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Distant objects 'swim' into view?


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Some promising mods I've tried are spoiled by this effect;




Can anyone explain what is happening here? Distant large static objects - and it seems only as if it's landscape elements swim into view as the camera either pans (as above) or zooms. Now I've a half built and un-LODed mod on my game now and it doesn't do this and I'm really really keen to make sure it doesn't happen on other peoples machines (whenever the hell I finish it!) So I'd like to know what is the cause... Is it my settings or installation, graphics card glitch, what?..


[Edit] BTW less than 30 basic mods in, no effects ones, no ENBs running.

Edited by SayinNuthin
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Many thanks, had the suspicion that's what it was. I'm not up to that point in my mod yet but I think I understand what's involved... A tad more complex for me as I'm going to attempt to remake some of the base NVWasteland. The plus's though, is by cunning use of geography the bits I'm going to try to do cannot be seen from anywhere within the existing game.


Worth a try eh!

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