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Beam Weapons


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No. I was saying that firing a normal beam very fast like saiden did in the video doesn't work well because

A: Your hand saws back and forth like your character is having an epileptic fit.

B: The impact data--which is what measures decals--overloads, causing lag, and removing all other decals.

C: The weapon has to cause so many projectiles that it also starts to cause major lag.

And that I don't know how to make this projectile or model for the gun.

So, again, if you can obtain for me:

A: An animated projectile with particles like the flamer projectile.

B: A new model. Honestly, I can use one of the modder's resources on nexus if this is too much of a bother.


If you can get me those, I can make you a new gun, with custom sounds, ammunition, Etc. I can also add it into leveled lists, or a boss NPC, or anything along those lines.

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so what your saying is that the ones saiden made just cause too much lag and aren't usable for his intended purpose?

and you think a projectile made entirely out of particles would some how not cause lag/saw back&forth/overload the decals etc?


I wonder if anyones actually bothered to mention this to him. he would probably have a solution to the lag if it was reported. he is ninja, he probably has a superspray emitter just sitting around all set up as a beam projectile anyway.

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No. I was saying that firing a normal beam very fast like saiden did in the video doesn't work well because

A: Your hand saws back and forth like your character is having an epileptic fit.

B: The impact data--which is what measures decals--overloads, causing lag, and removing all other decals.

C: The weapon has to cause so many projectiles that it also starts to cause major lag.

And that I don't know how to make this projectile or model for the gun.

So, again, if you can obtain for me:

A: An animated projectile with particles like the flamer projectile.

B: A new model. Honestly, I can use one of the modder's resources on nexus if this is too much of a bother.


If you can get me those, I can make you a new gun, with custom sounds, ammunition, Etc. I can also add it into leveled lists, or a boss NPC, or anything along those lines.


Okay, cool i'll see what can be done. and sorry for any misunderstandings

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