wrong place.


This mod works. This mod may be the most beautiful castle ever created.



If I had to take a guess, I would say that you clicked on your existing Data Folder and Pasted, rather

than clicking on the Oblivion Folder and Pasting.


That would put a Data Folder inside your Data Folder.

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