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Am I the only one...


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Recent events have made it abundantly clear I dont like animals as much as other people.


Today, in australia, vets decided to put down a whale they couldnt rescue that was terminaly ill. It was 'too big to shoot" so they placed a C-4 detpack in it's head and exploded it. The explosion blew it's head off, I saw this on the afternoon news as did a work friend of mine. I muttered "god, that's gonna make a hell of a mess" she started yelling at me for being "an insensitive male without a father" who "doesnt give a s*** about valuable wildlife"


I have to confess though, I had no idea what she was talking about. I didnt feel any empathy at all for the whale. It was going to die anyway-it was fataly sick, and since they didnt have enough gas to gas it and you'd need a tank to kill it instantly with gunshots, blowing it up is the only real solution to kill it humanely and instantly.


I also felt like a brute when I seemed to be the only one more offended by the calls for blood and violence over this puppy-throwing incident than the incident itself. I've had dogs, they're lovely animals, and I found that video deeply disturbing, but not as distrubing as the public reaction to it.


Does it make me some sort of wierdo or psychopath for not being able to empathise with animals in the way that so many people obviously can? or am I just a bit MORE sane for valuing a human life over that of animals.


It's not like I'm heartless when it comes to them either, I really loved and cared for my pet spider as a kid-so much so i did her the curtosy of actualy letting her develope predatory instincts and live as her kind were born to live-as hunters. That spider lived a full and healthy childhood as my pet, and was then released into the wild, being a native creature. She survived to a ripe old age for her kind, living in my yard, and her spider brood continues to live there still.


I just feel a bit strange that's all, everyone else seems to be desperate to protect animals and nature-I just cant see why you should do that when you could be solvingn the myriad problems of humanity first. :dry:


For example when so many people in Africa are dying from AIDs and other treatable diseases, why the hell are we trying to save orangutans and seal pups?


Am I just a unique aminal hater? or does someone else here agree?

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I do not believe you hate animals. You are viewing these events rationally, hate is not rational.


A response that would have turned that woman's argument upside down was if you asked her what she thought was a humane way to kill a dying whale. When people are forced to confront facts they will either accept that there was no other conclusion or go one some emotional rampage, but they will know they are wrong, even if they don't admit it.


As for the other thread, I stayed out of it, as others did I believe, because I wanted the thread to die. It was becoming too much of a lynch mob's comments in there.


I was made ill by that thread more than the actions of that woman, truthfully. An individual has little impact, but a bloodthirsty group has proven over and over throughout history that it can be very dangerous. They were emotional reactions, some of the members are young and their reactions are to be expected, but some comments were from people who should have known better than to set the example they did.


As I find myself more and more having to point out, death is death, regardless of the circumstances and the gravity of calling out for someone's blood must be realized or else devalue all life everywhere.


And you must remember that some members here are young, they've never seen someone die.


They may not realize the breadth and scope of all the tragedies throughout history because they are not confronted with it as they were with the video.

You're not alone in your feelings, but I doubt you dislike animals as much as your rationality is telling you at the moment.

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Nice to see I'm not the only one.


Yes-I have felt deeply attached to some animals in my life. I had a pet python snake once, they're the most amazing animals up close, they've got enough strength to crush bones, but they're as gentle as a child. Calm, intelligent, and reasonable.


Likewise I've had positive experiences with all sorts of creatures-my neighbour's comedian of a scots terrier, my girlfriend's endlessly charismatic golden retriever puppy, and my cousin's simply overenergetic kelpie dog.


Nonetheless I had to admit I felt more worried about that girl than I did about the crimes she commited. I just cant understand why people think she deserves to meet such a hideous end for what is a relatively minor crime. Certainly, it's sadistic, monstrous even, but worse actions have happened recently.


Nobody calls out for blood when fundamentalists in our own home nations spout slogans increasingly, terrifyingly, reminiscent of the nazi's. Nobody calls out for blood when every day people are killed, maimed and raped, their lives and those of their friends and families destroyed. Nobody even gives a damn, because it's happening to some other person they dont know.


And because everyone knows a murder doesnt make the dialy news unless its of a child or large breasted schoolgirl. Nobody seems to give a damn about the crimes humanity commits every day. And yet you scream and howl for obcene violence when a schoolgirl throws puppies into a river? Your idea of justice is laughably unjust-so much so that I pull no punches in saying that.


Because you need to rethink your opinions for your own good. You watched her throw puppies into a river and you bay for blood. Yet you shrug off murder and rape because you dont get forced to watch it happen first hand. It's not immediate. Theres a huge diference between a scantily clad newsmaiden talking about a war crime, it's completely another to meet a survivor, to witness it happen. You push aside crimes against humanity because they are too horrible for you to comprehend, you see them on the nightly news and you forget about them, because of the format, because they are just words, you can imagine they are just that, words. It saves you the guilt of sitting back in your lounge while thousands are murdered to fulfil a tyrant's bloodthirsty agenda.


Being confronted with this however, first hand, shocks you in such a way that you dont know how else to react but with hatred and fury. Because most of you have never seen violence, or crime, or brutality or the cruel obcene evil in the hearts of us all. You are angry beause of what you've been shown about the human race, not about any pity for those puppies.

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Does it make me some sort of wierdo or psychopath for not being able to empathise with animals in the way that so many people obviously can? or am I just a bit MORE sane for valuing a human life over that of animals.


Death is death no matter who is involved. However I do shed far more tears when one of my cats dyes, than if one in my family dies. As a matter of fact I don´t realy care about humans who dies. Only animals. Wierdo? I don´t feel like. I wear my feelings on the outside of my body. I am never cold hearted, I just never give a sh*t about what humans do. They can decide for them selves. Animals can not.

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Seemed like the right thing to do with the whale. Better to just kill it outright than to let it slowly die.


I don't see what a more humanitarian solution for the problem would be. It had to be put down, and it'd take a lot more time to cart in some expensive truckload of poison for it.

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Vindekarr: The following 3 paragraphs are quoted from your above post on this thread. (bolding in the first paragraph is mine)


"Nonetheless I had to admit I felt more worried about that girl than I did about the crimes she commited. I just cant understand why people think she deserves to meet such a hideous end for what is a relatively minor crime. Certainly, it's sadistic, monstrous even, but worse actions have happened recently.


"Nobody calls out for blood when fundamentalists in our own home nations spout slogans increasingly, terrifyingly, reminiscent of the nazi's. Nobody calls out for blood when every day people are killed, maimed and raped, their lives and those of their friends and families destroyed. Nobody even gives a damn, because it's happening to some other person they dont know.


And because everyone knows a murder doesnt make the dialy news unless its of a child or large breasted schoolgirl. Nobody seems to give a damn about the crimes humanity commits every day. And yet you scream and howl for obcene violence when a schoolgirl throws puppies into a river? Your idea of justice is laughably unjust-so much so that I pull no punches in saying that."


You are one of my favorite posters on Nexus, but I must take issue with some of what you have said here. I did not watch the video of the girl throwing the puppies; but I know I would have been horrified. I would not however have taken part in any "mob scene" calling for her blood either on the forums or elsewhere, as to do so would have been further incouragement of the exact kind of behaviour in which she had obviously just engaged.


I must disagree that nobody calls out for blood (your words, not mine) when fundamentalists in our own home nations spout slogans increasingly, terrifyingly, reminiscent of the nazi's. Nobody calls out for blood when every day people are killed, maimed and raped, their lives and those of their friends and families destroyed. This is simply not true. The unfortunate fact is that nobody listens. And please, please don't ever again say that nobody even gives a damn, because I am here to tell you that at least one person does!


I'm not sure what news you are listening to/watching or reading and I have no idea about the size of the breasts of the latest schoolgirl murdered in this or any other area, but I assure you that people give a damn about the crimes humanity commits against humanity. And if they didn't get away with it so often, maybe they wouldn't think it was ok to take out their frustrations on innocent children, the elderly and animals who have no way of protecting themselves. I think if you take a step back and look at this issue with a little more of your usual sensitivity you might realize that at least the reaction to the puppy issue had to do with the fact that helpless animals have no way to protect themselves. Humans may have half a chance. Although usually it is the weakest among us who are the prey.


As far as the whale story, your comment to your co-worker was insensitive; but in fact under the circumstances it was most likely the best and safest way to put the animal out of its misery.


Ok, I'm done for now.




And because everyone knows a murder doesnt make the dialy news unless its of a child or large breasted schoolgirl. Nobody seems to give a damn about the crimes humanity commits every day. And yet you scream and howl for obcene violence when a schoolgirl throws puppies into a river? Your idea of justice is laughably unjust-so much so that I pull no punches in saying that.



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look at it this way

if you were terminally ill, and stuck in a big pool of water being watched by aliens, wouldnt you like to go out with a bang?

i myself am an animal lover, they dont insult me, think im a stupid idiot, and they love me back. what more could i ask for from a friend?

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My respect for you ever grows, grannywils.


As does mine. Wise words, grannywils, thank you.


@ Balagor:

Death is death no matter who is involved. However I do shed far more tears when one of my cats dyes, than if one in my family dies. As a matter of fact I don´t realy care about humans who dies. Only animals. Wierdo? I don´t feel like. I wear my feelings on the outside of my body. I am never cold hearted, I just never give a sh*t about what humans do. They can decide for them selves. Animals can not.


Exactly. No matter what or who dies, it all decays and returns to the earth one way or the other. A human death is no more special, except to the people who knew them, than an animal, many species of which do mourn and recognize the death of one of their own.


I much prefer the company of my dog than people. She doesn't judge me, loves me for who I am and doesn't betray my trust. I'm a cat and dog person, I just don't have a cat at the moment. The last one died at 22 years of age.


Does it make me some sort of wierdo or psychopath for not being able to empathise with animals in the way that so many people obviously can? or am I just a bit MORE sane for valuing a human life over that of animals.


This not specifically directed at you Vindekarr, but I have concerns about your post as outlined by grannywils.


I'm not going to go into great detail, been there, done that and was bullied for it(different thread, similar subject), except to say the strong will always prey on the weak and I don't necessarily think humans are the smartest species just because we have opposable thumbs. We, as a species still kill, maim, torture, exploit and disenfranchise the weak whether it's another human, an animal or the environment. I personally believe humans are the worst thing that happened to this planet. We are more likely to destroy it and ourselves rather than reach an enlightened state...or global peace.


I have little respect for the human race as a whole. Let's just say if I came upon a situation where I could save an animal or a person from danger, I would probably save the animal first.


A person who feels no empathy for the weak, especially the so called lesser creatures does have a problem as far as I'm concerned. Caring about animals and the earth is a sign of respect for all life, not just the parts that suit at the time or is in fashion. Without that, we will never evolve further than the warlike sectors of humanity who control the world.

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No, Vin you are not "evil" or whatever. Apathy is something that humans are raised on without realizing it. Apathy for the weak, miserable, sick, it's just human nature as much as my words sound cruel know that I have seen it constantly and it's something that cannot easily change. We only care for ourselves and our wellbeing, others can die for our rise to power. Another reason is that a death of one isn't going to end the world, but the death of many can kill the planet. Animal, human, we are all made of flesh, we all have the same instincts, we all are killers inside us and we are all apathetic inside. Do I feel sorry for the whale? Yes I do, but I think of it this way, it's better to die quick than to suffer constantly when a harpoon is jabbed into you.


I never had an animal as a pet, I don't believe in pets as they are just another way of keeping slaves without calling it that way. The only pet I had was a fish and that only happens around the Persian New Year and even after the new year we release the fish to be free (of course this cannot happen in Australia as you are releasing a pest to the native environment so we don't buy fish anymore). We humans are animals too but we make ourselves feel better by calling ourselves humans who are greater than the rest. There are several species that use tools in their daily life and there are just as many who communicate just like us. We are a primate species that can walk on two legs and have improved their tools, that's all. Nothing special


Sometimes people let their feelings get in their way, and as much as I love animals and the environment (I really do) sometimes we have to do tough things like for example experiment on mice and other domestic animals. Do I like it no, but do you really want to make people sick with something that you don't even know the chance that it will work? Do I want animals to be kept in zoo? No but its the only way to help them with their numbers. Do I think that humans are disgusting pigs, who have no care for everyone but themselves? Yes, but there are people out there who don't fit the bill. We need to think both sides before casting judgment. What you said to her was insensitive but the girl should also stop and think about what she said as well. We are all responsible for our actions and we all should start helping one another to create a better planet because frankly I don't know what else to do.

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