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Non-skimpy, non-ridiculous default armor replacements?


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Just what the title says. I'm looking for a mod that replaces the boring default armor and makes it a little more interesting, but all I'm getting are skimpy chainmail bikinis, or ridiculous Final Fantasy armor. That's fine, if you like those sorts of things, but I'm wanting armor that fits in with the Oblivion style. A little more skin shown on the female armors is fine, but I'd like more skin covered than not.

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Have you looked at Assorted Protective Female Armors?


- Edit - There's also HGEC more revealing standard armor ... some are a bit less revealing than others, and pick and choose works for replacers.

Edited by Striker879
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Have you looked at Assorted Protective Female Armors?


- Edit - There's also HGEC more revealing standard armor ... some are a bit less revealing than others, and pick and choose works for replacers.

Those are exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

I'd me more than happy to take a look at others, if anyone else has some they'd like to share.


EDIT: These armors are really nice, but what about clothing? I'd really like some sort of dancer or shaman outfit for a Redguard Mystic I've been wanting to make, but one that doesn't shout "I'll be in your bed for a few hundred Septims". :tongue:

Edited by Pumpkinbot
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A FEW HUNDRED SEPTIMS!!! Whoa ... your gal and my guy are living in different Tamrielic universes.


My guy's feeling pretty smug if a couple of weeks of dungeon diving nets out 100 or 150 Septims after repairs and food (Enhanced Economy and Basic Primary Needs). Took him forever to get his first Packdonkey. Heck, he begrudges a single Septim to a beggar, but knows that's the path towards the Thieves Guild so he ponies up when asked. Just today he was shaking his head at the foolishness of spending 50 some-odd Septims at Devine Elegance buyiong some fancy clothes and shoes for Umbra (he's been shacking up at Vindasel with her, trying to stretch the Septims and has fallen for her charms ... Give a Gift gave him hope of one day winning her heart ... well and maybe her sword and armor).


I've always been partial to girls wearing the Arabian Dancer outfit from Aves House of Earthly Delights, but it takes some work to extract the BSA and dig them out for personal use. Modest girls will wear the hood, and when they're raring to go off comes the hood and boing goes the eyes on the guys. My old guy spent a lot of time there ... the new guy stands no chance, and not just because he has no Septims (Aves not in his load order).

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A FEW HUNDRED SEPTIMS!!! Whoa ... your gal and my guy are living in different Tamrielic universes.


My guy's feeling pretty smug if a couple of weeks of dungeon diving nets out 100 or 150 Septims after repairs and food (Enhanced Economy and Basic Primary Needs). Took him forever to get his first Packdonkey. Heck, he begrudges a single Septim to a beggar, but knows that's the path towards the Thieves Guild so he ponies up when asked. Just today he was shaking his head at the foolishness of spending 50 some-odd Septims at Devine Elegance buyiong some fancy clothes and shoes for Umbra (he's been shacking up at Vindasel with her, trying to stretch the Septims and has fallen for her charms ... Give a Gift gave him hope of one day winning her heart ... well and maybe her sword and armor).


I've always been partial to girls wearing the Arabian Dancer outfit from Aves House of Earthly Delights, but it takes some work to extract the BSA and dig them out for personal use. Modest girls will wear the hood, and when they're raring to go off comes the hood and boing goes the eyes on the guys. My old guy spent a lot of time there ... the new guy stands no chance, and not just because he has no Septims (Aves not in his load order).

I was just throwing out a number. :P Point is, I'd like something a tad revealing, but not "I'm clearly a stripper, despite that whole Oblivion thing happening" revealing.


That Aves thing might be what I'm looking for, though! I've searched through the clothng, armors/armours, weapons and armors, and even the models and textures categories three times over and couldn't find these. >.< Thanks for these suggestions, Striker.

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Aves is in the Buildings category ... the whole mod is more than just some clothes and armor. If your machine has the horsepower it's quite an experience to spend a couple of days there (maybe get a room, have a couple of dancers up for a private visit ... all rated M for Mature ... ish).

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Aves is in the Buildings category ... the whole mod is more than just some clothes and armor. If your machine has the horsepower it's quite an experience to spend a couple of days there (maybe get a room, have a couple of dancers up for a private visit ... all rated M for Mature ... ish).

I'm running on a potato, so no, I probably don't. :v Old-ass laptop lags pretty badly in Sheogorath's Palace, but it's...okay elsewhere. Mostly, I just wanted the armor itself.

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Use OBMM to extract the BSA to a folder, NifSkope to check out the various meshes and then after copying the meshes you want and their required textures to the appropriate folders in your game use the Construction Set to put them into your game. If it's all for personal use no permission required ... if you were posting screenshots I'd be sure to lavish AveBrave with praise and credit.


I'm on a semi-decent desktop (Core2 Duo 3.0 GHz 2GB RAM and a GTX 275 with 896MB GDDR3) and the interior brings my machine to it's knees (it's OK until you go in the door).

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Use OBMM to extract the BSA to a folder, NifSkope to check out the various meshes and then after copying the meshes you want and their required textures to the appropriate folders in your game use the Construction Set to put them into your game. If it's all for personal use no permission required ... if you were posting screenshots I'd be sure to lavish AveBrave with praise and credit.


I'm on a semi-decent desktop (Core2 Duo 3.0 GHz 2GB RAM and a GTX 275 with 896MB GDDR3) and the interior brings my machine to it's knees (it's OK until you go in the door).

What I'm trying to do, is just make a quick mod for myself that adds in some sort of dancer clothes and puts it in a convenient spot for this one character. Those Aves clothes you linked fit pretty well, mostly the Haseki Seduction outfit. Got it to work, went into the game, put it on...and the game hung for a good ten seconds, and then my game began running at about 3 FPS. Is it that goddamned high-poly? For something that doesn't even cover much? howaboutno.jpg


Anything else in that sort of style? Should I take a peek in the buildings section myself? I do appreciate you helping me, though. c:

Edited by Pumpkinbot
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Ya, those are pretty highpoly meshes. Not sure what Ave may have done as far as tweaking ... have a look at some of the base mods listed in the mod description, perhaps they're lower poly. Nothing else springs to mind. When I first read the post I knew I had something but I had to browse through my folders in Explorer for a bit before I went ... Ah ha, that's what I was thinking of. Maybe I'll wake up tonight with another epiphany.


There may be some other mods in the Buildings section like this, that also add a bunch of clothes/armor. I found out about Aves House when it was released (I follow the Oblivion Nexus New Files page as well as lurking/living here at the Nexus Oblivion site). There isn't anything to force a mod author to release a mod in the "proper" category. There's even an "Oops, I forgot to set this" category. I've been around for a while and there's still mods that pop up in the mod comments I've never seen or heard of (and probably always will be).

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